December 24, 2021
16 min
Episode 1
Onekatsu no Susume & Onekatsu no Susume!
Episode 2
Shuugakuryokou Yarinaoshi

Not available on crunchyroll

85/100peak male fantasy right hereContinue on AniListTag Warning: Lactation
Girls Rush is a hentai of two stories, one is about a latchkey kid who finds a “sugar sister” to help him kill time after school (yeah nothing suspicious or dangerous about that) and the second story is about a girl recouping her high school romcom she was so viciously denied through her bad luck. Overall this is a good hentai to watch if you want something wholesome because believe it or not, that first story isn’t about some shota getting kidnapped, drugged and raped. I kinda got bored and slightly weirded out by the first story but the second story is genuinely sweet and well-paced which brought the score up for me coz you know I love a wholesome hentai. Yeah this hentai is essentially boys getting affection and goddamit if that isn't the male fantasy.
Story and Characters: 6 | 8.5 The first story centers around a neglected kid who’s trying to find an outlet to spend some time after school because his parents don’t love him so he finds a “sugar sister” to give him the love and attention he so desperately craves. Yeah there’s really nothing weird about a presumably middle school kid going over to some random lady’s house so she can pamper him, he is definitely fine. Anyway, she ends up being a super cute and not crazy girl who cooks for him and plays video games with him which is secretly what all males aspire towards so this hentai is really catering towards its target demographic. After all that gaming though, sister wants some compensation and that’s clearly to satisfy her shota complex by fucking the absolute shit out of our MC. After fucking, they decide to go on a date and fuck in a love hotel where he takes the iniative and they fuck like rabbits till he cums bloo - 10/10 whole af. Of course I’m kidding, the story seems a bit rushed to me and the transition from this almost business-like transaction to a relationship gives me an insane amount of whiplash and nothing about this feels all that natural. The MC doesn’t really open up to her about why he even sought out this kind of service and they just go into this really surface level relationship which kinda fails at the point of the hentai. I’d really like it if they cut back on the fucking and added a couple minutes where the characters talked more and there was something more meaningful. Also the lactation was really weird, looks like someone has big mommy issues.
The second story for me is really perfect, it tells the tale of our MC-kun getting ditched after he splurged a ton of money to take a girl out on a weekend getaway to a hot spring, typical women. So, since he’s not made out of money he decides not to waste the trip he already planned and goes ahead alone, already an extremely relatable character. On his way, he runs into his former classmate Tokiko who tried to walk to an inn without a reservation and collapsed out of dehydration, heat exhaustion and starvation. Apparently, she was trying to recreate her school trip since she missed it way back when due to her klutzy character but wouldn’t you know it the inn her class went to isn’t even open anymore. So MC-kun being the humble god that he is, takes her to the inn he’s staying at but another oopsie, the inn is booked up and all the other inns are booked up as well so he decides to share his room with her. Along the way, they start drinking and MC-kun starts getting the hots for her. In the end, through hentai shenanigans they ended up doing the devil’s tango and profess their love for each other and all's well that ends well. MC-kun and the girl got together, Tokiko got to live out the high school memories she missed out on and it just gave me a really good vibe. The story really takes the forefront here as you get to know the characters and MC-kun sees a new side to Tokiko but when they actually get to doing it, it is rewarding as hell. My only gripe with the story is that I'd like to see more of them together because Tokiko is such a goddamn treasure and the MC-kun is flawed enough that he isn’t just some perfect guy, but he does the right thing when the circumstances call for it. By no means is this story perfect, but it gave me a great experience.
Art and Animation: 7.5 While the art and animation look kinda dated, I really digged this vibe way more than the overproduced crap that I am constantly complaining about. While the animation was somewhat reserved, it is still used in a creative enough way that you don’t really feel that it is inferior in quality. While the lactating boobs in the first episode kinda put me off, I couldn’t find anything to complain about in the second episode. Tokiko and the MC had somewhat generic designs but there was a little something extra that made them stand out from being cookie cutter stereotypes both in writing and design. While this won’t blow you away, it really gives you that warm and homey feeling the whole series is trying to convey so it doesn’t let down the whole series.
Wholesome: 8 Fuck this shit is pure diabetes. You’ll just vibe right along and in the post-nut clarity your soul will be filled with warmth rather than looking into that cold, desolate void where your heart should be. Obviously hentai will never replace true human connection, but by golly does this hentai get quite close. While the first episode could’ve gone further, episode two left me with hope that one day a cute girl may fall into my lap as well and I can grasp that high school romance that was so cruelly denied. Don’t let your hentai be dreams boys, seize it.
Enjoyment: 8.5 I think it’s abundantly clear I fucking love this hentai (more so episode two but hey episode one is trying it’s best all things considered). It’s kinda a no brainer to watch this and dammit Tokiko is such a wholesome best girl, all I wanna do is protect and love her. There’s not much to say but go fucking watch this hentai, you won’t regret it.
Notes on scoring :
- Score below 50% is a fail
- Going from 50%, the score of the section’s “badness” exponentially increases so 25% isn’t just half as bad as 50%
Scoring interpretation
- 60% is “barely good enough”
- 70% is “average”
- 80% is “definitely above average”
- 90% is “damn that’s legitimately good”
- 100% is “perfect”
OVA HentaiShoujo Ramune
ONA HentaiAjisai no Chiru Koro ni
OVA HentaiNO Wife NO LIFE!
- (3.3/5)
Ended inDecember 24, 2021
Main Studio Studio 1st
Trending Level 1
Favorited by 76 Users