December 25, 2012
24 min
Standoffish, reclusive Shizuku Mizutani cares far more about earning stellar grades than cultivating friendships. But her opinions on friendship and relationships begin to change when she meets habitual truant Haru Yoshida, who happens to have a rather fearsome reputation. Like Shizuku, Haru’s reputation has made it difficult to make friends. And yet through their budding friendship and stirrings of attraction the unlikely pair learns to understand one another, the world around them, and the tenor of their own emotions.
(Source: Sentai Filmworks)
Haru Yoshida
Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Shizuku Mizutani
Haruka Tomatsu
Asako Natsume
Atsumi Tanezaki
Kenji Yamaguchi
Eri Kitamura
Souhei Sasahara
Ryouta Oosaka
Mitsuyoshi Misawa
Tomoyuki Higuchi
Yuuzan Yoshida
Miyuki Sawashiro
Chizuru Ooshima
Kana Hanazawa
Yuu Miyama
Sayuri Yahagi
Masahiro Ayanokouji
Atsushi Abe
Takaya Mizutani
Ayumu Murase
Ryuuji Tomioka
Yuuki Ono
Kyouko Misawa
Ai Orikasa
Takashi Mizutani
Takehito Koyasu
Saeko Ninomiya
Nozomi Sasaki
Junichi Yanagita
Natsue Sasamoto
Yuuichi Iguchi
Yuusuke Shirai
Ryouta Asari
Yuuki Ono
70/100Beautiful portrayal of the awkward puberty period... (French Review)Continue on AniListLa réussite d'un anime du genre, shōjo, dépend essentiellement de la beauté de l'histoire et de la capacité des personnages à se rendre attachant !
En terme de beauté, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun fait fort, visuellement parlant, le character design est magnifique, les personnes sont tous agréables à regarder et dégage une forte présence. L'histoire en elle-même dégage aussi ces moments d'émotions, où les failles des héros nous touchent et l'intensité de leur sentiments nous marque.
Sans être vraiment caricaturaux, les personnages sont extrêmes dans leur réactions, ce qui ajoute souvent à leur intensité. La violence émotionnelle qui se concrétise par des réactions très impulsives physiquement ajoute au personnage sa touche d'innocence, de mystère, mais aussi légèrement choquant et pas forcément dans le bon sens du terme.L’héroïne, Shizuku, obsédée par le résultat de ses études, est tout aussi entière, ferme et constante dans ses décisions. Haru de l’autre côté, est un garçon compliqué, genre hyperactif, socialement maladroit et à la personnalité instable. Ces deux personnages sont marqués par des failles obsédantes nées de leur enfance et ils se retrouvent à devoir finalement se confronter à une réalité plus complexe qu'ils ne pensaient et donc essayer d'assouplir leur mentalité. Des évolutions difficiles qui mettent en évidence l'une des difficultés des relations amoureuses, le décalage entre deux être. être au même moment, au même point, pour pouvoir s'engager sereinement dans une relation.
Après un début très traditionnel de deux collégiens et leur coup de foudre, la relation entre les deux personnages principaux, Shizuku et Haru, prend un tout autre rythme et s’engage dans les montagnes russes de la passion. Si cet anime n’était pas une comédie romantique, ce genre de relation pourrait finir en tragédie absolue et déchirante. Et honnêtement, c’est sans doute le point fort de cet anime: le fait que je pourrais totalement m’imaginer ce genre de clash de personnalités dans la vraie vie, car Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun a ce réalisme qui fait grandement défaut à la plupart des autres shōjo, tout en prenant soin d’éviter le dramatisme et le lugubre par son côté plus léger !!
Le défaut principal de cet anime, est qu'il est totalement inachevé! Des points très importants, primordiaux, ont finalement été laissé de côté après que l'intrigue ait pourtant lourdement insisté sur ceux-là ! On se retrouve avec des trous dans l'histoire, dans la psychologies des personnages ! Et la fin est aussi une non fin, les derniers problèmes avancés ne sont pas véritablement réglés, on ne sait finalement pas où tout cela va nous mener !
Bref, bien que pas exceptionnel, My Little Monster réussit à être touchant et vraiment agréable à visionner. Ce qui est finalement l'enjeu principal d'un anime du genre !!
74/100My Little Monster - So & SoContinue on AniListMy Little Monster surprised me a lot, because I started this series thinking it was just going to be short little anime to pass the time, but I got more than that. If you want the short answer before I go blabbing on, it was a good series and I do recommend people watch this! However there are a few things I'd like to touch on.
The characters were cute, and the style is what I'd expect from this anime. The series main focus seems to be romance, which is a reason I chose to watch My Little Monster, and I'd say the series definitely takes an interesting approach on romance. Watching this was like a rollercoaster, it's up and then it's down. We have one person confessing to the other, and they're shot down, and all the sudden it switches just like that. I appreciate this series emphasis on romance tolerance. It shows that love can still coexist where there is chaos or trouble between two people. I couldn't the amount of times I watched Haru do something completely idiotic, creepy, or just plain ignorant where in real life, I don't think I could handle that person. And yes, while Shizuku does snap at Haru when things become too much, she clearly is still in love with him throughout the entire series. Love prevails, is what I would say to describe My Little Monster.
I didn't particularly like the characters in terms of personalities. They were standard, though Haru stood out, not in a good way (too clingy and ignorant, but nice in the end). Shizuku is stubborn and thinks things can only go when way or another. I think the animes message is a very good one. The only place I think this series falls short is on the ending, and maybe the pacing. The ending was weak, and it was unmemorable. One of the most important things you need to assure that you leave a mark on people with a series like this, is the ending, and My Little Monster harshly failed to deliver in that aspect. Every time Haru and Shizuku met on that stairway, they confessed their love to one or the other, and in the final scene where they met on the stairs, they simply had a cute little interaction and watched a firefly fly away in the distance. That was it. No kiss, nothing interesting. The final episode seemed like a regular episode rather than an ending, and I was disappointed. Another thing was the pacing. The pacing in this anime was too fast. A lot of things happened just in 1 episode, and while that's not terrible and keeps viewers interested in the show, it makes for a somewhat un-explained product that seems rushed. All in the first episode, we went from a lonely girl who only cares about her grades, to a confession from Haru within 15min of the show just starting. And, she's not even against it either. Maybe that's how it's supposed to be, but the pacing was just too much for me.
Overall, it was a good anime. I'm aware the manga has 13 volumes while the series only finished at the 4th volume, so I may just pick this read up if I ever get bored.
Would I recommend this to a friend? Yes, however I would warn about the lukewarm story and unsatisfying ending first.
85/100overall, i would definitely recommend it to my friends only thing is warn them about the pacing of the animeContinue on AniListi loved this anime because it shows the awkwardness during puberty and growing up, and its good for teaching people about setting boundaries and taking time away from that person to work on yourself, the plot could become quite predictable but the fact that it was only 13 episodes was fine, you could probably binge watch the anime in a day but i took a few days to finish it because i wanted to enjoy it more. Secondly, i really liked the fact that the anime almost switched ' gender ' roles, how the boy was the obsessed, soft, loving character and the girl was almost cold, unfeeling and intimidating. The style was pretty, i really personally liked it.
the only thing i didn't quite like about this anime was the personalities, haru was very clingy and whenever shizuku set boundaries he took them way out of proportion and didn't even try and listen / understand, and i wish we could have seen shizuku open up to haru more, even when she would confess she never seemed comfortable with him, she almost seemed like she didnt actually know what she was feeling and i wish she would've opened up more about that.
i also, wish we could've been able to see more backstory of some of the characters, like harus friends and why some of them are so violent and what caused them to be that way, or the backstory of shizukus family to see why her dads shop keeps going under, and why we never got to see her mother because of that, and what made shizuku to grow up to be so cold and unfeeling
the story did get confusing and annoying sometimes, only because they would confess at terrible times and far off from when the other did, this caused the other one to get bored or forget about it and then not know how to feel, which was sad because it would've been nice to see them progress and grow, confess to each other then have a cute loving ending with each other, but the ending was actually just quite unsatisfying but the actual anime makes up for it
the pacing was so fast, just a warning. The first 15 minutes she was a shy, ' study bug ' and then she was now dealing with a guy she met 2 minutes ago confessing to her, which i personally didnt actually mind but it just seemed almost unrealistic because shizuku just kind of accepted it and they were suddenly super close etc.
I am quite new to anime and i would say this is a favourite of mine because im not that fussy about endings, it would just of been so much better with a cuter happier ending, with all the friends haru and shizuku made and grew up and matured with together and maybe even a kiss that they both consented to, instead of haru jumping into one without thinking and shizuku getting flustered. The message is a good one, and i know that a lot of my friends will like it too
ANIME DramaSukitte Ii na yo.
ANIME ComedyLovely★Complex
ANIME ComedyKaichou wa Maid-sama!
ANIME ComedyKimi ni Todoke
ANIME DramaKono Oto Tomare!
ANIME MusicFukumenkei Noise
TV SHORT ComedyNijiiro Days
ANIME DramaAo Haru Ride
ANIME ComedyJaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun
- (3.6/5)
Ended inDecember 25, 2012
Main Studio Brain's Base
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