September 30, 2021
24 min
Sequel to Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou.
Rika Furude
Yukari Tamura
Rena Ryuuguu
Mai Nakahara
Shion Sonozaki
Satsuki Yukino
Mion Sonozaki
Satsuki Yukino
Satoko Houjou
Mika Kanai
Keiichi Maebara
Souichirou Hoshi
Hanyuu Furude
Yui Horie
Miyo Takano
Miki Itou
Kuraudo Ooishi
Noriko Hidaka
Kyousuke Irie
Toshihiko Seki
Jirou Tomitake
Tooru Ookawa
Rumiko Chie
Fumiko Orikasa
Tatsuyoshi Kasai
Fumihiko Tachiki
Akane Sonozaki
Kikuko Inoue
Teppei Houjou
Katsuhisa Houki
Rina Mamiya
Misa Watanabe
Aiko Maebara
Naoko Matsui
Reiko Ryuuguu
Harumi Sakurai
Ichirou Maebara
Yasunori Matsumoto
Daiki Tomita
Megumi Matsumoto
Kiichirou Kimiyoshi
Fumito Yamano
Yasunori Ryuuguu
Hiroshi Yanaka
Satoshi Houjou
Yuu Kobayashi
Mamoru Akasaka
Daisuke Ono
30/100A story stuck on a broken record.Continue on AniListThis review contains spoilers for Higurashi I’d recommend reading my review of Gou (click here to read it) to better understand my positions on this series. Sotsu has made many areas of it age like slim milk, but it describes my general feelings of Gou and my expectations going into this.
Out of literally any piece of media that I have experienced, and even those that have been released, the existence of Higurashi Sotsu stands out as a strange anomaly. A sequel to Higurashi, which already had a perfect conclusion with the end of Kai/Festival Accompanying, would strike many people as pointless. There have been sequels to anime that have already had perfect endings before, but in the way that Sotsu does it, there is nothing that is comparable. This is the point where the marketing of the series comes in, since it is basically inseparable from the season that it's attached to. The bait and switch with the lead on that it was a followup to Higurashi Gou, the season that started the new 2020 sequel of Higurashi to continue the story ended off by Higurashi Rei. Instead it ended up being an extended recap of the first four arcs of Gou that told the viewers nothing of substance with only two episodes of an actual sequel at the end. That is it. There is no silver lining. There is no second cour to save it all. That is what Sotsu is plainly.
I really don’t want to come off as someone who hates this series just because or somebody who finds no appreciation in When They Cry. My review linked above should show that I really like Gou even despite all of its problems. Even now, post-Sotsu, I still wouldn’t change my score from what it is right now. Even if it probably defies the reasonable part of me, the second cour leaves such a lasting impression in my mind that I really can’t hate it. The expectations that I had going into this were insurmountable with how much affinity I had for both Gou and the original series. You can even see that optimism in my review.
”...the revelations involving the point of the existence of this entire season have been so well handled by the final arc of this season, that I barely have any worries about how Sotsu will go about handling the act of providing answers.”
sometimes i wish i could erase my memories and just go back to june 2021 when i was ignorant of what would soon come My optimism quickly became thoroughly crushed as most of the series became relegated to recapping things that I had already seen twice before. Sotsu recaps Gou’s first four arcs with changes that are inconsequential in progressing the story or further developing characters than what is surface level. But just saying that it is bad purely because it recaps ignores the finer details. When actually breaking down Sotsu’s arcs, most of it is actually composed of new content. Recapping even as a concept isn’t something new to Higurashi. One of Higurashi’s best arcs, Meakashi-hen, recaps Watanagashi-hen for a lot of its story. In a more comparable example, Gou pulled a very similar trick for its first three arcs, and while those arcs are still questionable in terms of quality, there is still an ocean of difference in storytelling of Gou’s recaps to Sotsu’s recaps. Sotsu's recapping problem isn’t a problem of the recapping itself. Rather, it ends up being such an issue due to it being a culmination of multiple core issues that made the story irreparably broken from the very start.
The biggest positive take away from both Gou and Sotsu is the interweaving character arcs of Satoko and Rika. The deep dive that Nekodamashi-hen and Satokowashi-hen took into the two of them made a lot of what Gou does best at. After Gou though, there was only so much room that the story could take for the two of them. After those two arcs, the two characters were nearing the end of their character arcs. Gou was setting up Sotsu to conclude their arcs, but there was a major problem. With Sotsu’s 15 episode length, the series can’t stall Satoko and Rika’s growth to the point of unwatchability. Looking back on the original series, this issue seems irrelevant. While each story arc usually centered around one character, overall, it was about the people of Hinamizawa. The ensemble cast of Higurashi is part of the reason why it even works so well. Beyond all of the gore and horror, there is a unifying message of friendship and community that the relationships of every character helps to truly sell. Keiichi, Rena, Mion, and Shion along with Satoko and Rika share equal parts in what makes Higurashi what it is. With this fact in mind, it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume that Sotsu’s purpose was to justify the inclusion of the rest of the gang in the story. Sotsu does in fact try to go in this direction for most of its episodes. However, it fell completely short of justifying it.
Aside from time spent on Satoko and Rika, Sotsu’s first two arcs, Oniakishi-hen and Wataakishi-hen are dedicated to showing Rena and Mion’s descent at the hands of Hinamizawa syndrome. This shouldn’t be an immediate problem, but it does come off as unoriginal as Rena had already gone through the syndrome in Tsumihoroboshi-hen. Mion going through her fits of paranoia on the other hand isn’t something the series has dipped into before. It is in the execution where things start to falter. In Oniakishi-hen, Rena doesn’t experience a new dive into insanity. Instead, she experiences events that read like a hybrid of Oniakishi-hen and Tsumihoroboshi-hen. While this wouldn’t immediately catch a viewer as something wrong in a vacuum, where things start to become far more egregious is with Wataakishi-hen. Since Mion hadn’t gone through the syndrome, she had the most potential of having a story be something that was truly unique. Instead of something truly tailored to her character, she gets an arc very similar to Shion’s in Meakashi-hen but instead of Satoshi, Mion goes crazy over Keiichi. Even though they are twins, Shion and Mion are very different characters. The massive gap between their personalities should say that by itself. To see Mion go through an arc so similar to her sister’s shows a disregard for what potential a story where she is the one taken over by paranoia can have. The existence of Hinamizawa syndrome plaguing someone usually shows the deepest insecurities of a character that get revealed more and more as they succumb to it. This complex nature of the syndrome gets lost in Wataakishi-hen since it shows a very simplistic outlook on Mion’s character that conflicts with what she actually would be like.
Aside from the lack of respect to Rena and Mion being shown here, these two arcs don’t really reveal much in terms of new story details. A lot of the reveals from these arcs are shallow mysteries that could easily be understood by Gou’s reveal of Satoko being a villain. The reveals given are usually ones that can only lead to mild satisfaction rather than something that can carry a story. In a series previously flourishing with bombastic unpredictable moments, the series quickly becomes something that is a boring predictable slog. Up until the series caught up to post-Gou Episode 17, it only really took a little bit of thinking to what the series would mostly be made up of for the first 13 episodes. The first 56 seconds of a meme video predicting the plot of Sotsu below that released after Gou ended shows this accidentally showed Sotsu’s predictability.
this video contains some umineko spoilers after 0:56 if you don’t want to see it The first 56 seconds were created in a very non-serious manner. But it also provides a look into the mentality of many of what Sotsu was going to be in between the last episode of Gou and the first episode of Sotsu. While we may have expected a recap of this nature, the expectation more relied on it being something very quick. But with how the meme plays out, it unintentionally achieves just as much plot progression as Sotsu does in its first 13 episodes. While a lot of the details are incorrect, it doesn’t end up mattering by the end. Since most of the reveals in the first 13 episodes end up being so inconsequential, the end result of the first half of the meme and the first thirteen episodes of the show end up being nearly identical. The general events of Sotsu are a skeleton of a much larger story. It is easy to see what that skeleton was going to be after watching Gou. This skeleton needed flesh and tissue to this skeleton for it to even function. Sotsu ended up just being the skeleton. With only bones and nothing else. With the barren skeleton of Sotsu, it may not technically be a full recap of Gou’s first few arcs, but it may as well have been.
After Oniakishi-hen and Wataakishi-hen came Tatariakishi-hen. It ended up being more of the same as the first two arcs. In terms of every arc that came before the events of Gou Episode 17, this was probably the best one. It should be noted though, that is only on account for it primarily featuring Satoko, who at this point is one of the only interesting characters left. Even then though, her character development stalls until the end of Episode 10 where one Sotsu's actual moments of intrigue occurs. She isn’t in a position for her character to progress far ahead yet, so she stays static for the most part aside from the aforementioned end of Episode 10. Teppei isn’t that interesting compared to Gou, since most of what made him intriguing in this series happened in Gou Episode 23. With that mini redemption arc over, he doesn't exactly have much to grow past that. While I am glad that the framework set up by Gou made his turn to a good guy make sense, that doesn’t stop Sotsu from feeling dry when developing him. Ooishi suffers from a similar problem as Mion in Wataakishi-hen but to a less disrespectful degree. Ooishi under Hinamizawa syndrome is more just a surface level understanding of what he probably would do when affected rather than a new interesting direction for his character. At least there wasn’t a fundamental misunderstanding as to who they are unlike Mion. Tatariakishi-hen doesn’t introduce any more problems, but it just continues old ones. This can also be applied to the first half of Kagurashi-hen. In my personal experience of the arc, Tatariakishi-hen represented the point as to where I realized that this season was going to fall remarkably under my expectations no matter what happened. There was nothing much to do but wait for the end where something good may actually happen.
When looking at it all back, it becomes extremely hard to either justify why or explain how this even happened. Why would Sotsu slow its plot into oblivion to the state that it is like this? This can be drawn down to Sotsu’s converging priorities. With how characters other than Rika and Satoko are treated in Sotsu, it is clear that there is little interest in developing anybody else except for them. On the other hand, the series is also aiming to be similar to the original Higurashi, by being in the same general location of Hinamizawa as well as the month of June 1983 for a plurality of the runtime. This desire for familiarity is what I assume led to the conspicuous marketing of Gou as well as Gou’s first cour being composed of arcs that draw most of their plot from arcs that already happened. A familiar setting for Higurashi also will naturally require the ensemble cast of Higurashi to primarily be featured. This is where these two goals start to clash. With the apparent lack of interest in anybody except for Satoko and Rika, there would be no way for the familiar setting of Hinamizawa to work well with the story being told. Since Hinamizawa is linked to the people that live there, setting a story in Hinamizawa would mean to show the stories of those residents as well. However, the story doesn't care to do so, leaving the plot in a predicament that could only end in absolute failure. Gou managed to circumvent this by mostly setting Satokowashi-hen outside of Hinamizawa and having its first cour have at the very least, a slight allure of mystery. By Sotsu, this house of cards completely collapses in on itself. The story has to include Rena and Mion arcs, but it gives off the impression that it doesn't care enough to truly invest the effort into making those arcs truly worthwhile.
After the grueling slog of Episodes 1-13, Episode 14 actually manages to be something exciting for once. Finally the continuation of the series after Nekodamashi. This episode actually manages to capture the quality of the second cour of Gou in just one concentrated instance. But if there is one image that can describe Sotsu’s main problems, it is this one.
It depicts one of the bouts of Satoko and Rika as they clash with Onigari-no-ryuuou. As good as this moment is for both Satoko and Rika, there is nobody on screen except for the two of them. As a matter of a fact, throughout all of the fragments where they fight, other characters don’t appear in all but one. The junkyard at this point is an empty stage just to serve in this battle. As good as this episode is, it can’t save what is already here. Episode 14, and I’d even say Episode 15, were each very good episodes. I feel extremely satisfied with the conclusion for the two of them, no matter how flawed it is. However, Sotsu’s primary purpose was not to make the last two episodes good. After Gou, that became nearly guaranteed. Sotsu’s purpose was to justify the existence of everything outside of that. But it failed to do that purely because it didn’t care enough to actually do so.
I usually like to end negative reviews like these on a hopeful note, but for the longest time, the series screwing itself up this badly near the finish line made it hard to hope for this type of thing. Against all odds though, there is something to hope for.
The Higurashi Gou manga is diverging from the anime. After Nekodmashi, instead of Satakowashi, there is going to be an alternative story, called Higurashi Jun. Maybe it is just that this series has conditioned me to pray for miracles, but I have hope for this. From the little I know about the Gou manga, I know that it at least goes on a far more focused course than its anime counterpart. My hope is that the manga can provide a better resolution for what Gou had set up to provide an emphatic conclusion that a series like this needs. I need at least something to reinvigorate my passion for this show again.
But ignoring the manga, Sotsu has to be one of the most underwhelming anime that I have ever seen. It is torn between two different goals that end up ripping itself apart. It has no regard for characters other than the ones that it wants to develop. It stalls to such an extreme that any good qualities that it has get severely dampened. It was facing tragedy, and did absolutely nothing to stop it. As it stands, this series is broken. And with the high hopes I had going into this, that is very disappointing.
Thank you for reading to the end of the review if you did. If you have any criticisms of how this review was made, you are free to message me or reply to this activity to critique what I had to say.
Also, please don’t like or dislike the review without reading it.
50/100This is the most disappointed I've been in an anime since Darling in the Franxx.Continue on AniListI want to preface this by saying this is not going to be some fancy review that goes in depth about the inner themes of Higurashi or whatnot. I'm just someone who watched the original Higurashi anime and loved it and went on to read the authors other VN Umineko and loved that more than any other piece of fiction and want to express my immediate thoughts after watching the final episode of Sotsu. Spoilers of course.
Man, What the fuck is this? How do you spend 99% of the show rehashing the same exact scenes from Gou and then actually give us only 2 episodes of actual new story and rush through everything thats actually important? Is this ending supposed to be good? None of this was earned.
For weeks I and many others thought Sotsu being only 15 episodes must be a ruse, that they'll pull a Gou and have a secret arc or that it'll end with an announcement for another season or movie because as they were going it became more and more clear that in no way could they wrap everything up. Why does Sotsu spend so much of its little time reusing scenes but when it came to actual mysteries or new content like Satoko injecting people or everything post-gun scene they rush through it and pretty much tell us not to think about it? Not to think when forcing us to think about every little detail is R07's entire thing.
So much is just left unresolved. What about that scene near the end of Gou or start of Sotsu where Satoko is talking to Eua about how Keiichi and Takano were going to be very important pieces going forward? Nothing ever happened with that. They made Satoko the main character but did NOTHING with Irie or Satoshi or Shion all of whom are important in one way or another to Satoko and they were practically not even in the show. What about how the show kept brining up how more and more people were gaining memories of other loops? They hinted at this as being more and more important and just...nothing ever becomes of it. Yeah Satoko's uncle becomes nice and thats it. And even thats just used as a plot device to show how Satoko got the gun. Remember when we all thought Rena seeing everything at the end of Tatariakashi-hen would amount to something? What about the obvious and constant parallels between this and Umineko? The show shoved down our throats themes about witches and about miracles and certainty and...nothing became of that either! I remember the line where Satoko thought all the fragments were no more than like dreams and none of them matter as soon as she leaves them and thinking that Satoko would eventually get her comeuppance when she realized that those worlds DO matter and are not just dreams. But NOPE no such thing even happens. Satoko spends centuries watching Rika's struggles and then plotting and planning and murdering all her friends over and over and at the end its all okay because Rika forgives her? That such a cop out holy shit. Shes never held responsible for any of her actions. Rika never even acknowledges that Satoko ruined the ending they worked hard for after 100+ years of suffering or anything shes done at all, all the actual important parts are ignored for the sake of talking about studying.
The entire fight between Eua and Hanyuu just...stops. She becomes a loli and then leaves and thats it. The entire fight between Rika and Satoko just....stops. Keiichi, Mion and Rena talk to them and then Rika leaves to go about to St. Lucia and thats it. Its like the writers just gave up.
The original Higurashi spent 10 episodes setting up the main culprit and resolving everything and wrapping up the story nicely. All questions were answered and the story concluded. Sotsu just sits on its ass for 13 episodes and has 2 episodes that actually continued the story 1 of which was all DBZ fight scene and now this rushed ending where nothing is deserved. What was the point of ANY of this? Its not like they're was a mystery or answers in Sotsu as the answer was revealed to us halfway through Gou.
The end of the episode with "You" playing and showing everyone from the series(even if they pretty much didn't even appear in Gou and Sotsu) makes me WANT to enjoy this, Sotsu wants me to feel emotional and have a sense of closure for the series as a whole but its failed in every possible way because it didn't earn this. This ending wasn't earned.
This is immensely frustrating and disappointing. I can not understate how disappointed I am. What the fuck Ryukishi?
65/100Spoiler Free Review: Graduation With a Rough ConclusionContinue on AniListKinda hard to go into detail with a spoiler free review so if you want to hear my thoughts on each episode you can find them all here along with my thoughts on the rest of the series.
Easily my most anticipated show this year, Higurashi Gou pulled me into the franchise and got me to experience the original Higurashi and I came out a massive fan and Gou only made me a bigger fan. But I'm not a blind fan that's for sure and Sotsu has honestly been so painfully disappointing, it's decline in quality is crystal clear now. Gou set up it's first three questions arc very well, it was a bit slow but the end was always so shocking to see and once we got to the Gou answer arc I was nothing short of amazed with how great the story still was. And yet when it was the question arc's from Gou's turn to get answered Sotsu answered them in the most boring way possible. They all feel the same now since how the characters get infected with the virus are the exact same throughout each arc. It's not as fun and engaging anymore since the answer is so plain and we've already seen the results of each arc to so there isn't much to gain by seeing a characters different perspective that is also barely different from the original perspective.
Quite honestly these answer arc's are making me realize now that Gou's questions arcs besides the last one were not done very well, whether they showed too much or just weren't written well maybe both I'm not sure of completely but with these answer arc's it's became so obvious that their isn't much else to add to them. Really thinking about it now, did we even need to go back at all? Once we got our one big answer to whodunnit we could easily fill in the rest on our own disregarding just one character this season spent building up. The only arc we went back to in the original series was Watanagashi just as Meakashi and was an arc that added so much to the story, every other answer arc from the original was new, Tsumihoroboshi, Minagoroshi, and Matsuribayashi all had new stories that still answered questions from previous arcs and I think if Gou/Sotsu was handled like this along with actually remembering it's other characters and having them involved more with the story you'd hear a lot more positive things about these two. But Sotsu tried to replicate Meakashi direction in going back to an arc to give it more depth and it didn't turn out well for it. Not helping Sotsu's case was how each arc was handled, Sotsu had 15 episodes to answer off everything else the series had remaining and myself and the fans were not buying that shit.
It just didn't seem that likely to happen, still with how well Gou was handled I held out hope that maybe they could get their shit together and make each revisit short and sweet so we could get into the new strictly new content faster. That didn't happen until episode 14, the first three Gou answer arc's took up over half of the seasons run time. This only happened by showing too many scenes from Gou and stretching things out with bad slow pacing that did nothing but worsen the season. The only decent pacing was for the first answer arc, 3 episodes that's it but even then it could've been shortened into 2 if they gave more of a shit. And I do want quickly address this since I know it's often brought up but Umineko, Ryukishi07's other series. Do you need to read it to make Gou/Sotsu a better viewing experience? No. Going through Umineko really only gives you a better idea of how Sotsu will play out and even then that isn't until the very end of the season. Reading Umineko does nothing to enhance Sotsu's overall quality but you should still check it out Umineko it's amazing.
With Sotsu being the way it is it became harder to enjoy the series and this is as someone who has Higurashi as their 2nd favorite anime. I may of just gotten into the series almost a year ago but I adore this franchise now and it honestly hurts a little to be this harsh and critical of it. Though not to say the season was complete shit, I still enjoyed watching this and it did have some great moments. The end of episode 8, the second half of episode 10, and all of episode 14 (I'll get back to you) all had moments I loved.
It's just the overall package is not what I expected from this franchise, I may of had my expectations to high sure but to those who've gone through the series and Ryukishi07's other series can at least attest that my expectations for a series that has When They Cry in its title are gonna be a bit higher then other series. But my expectations sure were met completely with Episode 14, easily the most split I've seen a fanbase be in a while. People either loved it or hated it saying that the series no longer felt the same anymore, I'm sure you can guess with how I brought this up I loved it. Though I can completely understand why others say it doesn't feel the same anymore but I like to think of it as the series is growing and it's changing cause of that, I'm sure a lot of people will disagree with me there and that's fine but I still wanted to mention the episode regardless.
Overall Higurashi Sotsu is held back by it's unsatisfying answers to it's mystery, reused scenes about half of them didn't even need to be there, and stretching things out with bad pacing resulting in a more unfinished finale with a lot of unanswered questions. But I still could find enjoyment in the season despite how disappointed I was with its quality.
ANIME DramaSteins;Gate
ANIME HorrorGakkou Gurashi!
OVA ComedyJigoku Koushien
ANIME DramaJigoku Shoujo
- (3.2/5)
Ended inSeptember 30, 2021
Main Studio Passione
Favorited by 494 Users
Hashtag #ひぐらし業 #ひぐらし卒