November 30, 2021
4 min
Interactive collaborative multimedia music project between DECO*27 and Takuya Yamanaka.
The list of released videos included in this entry are as follows:
1) Es - Undercover (エス - アンダーカバー), May 15, 2020.
2) Haruka - Weakness (ハルカ - 弱肉共食), Jun 12, 2020.
3) Yuno - Umbilical (ユノ - アンビリカル), Jul 17, 2020.
4) Fuuta - Bring It On (フータ - 事変上等), Sep 18, 2020.
5) Muu - After Pain (ムウ - アフターペイン), Oct 16, 2020.
6) Shidou - Throw Down (シドウ - スローダウン), Dec 11, 2020.
7) Mahiru - This Is How To Be In Love With You (マヒル - 愛なんですよ), Jan 15, 2021.
8) Kazui - half (カズイ - half), Mar 19, 2021.
9) Amane - Magic (アマネ - おまじない), Apr 16, 2021.
10) Mikoto - MeMe (ミコト - MeMe), Aug 13, 2021.
11) Kotoko - HARROW (コトコ - HARROW), Nov 26, 2021.
Mikoto Kayano
Natsuki Hanae
Fuuta Kajiyama
Arthur Lounsbery
Haruka Sakurai
Shun Horie
Muu Kusunoki
Arisa Kouri
Yurina Amami
Mahiru Shiina
Miho Okasaki
Shidou Kirisaki
Shuugo Nakamura
Kazui Mukuhara
Ryouta Takeuchi
Yuno Kashiki
Yuuka Aisaka
Amane Momose
Minami Tanaka
Kotoko Yuzuriha
Jun Fukuyama

Not available on crunchyroll

95/100(Spoiler-free) A Masterclass in how to use the advantages of its medium. Mystery, murder and music: meet MILGRAM.Continue on AniListThis is a spoiler-free review. Do you like solving mysteries and puzzles? Debating with people? Stories told unusually? Japanese music? Then look no further, you're in the right place. Check MILGRAM out. The premise is: project MILGRAM consists in a prison with 10 inmates, a guard and a jackalope. Each prisoner was accused of murder (rather, I should say they certainly did what "MILGRAM" sees as murder, be it direct or indirect, may you agree or disagree). We assume the role of the guard and conduct 3 trials. Each prisoner's crime is presented to us through a MV, where we dive in their subconsciousness as they sing their "sins". After deciding on a verdict, we actually vote (that's why it's interactive) whether a said prisoner is innocent or guilty — it's more a case of "forgive" and "not forgive". The results affect the way the story unfolds. This is better explained through an animation on MILGRAM's YouTube Channel. The Voice Dramas are interrogations and they are on Spotify, plus you can find the translations online. <img width='' src=''> Alright, now to the actual review. I'm by no means a music expert, but I do think the music is great. They don't stick to a single genre, so I think the chances of you liking at least a few of the songs is pretty high. I like them all; some A LOT, some less, but I don't dislike a single one. The songs fit each prisoner quite well in multiple ways — as expected, after all, it's THEM singing — and they do tell the story, not only from the lyrics but as a whole. DECO*27 is one of the sound producers, a popular vocaloid producer, you might've heard of him. I have no complaints on this matter. Some of these songs I listen on repeat, they are that good. <img width='' src=''> Now that I have talked a bit about the music, let me say a thing or two about the visuals/animation. The storyboard is amazing, as it HAS to be. HOW the crime is exposed to us is of utmost importance. And it succeeds. There are a lot of metaphors, hidden clues and different styles. You'll find something new or may think with a new perspective with each rewatch, there is a lot to unpack in some MVs. While I may not personally like thaaaat much one or two of them, I can't say it's a failure — because the MVs are a product of their subconscious, and the production's choice makes sense. For example, there's an MV where they choose design over animation: there are a lot of static frames (they are photos in the MV), but they are detailed and well-drawn, and it makes a lot of sense for the character, though I'll refrain from saying why and let you find for yourself if you decide to check it out (please do). But don't fear though, throughout the first trial, each MV visually shines in at least one or two characteristics — be it animation, storyboard, character design, style, color palette, or something else. <img width='' src=''> Alright, alright. You might be thinking, "okay, but what about the characters? Are they any good? Well written? Developed?", and let me answer you in topics. Yes, I think they are good characters. There's more about them than what you may think at first sight. Their morals and personalities are well presented through the MVs and the VDs, and that's the biggest quality in my opinion. The 1st trial lays a solid foundation and understanding of some characters if you search hard enough. Heck, I've seen people find a way to defend even the sickest bastard of them (no shots fired). The VD is important to make them exist out of the morals field. Also, there are short interactions and comic strips that help. Thus, I'd say they are well written in a sense, especially because they bring fuel to debates about a lot of themes through each MV/character. I'll say some of these themes in spoiler if you want to check. <span class='markdown_spoiler'><span>(Toxic relationships, mental disorders, abortion, bullying, etc...).</span></span> Some of these are pretty sensitive topics, but it's quite welcome and for good that the project itself doesn't try to draw verdicts. It's about making us think, debate and TEST US, which is something I wanna talk about to conclude this review, however, let me say one last thing before that. About character development, it's too soon to tell by the time I write this review. There will be, though; fear not. As I said before, our verdicts change the way the story unfolds. We'll see changes (MAJOR, even) in the second trial, which hasn't been released at this point. They've been hinted at. <img width='' src=''> Now... about the whole "testing us" thing... Some of you may be familiar with the experiment that served as inspiration for the title of this project, the MILGRAM experiment. If you aren't, I advise you to google how the project works, it's interesting. I'll say the project's objective though: is to test the limits of a person to follow orders despite having to do cruel things, which actually puts things into perspective here, implying that we're the ones being tested. When I wrote "Mystery" in the title of this review, I didn't mean only the "play detective, find what is their crime". What is MILGRAM? What is its purpose? Who is the jackalope? What is the identity of the amnesic guard? What will happen in the third trial and after? Join us to find out and help shape this story. <img width='' src=''>~~~
MUSIC RomanceMekakucity V's
- (4.05/5)
Ended inNovember 30, 2021
Main Studio OTOIRO
Favorited by 249 Users
Hashtag #MILGRAM #ミルグラム