June 24, 2021
24 min
This world is all about do or die. There ain't no paradise. You go down once and you're out. This world is filled with people who suffer believing that. Hey, you there. Are you really going to pretend not to notice? We, however, cannot do that. Let us wipe away your tears. We'll put that smile back on your face. But it's not going to be for free. Please come by Bar F. Have no fear. We don't need any money. There's only one thing that we want... "We'll take your heart!!"
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Uruu Seiren
Yutaka Balletta
Ranmaru Ai
Shougo Sakata
Homura Hoterase
Kousuke Tanabe
Juka Mutsuoka
Taichi Kusano
Takara Utashiro
Akihiro Hori
Sirius Tenrouin
Tetsuei Sumiya
Kazutomi Yamamoto
Kana Ueda
Sayuri Yahagi
Shiori Mikami
Souma Saitou
Jun Fukuyama
Suzuko Mimori
Satomi Satou
Eru Nuikawa
Minami Takahashi
Hidenari Ugaki
Saki Fujita
Hibiku Yamamura
Hitomi Nabatame
Miho Miyagawa
Chiwa Saitou
Kousuke Toriumi
Akari Kitou
80/100Magic Mike where Channing Tatum is replaced by fairies. They will save your heart, and the world, one thong at a time.Continue on AniListBefore reading, please consider the following:
- I have no words to explain myself but please, for the love of God, watch this masterpiece.
- This show can be best summarized by: Be gay, commit no crimes.
- May or may not contain spoilers.
- There is a ton of implied nudity and/or fanservice so do keep that in mind. (This is very apparent in the poster too but just in case).
__If I had been a fairy stripper in another world, I'd think the same.__
If someone had told me that a bunch of male strippers would have saved me from my monthly depression episode, I'd probably have laughed at their face, but I am now a changed woman. Fairy Ranmaru is like if you had a baby born from Sailor Moon, Kill la Kill, and that one cutscene when Trevor wakes up wearing a dress in GTA V. The gist of all this is basically about how 5 male fairies have to collect something called "attachment", which is born when someone is greatly moved. The show follows a case-by-case format, has a primarily male cast, decent visuals, skimpy outfits, and one of the funniest premises I've seen in a while. I cannot see anything else outbesting this masterpiece in what is left of this year.
For a show whose only selling point would appear to be fanservice, it has plenty of good things, such as decent animation, good music, and creativity. There really is not much for me to complain about. I went in expecting to see only crotch or ass shots and I did see those,but hear me out. The opening is very nice, both in visuals and music, and I love how the ending theme looks as if it was painted in oils. In regards to the OST, I think it is very neat how each character has their own song when transforming, the transitions have music that sounds like the Yu-Gi-Oh prequel, and I do like the sexy saxophone that plays when a customer is about to be kissed. (If that isn't a saxophone, please don't beat my ass. I know nothing about instruments besides the piano.)
The fairy transformations were a joy to behold. After kissing a customer, Ranmaru and the other fairies blast themselves into space, while a light envelops their whole body. The transformations are reminiscent of Sailor Moon and slim and delicate bodies turn into more muscly ones a la Jojo's style. It was hilarious to see that the characters grow nipples only after they've transformed. Each character has an outfit that is just as revealing as the last, but my god does Uruu take the cake. I've always been a firm believer of "Thick thighs save lives.", and yeah, I still think the same. Not for the faint of heart:
Most of the cases that are present do have a lesson or message, but nothing is too deep or given enough thought, so it is pointless to discuss. At least it never managed to deal with trauma without tact and/or attempt to relay a message without actually doing the bare minimum and/or pretending to be doing god's job, unlike other shows I've watched . Fairy Ranmaru knows what type of show it is, and it only uses these cases very little, in order to set up the confrontation of each episode. While the case at hand may have had to do with the taboo mentioned in the title, it never disguises itself as a show that wants to open a discussion on serious topics, which I greatly appreciate.
Moving on to other good stuff, it has been a while since I've seen a show with backgrounds as creative as this one. I have no fucking clue what the places our main characters fight in are called, but I am going to call them domains. They are all different and look very cool. Usually, the presentation has a bit to do with whatever problem the client is having, and this is another asset about this show. It is pointless to try further to discuss why I love these backgrounds but here are some of my favourite ones:
__Episode 2-Homura fighting a manga editor in a domain that is filled with manga panels.__ __Episode 4-Jyuka fighting on a sunflower field, clearly referencing the idol who told another girl she was no different than the rest of the crowd. This looks also painted in oils and I love that effect.__
__Episode 5- This looks insane.__
__Episode 9- Once again, everything looks painted in oils, and the transition that they did from the lady in the painting to Uruu's mom was very nice.__
The comedy, if I am being honest, has less to do with there being jokes, but more with the fact that everything that happens is ridiculous. From the cutscene when the guys are preparing to kiss the customers, to the transformation scenes, to the scanty outfits. This is one of those that you have to experience by yourself in order to understand what I mean, but I burst out laughing when this appeared in episode 7. Ain't no way this isn't a reference to Demon Slayer when the girl has the same thing inside her mouth:
__This image alone is funnier than any of Zenitsu's antics.__
TLDR; This was a good time. I laughed, cringed, and marveled at the gem that was Fairy Ranmaru. I don't think it is meant for everyone, but at the same time, I feel like it has to be watched by way more people. Nice visuals, good music, decent characters, and just a bunch of dudes that may or may not be gay, fighting evil while wearing thongs . I had fun, and it is sad to see it go. Perish the thought that this was anything other than brilliant.
35/100why is water racist (a bad review of fairy ranmaru)Continue on AniListSpoiler Free/TLDR: Fairy Ranmaru is about five fairies from different clans that go to earth to gain "attachment" which powers the fairy world. Visually it looks good enough, and the side plot of each episode is captivating but most of the main cast ranges from boring to actually infuriating. The battle scenes are too slow to actually keep your interest and try to use flashy visuals to keep your attention. The actual plot about the fairy world is uninteresting because they don't do anything with it until the second half and even then it's hard to call it a plot, meaning once they stop giving us side stories about attachment it gets suuuuuper boring.
Fairy Ranmaru is a show about five fairies who all represent different elements (Fire, Water, Wood, Metal and Light) and are sent down to earth to collect "attachment" from people by "saving their heart" (they make out and then fight a demon in their brain). Each episode is split into two parts. In the
good partfirst part, one of the main characters meets a girl and finds out she has a problem, which usually involves another person ruining their life in some way, and then they go into their heart (or brain, or something, it's not clear) to fight a demon that represents the person that's ruining their life.The episode concludes with something bad happening to the person, which ranges from being cyberbullied to being arrested. How they do this? Unknown. Why they do this? Also unknown, the person rarely actually deserves what happens to them.
Fairy Ranmaru is a show where I think the primary goal was just to have you fall in love with the pretty boy main characters, but the writers forgot that they actually had to write characters people will like.
From left to right we have Uruu, Jyuka, Ai, Homura and Takara. The way I had to open the anilist page to remember most of their names should be really telling, because the side characters are way more interesting than any of them.
Uruu is a pompous asshole who's actively racist towards Homura, and Homura is somehow more of a plot device than the girls who were explicitly written for the main characters to use to gain energy from for the fairy world. They have a storyline together where they hate each other that basically doesn't resolve and it just leaves you wondering why they were in the show in the first place.
But, they have one scene that makes you THINK it's going to resolve, and then it doesn't. In episode seven, Homura gets injured and goes into like a pseudo-coma while Jyuka (my goat we'll get to him later he's actually awesome) is healing him. In the following episode, Uruu TRIES TO KILL HIM.
Uruu literally starts strangling him, actively trying to kill him because... racism, I guess? It's never really explained why he's doing it, but it doesn't matter because Ai walks in. And after that it's never brought up again, Uruu has no consequences for trying to kill Homura, and the anime just continues like nothing happened.
Onto the characters I actually liked, Jyuka is a silly little guy who just wants to be seen as cool, and he's a surprisingly well-written character in comparison to the rest of the show's cast. He's the only character in the entire show that actually feels like a real person with goals and motivation, which might sound a little silly for a show about fairies, but Jyuka is the only person with a motivation for doing anything outside of the poorly set-up fairy world. Takara technically has one, being horny for every woman, but it's shallow and isn't really super evident in his actions since it's counterintuitive to the goal of the group,
And I want to talk about the titular character, Ai Ranmaru, since I talked about everything else, but there's nothing to talk about. He doesn't have a personality, his whole thing is that he's a really strong fighter but it's hard to care about that when the battle scenes are boring.
Characters but Awesome
Every episode also includes a side character, which is always a woman because this show is a straight woman fantasy, and every episode I'm thinking "Wow, I wish this show followed her instead." So let's look at some of the best!
Aru (left) is a daycare worker who Jyuka helps while her coworker is on maternity leave because her boss sucks and won't hire anyone else. I think that Aru and Jyuka had a really cute dynamic, and this could have been it's own slice-of-life show and done way better than this flop of a "Romance." (It's not tagged as Romance but it's not really Ecchi.)
Shiina (middle) is a manga artist who is constantly being taken advantage of until Homura steps in to make her stand up to her boss. ...Except in a later episode she comes back and has a friend who gets her to do something similar anyway, so why did we need Homura in the first place? This is another character that could have totally had her own show about the manga industry and trying to break into a creative industry in general and been more interesting than being in this show.
and Tina, a pole dancer and single mother after the father took all her money, lost it all in gambling, and left. Watching her struggle to survive could be really interesting aaaand then Takara steps in and fixes her problems by making out with her and suddenly I'm bored out of my mind again.
Visuals/Fight Scenes
These are usually two wildly different categories but they go hand in hand because the only visuals that really stand out ARE the visuals in the fight scenes. The fight scenes are incredibly slow paced, way too many dialogue pauses, and the visuals are so flashy in what I can only assume is an attempt to distract you from how bad the fight scene is.
The symbolism of the eyes in the background of this episode is really interesting, as this was an episode that was essentially about a girl on social media and how everyone's always watching her. A lot of fight scenes have details like this that I think are really cool and they make me pay attention to not the fight scene. Not that I was paying attention anyway, I already didn't care.
The visuals of the other half of the show are nothing to write home about, though it's worth noting that the fairy versions of the main five are pretty ugly and also they make Takara's skin super dark for no reason which is really weird especially because in human form he has the same skin tone as Ai and Jyuka.
This show had it's moments, I did enjoy some of it, but it was very outweighed by the bad and the overwhelming boring. It was more boring than To Me, The One Who Loved You, but it wasn't as bad as what I saw from Malice@Doll, so it's gonna land right in the middle of them with a 3.5/10.
ANIME ComedySarazanmai
ANIME ActionMahou Shoujo Ore
ANIME MusicVisual Prison
- (2.6/5)
Ended inJune 24, 2021
Main Studio Studio Comet
Favorited by 127 Users
Hashtag #F蘭