June 24, 2022
24 min
It’s love at first sight for Fudo and Desumi, except it was during a battle of life and death. Fudo, leader of the hero squad Gelato 5, and Desumi, the Death Queen of the evil society Gekko, have found themselves caught in a forbidden love—and it’s their first relationship! Moving in secrecy, they live holding hands with one weapon in the other, finding out what’s truly fair in love and war.
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Desumi Magahara
Ikumi Hasegawa
Fudou Aikawa
Yuusuke Kobayashi
Kiki Majima
Kana Hanazawa
Haru Arisugawa
Rina Hidaka
Misaki Jinguuji
Nene Hieda
Kyouko Kuroyuri
Hisako Kanemoto
Daigo Todoroki
Junji Majima
Anna Houjou
Ayane Sakura
Mao Ichimichi
Urami Magahara
Chinami Hashimoto
Nashiko Momotsuki
Kira Sanzugawa
Miyuki Sawashiro
Big Gelato-hakase
Culverin Bear
Hiroki Yasumoto
Hayato Oujino
Kazuyuki Okitsu
Drone Rabbit
Kana Ichinose
Catapult Snake
Sayaka Kaneko
Fudou no Haha
Marie Miyake
Bosslar Daisoutou
Tomokazu Sugita
Ultimate Phantom
Desumi no Chichi
Kenji Hamada
Desumi no Haha
Yuka Iwahashi
Matchlock Eagle
Hikaru Midorikawa
Fumihiko Tachiki
60/100"Power Rangers + Rival Romance..."Continue on AniListhttps://anilist.co/anime/132010/Love-After-World-Domination/ ...* But it isn't too good*. Tokusatsu with a twist 2 minutes in, and you perfectly know how the show going to be. Under the cherry blossom trees, a tsundere offers her homemade cookies with slight cleavage, to a guy in tight red suit & he accepts them, all the while a battle between your favorite fruit-colored rangers and some skull-masked goons happens in the background equipped with flashy guns, punches and tight suits.
Love After World Domination (LAWD) is about "Desumi Magahara", the Death princess of an evil organization known as 'Gekko' & "Fudo Aikawa", the leader of the Gelato 5 hero squad which opposes Gekko. Despite being rivals, they end up falling in love with each other and now, they have to progress their forbidden love story while still keeping it a secret from the entire world.Uninterrupted Romance Excluding 2 certain episodes, what LAWD does well is give a good old romance. Instead of prolonging a confession, it dives directly into the relationship aspect and just lets it sail with the last episode being one amazing moment. There aren't any irritating love triangles that last forever or anything like that. Just your cute & sweet, uninterrupted and wholesome romance. If you're here for that then you'll be pleased. Those 2 episodes though, actually are a bit rushed and interrupt this main romance, even though it tried to force development on 2 characters.
Lacking in Tokusatsu The rival element isn't interesting one bit. It feels more like two working companies competing with each other rather than "Good vs Evil" organizations, like we should've seen in a Power Rangers setting. It's boring. The characters aren't anything special either. Desumi has some level of depth but apart from her, everyone (including Fudo) are just the same old stupid characters with same old archetypes you see in every other romance setting. Comedy? Yeah, it's not unfunny. Some facial expression and Fudo's "Oh.. How Cute!" can be found adorable but it wasn't that funny. There are some bright fights here & there to please the fans but wasn't enough. The opening & especially ending are really cute.
Conclusion What LAWD should've done, is to maintain a balance between tokusatsu & romance but what it became? A romance with a Tokusatsu cover. Apart from the somewhat of a unique setting, there isn't anything unique in execution. The elements are as generic as a high school romance (Dates + Study Sessions + Beach Episodes + Cultural Episodes... You should get the drill). And there really isn't anything going on other than that.
For romance fans, this'll be a treat. But for people who were baited with the power rangers plot, it'll be a bit disappointment. Sheggz
75/100A breath of fresh GELLLLAAAATTTTOOOOOOOOContinue on AniListAn anime that I was quite excited for last season but had no clue that I'd love it this much.
Love After World Domination (LAWD, cause I'm not typing that again) follows the love affair of 2 high school students in love on the opposite sides of a Super Sentai. One the fearless, strong and dense leader of the GEELLLAAATTOOOOO (this is how you should say it) 5 and the other a cutie who was blessed with the power to possibly conquer the world if she tried, maybe. They unfortunately have to keep their relationship a secret, with only one having a secret identity, and its the bad guy. Not normally the case but it works.
This is the easiest part. They shouldn't be together but they are and are trying to hide it from their peers. 1 finds out but doesn't say anything and apparently the green ranger is her sensei. not a bunch of twist but it plays on everyone kinda knows everyone and it makes for good dynamics. Is it a complicated story? nah, just good old fun.
The Villain syndicate is basically team rocket refresh that kinda slaps. I think they get paid which is hilarious but phenomenal. Villains clock in a treat it like a job and its cool that they get families and to be regular people outside of getting whooped.The dynamic between the main couple works so well for it more "serious moments" or for when their just being cute idiot teens in love.
It's 12 episodes so there isn't a bunch of development for everyone, just troupe-y additions who do their part. Only Desumi really has any major development, and its just her learning that her bf loves her. So don't expect deep back stories, just funny ones.
With that said I really liked most of the characters, no one is annoying enough for you to not enjoy it. The Blue ranger is a cliché and I love it, the green is straight laced, pink is cute but she's out shun by Desumi and yellow, well i wish she'd text back.
The villain lair is just as hilarious as each princess (yeah, wild) has a senior beast and its such a fun dynamic hearing them banter. again it all makes for good fun.Design & Animation
It's okay. the animation that is. its nothing mind blowing and has a moment of "oh that was kinda clean" and the just "ooff". The character designs aren't the best either but they sure sentai'd. looks like how you'd expect. what you see in the trailer is what you get. However boy do they draw 'em thiccc. They use 'ecchi' well in this, not over the top, no you almost saw me naked. just she this and here some cleavage. its not done in a gross way but if you find it off-putting I wouldn't be surprised or would I blame you.
This is a nice watch if your just looking for something to keep your company. It's not boring (to me), it doesn't insist on it self and the humor isn't academy award winning but ,its good for quite a few chuckles and won't leave you feeling like you wasted your time. (I think, this is all my taste anyway). really tried not to spoil anything but hopefully they do a dub where you can watch in the background. I feel it maybe more enjoyable that way if you're not super into sentai or romcoms.
88/100"Pretty good" goes a long way in this cute romance that was just what I needed.Continue on AniList.
Guess who's back.
Back again.
Pockey's back.
Tell a friend.
As you may have noticed, I've decided to be a bit more selective with the animanga I review. This poses the question: why this?
Well, dear reader, for good two months, I felt like an utter sack of shit. Neither watching nor reviewing anime were anywhere near the top of my priorities. Now, I've recently started the next installment of a beloved series, I'm considering finally getting around to watching more Gundam, and I'm gearing up for a pretty packed summer. What connects these two moments was the show I'm reviewing now, Love After World Domination.
World After World Domination centers on Fudo, the leader of the sentai-esque group known as Gelato 5, and Desumi, a general of a supervillain group with aims of world domination — Gekko. As per their positions, Fudo and Desumi are sworn enemies, destined to do battle time and time again, gaining and losing ground in the eternal battle of good vs. evil. In short, it makes date night a bit awkward. Because unbeknownst to Gelato 5 nor Gekko, Desumi and Fudo are dating. The show is focused on the couple's attempts to keep their forbidden romance under wraps and the shenanigans that ensue. We watch as Desumi and Fudo sneak away from fights to hang out, don disguises during downtime to go on dates, and help one another deal with the pressures of their careers.
While the premise is certainly interesting, it's not phenomenal. On paper, Love After World Domination is a cute romcom, nothing more, nothing less. But the magic is in the execution. None of the parts that make up Love After World Domination are exceptional, but they're each lovely enough to make a very pleasant whole.
Take something as simple as Desumi and Fudo's relationship. Our two leads are established as a couple in the first episode, sparing us the agony of watching countless episodes of people we know will get together and make piecemeal progress towards a foregone conclusion.
Like an infomercial, I'm here to tell you, "but wait, there's more!" Love After World Domination not only treats us to an established relationship, but it treats us with a well-written established relationship. Too often, romantic comedies derive their conflict from misunderstandings that are intended to be comedic but come across as anything but. These misunderstandings generally pit the two leads against one another until they actually talk things out at the end of the episode. Thanks to the show's premise, this frustrating trope isn't possible here. By and large, Fudo and Desumi must juggle their love lives on top of their duties to make sure their respective groups don't catch wind of their relationship. Ergo, the conflicts are largely external instead of internal, necessitating the need to work together to overcome their problems. While it might not sound like much, this really goes a long way in helping me believe that these two people can function as a couple. There are several instances where we look to be heading in tropey, cliche direction (such as an episode in which someone attempts to make it seem as though Fudo is cheating on Desumi), only for our leads to actually communicate with one another, diffusing the situation. It's not only a breathof fresh air, but it's executed in such a way that gives the show a subtle swagger — it knows it's a breath of fresh air.
The nature of the conflict and how it relates to Desumi and Fudo's relationship also goes a long way in creating jokes that are actually funny. I can't help but laugh when Desumi and Fudo are in some abandoned building having a loving chat, only for Desumi to begin beating him senseless for show as their comrades find them. Is it silly? For sure, but rom coms are supposed to be silly. It's all about creating comedy in a way that doesn't hurt the romance, and Love After World Domination succeeds.
But don't go thinking it's all fluff. Believe it or not, amidst this lighthearted comedy, we do get some fairly poignant bits of internal struggle. Take episode six, for example. In it, Desumi is offered the chance to turn into a monster, which would make her stronger. Desumi not wanting to turn into a monster is obviously a metaphor for not wanting a promotion. The show handles this well, too. Yeah, you know a mile away that she isn't going to go for it, but the beauty is the reason why. Another show would frame her decision to not get the promotion exclusively as wanting to stay with her boyfriend, here the fact that she wouldn't be able to partake in her interests — such as painting her nails and knitting — is the core reason why she declines the transformation.
The final point of praise I'll heap on the relationship is how organic it feels in terms of development. They become more comfortable with one another in the course of a single-cour anime and this feels huge. Plus, they're actually affectionate toward one another instead of practically dying of embarrassment when they brush shoulders.
The characters themselves aren't terribly deep, but they work well enough for the show they're in. Speaking of the characters, I was pleasantly surprised by how much focus some of the secondary characters received.
That said, the focus could definitely be lopsided, with Desumi's allies getting more focus than Fudo's. In fact, I'd say Desumi's side was given more spotlight as a whole. Her organization is more fleshed out than Fudo's and Fudo is often helping her more than vice-versa. It's nice seeing him help get her out of her shell, but if there's a second season, I'd hope we get to see more of a balance.
The most contentious element of this show is probably the fanservice. Desumi has a sexualized outfit, complete with a garterbelt and plenty of skin. It definitely errs towards NSFW but, I don't know, I found it tasteful, all things considered? The camera work itself is rarely leery, feeling less like she's made to be gazed upon by a salivating outfit and more she's just a woman who happens to have an appealing outfit. Your mileage will obviously vary. I've become desensitized to fanservice and I've been called a pervert for liking her outfit
¯\(ツ)/¯All in all, this is a cute show that can back up its heart with wit. Love After World Domination probably won't blow you away, but it might just surprise you, and if you're anything like me, it'll be good enough to make you smile.
ANIME DramaRomeo x Juliet
ANIME ActionDokyuu Hentai HxEros
ANIME AdventureMaoyuu Maou Yuusha
TV SHORT ComedyTentai Senshi Sunred
ANIME ActionYoru no Yatterman
- (3.65/5)
Ended inJune 24, 2022
Main Studio project No.9
Trending Level 1
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Hashtag #恋せか