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May 2, 2019
A not-so-beautiful love story between a woman and a pair of siblings caught in a complex love triangle.
During her monotonous days as a part-timer in a cafe, amateur photographer Hyeon-U meets a beautiful woman named Hui-Eun.
Secretly taking photos of the woman - who appears at the same time and sits in the same place - is the only thing that makes Hyeon-U’s world continue moving. However, after a week of her secret hobby, Hyeon-U’s eyes meet the woman’s across the viewfinder. What will happen to Hyeon-U now?
(Source: POCKET COMICS, edited)
7/100A poorly written mess commentated on by someone who is tired of everythingContinue on AniListSo I must preface this by saying that this isn't a review so much as it is a list of thoughts I had while reading the chapters of this disaster. There are chapters missing and those are mostly just chapters I didn't have enough thoughts to write about. My general thoughts not related to what I was thinking while reading this will be at the end. Enjoy and ofc, spoilers ahead
I couldn't remember the names to save my life so here is a nicknames list.
Mc = Main character aka the photographer
Blonde = Main character's best friend
Pink = Owner of the photography studio
Model = Love interest and center of conflict
Brother = Main character's brother
Rival = Temporary rival of Blonde
Manager = Model’s manager
Mother = Mother of Mc and Brother__
Chapter 1: Mc casually commits a crime in broad daylight and is surprised when she and her giant camera get noticed. Gotta love how she tries to duck behind the counter as if that is at all even kind of subtle.Chapter 2: Mc claims that Model seems to have quite the attitude as if she was not taking photos of her without her consent and Model is so down bad for herself that she sees how good the photos are and immediately drops the idea of just suing the shit out of her.
Chapter 13: Mmm. So far we’ve got a forced kiss from Mc to Model and the absolutely terrible person that is the Model… low hopes. God Model's mouth probably still tastes of Brother’s
nuts.Chapter 16: That dress is hideous and this rivalry/stolen design plot is stupid.
Chapter 17: oh thank god I was worried we might get a redemption ark to enemies to lovers between Blonde and Rival. Also it's still an ugly ass dress design.
Chapter 20: Besides that apparent impending romance between the Blonde and Pink… isn’t what mister incel is doing a crime? Invasion of privacy I’m pretty sure even if he’s a rich boy he can’t actually get away with that. Especially because the Model is high profile. Also apparently blackmail
Chapter 22: Model that’s dumb. You’re rich. Knock their teeth out. They're harassing you anyway. What’re they gonna do, sue you?
Chapter 23: That’s… one way of doing things I guess.
Chapter 24: Lol that’s a dollar store villain origin story if I ever saw one.
Chapter 25: Terrible parenting on the dads’(I do mean plural) parts tbh.
Chapter 27: Can’t blame Mc for hating Brother tbh. Dude dipped at an important moment for a girl he was dating aka Model.
Chapter 29: Dawg… Brother knew their mother beat Mc and he still left her alone to live with her? Yeah nope he can burn.
Chapter 30: Sooo… Brother knew the abuse would continue when he was in college and for some godforsaken reason he left Mc in the house when he got to go to university? Wow that's shit behavior right there.
Chapter 31: Not the try to get along with Mother and don’t say mean shit about her… My brother in Christ she cut through your sister’s face otherwise known as her daughter. She’s insane. No Model. This is not exciting you’re just crazy.
Chapter 32: The Mc has officially cucked Brother… can’t say I feel bad for him. Also the Pink X Blonde I don’t care about is completely unnecessary and I hope they drop it cause they don’t even have chemistry like that.
Chapter 34: This poor Mc attracts so much drama and toxicity… god really said fuck your in particular.
Chapter 35: This Mc… stay gettin hoed by life.
Chapter 36: Frfr not seeing the romance between the Blonde and Pink. Not Model coppin’ attitude now that she’s caught.
Chap 37: Model’s about to have this whole playing with hearts thing bite her in the ass.
Chapter 38: No…Mc’s right Pink definitely had a part in the blame here as when you sign up to play watch dog and keep important secrets like that you automatically become an accomplice. Gotta love how Blonde has been forcing herself into other people’s business but now she’s whining about not being in on wtf is going on. I hate so many of these characters it’s not even funny.
Chapter 39: Mc gets heartbroken and not even two days later she’s considering suicide. I know she has more people in her life that she’s attached to so I refuse to believe that bullshit she was all I had angle. Blonde needs to go away. I don’t like her and she stay bein’ in other people’s business. Encouraging your grieving friend to drink in excess also is not a good idea. I hope this conversation results in a drunk brawl.
Chapter 40: …I know I said I’d like for Blonde to fuck off but why on earth did she let the currently heartbroken, depressed, and drunk Mc wander off into the night by herself? That doesn’t make sense logically or character wise. . Apparently she just… lost the whole drunk. Impressive. Screw all that one sided romance bullshit. Forced to all hell. Also we love a lottle manipulation from Model. Sex with a heavily inebriated person is considered rape right? considering Mc was completely incapable of even typing a proper sentence I am not inclined to believe that she wasn't drunk off her ass and incapable of consent.
Chapter 41: lmao Model is failing miserably.
Chapter 42: So… I still don’t feel bad for Brother. Looks like Model is starting to realize she’s caught feelings but we’re nine episodes from the finale and everything is falling apart and this doesn’t look like anything that could be fixed that quickly. Shaping up to look like another rushed ending.
Chapter 44: Stop forcing the one sided crush Blonde has on Pink down my throat. It’s so damn forced and I hate it.
Chapter 45: Brother needs to just stfu sometimes. He just stays running his mouth. This side plot romance is so fucking annoying.
Chapter 46: I’m so damn tired… just five more nightmarish episodes to go..
Chapter 47: I am.. suffering. This plot is dragging trying to be dramatic. It’s just boring.
Chapter 48: Love how Pink still lets Model take the whole adult woman(Mc) with her. Dude, what happened to your I’m standing up for myself now arc?
Chapter 49: Wow nobody throws tantrums like an adult woman good job Model. Why is Brother against Mc moving out? Dude has been treating her as a burden since she got there.
Chapter 50: bruh. Don’t give your crazy manipulative ex your sister’s new address. It’s not even yours to give out dickweed.
Chapter 51: love how they spent so goddamn long making me watch garbage storylines be built just so they could crush em up and toss them in the trash at the finale. Called the enemies to lovers btw. I was at least wrong about the rushed ending... this didn't feel like an actual ending at all.
Time for the overall thoughts section.
Mc: A rather pitiable fool who keeps getting herself into unfavorable relationships and situations. Some by her terrible luck and some by her own poor choices, an example of her poor decision making being the taking pictures of an unconsenting person and ending up having to work for them or risking getting sued. Tack that onto the fact that she can sometimes be an inconsiderate ass and you've got an overall... 4.8/10 character.
Model: A selfish, narcissistic, manipulative asshole who does it because... idk her dad neglected her? She cheats on both Mc and Brother and lies at every damn turn. I'm sure that she was meant to be unlikeable but the problem was that people around her weren't much better in contrast. Overall a 0.2/10 character. I like her a little more than Brother.
Brother: He's an ass without much of a personality besides being confused on why his sister doesn't like him as he continues with his rampant neglect of her. Maybe he'd have known his girlfriend was cheating on him if he'd given even the slightest shit about his sister. 0.1 /10 character. As a younger sibling I won't stand for that kinda shit.
Pink: A man who thinks that not directly being the one to wrong someone means he is exempt of blame. He doesn't have much to talk about. He's rather inconsiderate and just kind of an ass to Blonde, Brother, and Mc. A real 3/10 he was there I guess kinda character.
Blonde: A real thorn in the side whose importance to the plot was very much just kind of forced in there. Her one-sided crush on Pink was annoying as the creator forced it into the plot and then for no discernible reason paired her up with Rival who got like 1/4th of a chapter's worth of screentime. 5/10 just because she's annoying but not as much as the other folks.
Manager: By far the most enjoyable character in this shitshow by way of doing absolutely nothing and minding her own goddamn business to a degree that none of the other main cast members can manage. She's there for the cast when they need her but she's not constantly prying into their business like Blonde or on occasion Pink. Between a good design and the ability to understand boundaries she's a perfect 10/10 for me. A real ray of sunshine in this nightmare.
Rival: An asshole who stole Blonde's dress design for an important fashion show and almost got her in trouble.... I still don't have a single clue why this girl has more credibility than Blonde considering she was apparently always coming in second place to Blonde which would logically make Blonde more credible but whatever. Apparently second place loser syndrome kicked in for her and she was such a sore loser that she decided to just steal the dress design with minor alterations so she could win for once... Which is a plan that is riddled with holes because apparently that wasn't even the design she started with. She changed the whole design to copy Blonde's and somehow gets in less trouble than Blonde does for plagiarism because logic... and drama. At some point in the future though she and Blonde start dating for some unknown reason. 1/10 A real why'd you even exist character.
Mother: Apparently was abused by her husband and before he started cheating she was still a semi-decent mother and by semi-decent I just mean she didn't beat Mc. She was still putting entirely too much pressure on an elementary schooler to grow up. Then Mother finds out the Father has been cheating and let the child abuse begin! Terrible person. 0/10
I'm not one for character analysis but I think this is pretty good summary of these characters, their flaws, and why I don't fucking like them.
You already saw my thoughts on the story... I didn't like it. Wasted my time with romances and crushes that went nowhere. It dragged on for entirely too long then hit with one of the least satisfying endings I've seen in a while... and by a while I mean like maybe a week or two. My disappointment wasn't too bad because I got about halfway through the series before any and all hopes or expectations I had died and I realized this probably wasn't going to be enjoyable. I was right. Overall maybe a... 1.1/10 story.
The eyes are constantly wonking out and half the time everyone looks like they have a lazy eye. The expressions are sometimes super stiff during important moment. The anatomy can get kinda weird at a moments notice and the hands are by far the biggest offenders of looking absolutely fucked up during important moments as the fists are usually just all kinds of messed up looking. For a webtoon about a model and people who are in the fashion business the outfits can be just absolutely atrocious sometimes but that's probably just a personal thing. Overall 2.7/10.
This series gets a nice 0.7/10 for wasting my time.
MANGA ComedyBlooming Sequence
MANGA ComedyUrijibe Nolleowa!
MANGA DramaNetsuzou Trap: NTR
- (2.7/5)
Ended inMay 2, 2019
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