June 17, 2021
24 min
7 million years of human civilization is coming to an end…
Every thousand years, all the gods of the world gather in heaven to attend the Conference of Mankind Survival. The gods agree to end to mankind due to their foolish acts, but before the final verdict is made, Brunhild, the eldest of the 13 valkyrie sisters, makes an objection.
“To spice things up, why don’t you test the humans?”
She proposes that the all-powerful gods face off in one-on-one battles against the strongest champions from human history — during a final struggle known as “Ragnarok.” The first team to win 7 out of 13 battles will be declared the winner, but it seems almost impossible for humans to win against the gods.
Although the gods sneer at her declaration, Brunhild provokes them further:
“Are you chickening out?”
Her words hit the gods’ nerves, and, enraged, they accept her proposal. Now, Brunhild and her sisters must choose humanity’s 13 champions in a desperate battle for survival. Will humans surpass gods and prevent humanity’s ultimate end? The eschatological battles between heaven and earth finally begins!
(Source: Warner Bros. Japan)
Miyuki Sawashiro
Tomoyo Kurosawa
Souma Saitou
Kojirou Sasaki
Kazuhiro Yamaji
Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Takahiro Sakurai
Hikaru Midorikawa
Junichi Suwabe
Bu Lü
Tomokazu Seki
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Wataru Takagi
Rie Tanaka
Yuu Kobayashi
Shou Hayami
Naoko Komatsu
Yukihiro Nozuyama
Rina Kawaguchi
Aya Kawakami
Hinata Tadokoro
Taisuke Nakano
Tomohiro Yamaguchi
Gong Chen
Daiki Hamano
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Iori Miyamoto
Chikako Sugimura

Not available on crunchyroll
10/100A Hilariously Bad Adaptation of a Great MangaContinue on AniListThis adaptation makes me laugh at other 'Bad anime adaptations'
Also, this contains spoilers, I will try to minimize them, but I can only do so much.Please do send me your opinions on anilist private messages.
First, About the manga.
The manga of Record of Ragnarok was one of the first Manga I've ever read. Although it was very short and the read lasted a couple of hours only, I was completely mesmerized by it. The art is insanely addicting and beautiful. The dialogues pack a punch and leave an impact on you. Some of the character designs are weird ( compared to their mythological counterparts) but fit the Manga Perfectly. Keeps you at the edge of your seat when reading it and leaves you wanting more. That was how the Manga left me feeling.
How the Anime Compares
Note: I've only watched 3 episodes in full, and speed-watched the rest, and haven't added them to the list since I don't consider speed-watching actual watching.
The anime doesn't come close to the manga. The character designs were butchered, and do not portray the characters perfectly. The anime doesn't compare the many expressions that Brunhilde makes.
The anime has bland faces. The Voice actor does a great character depicting Brunhilde's emotions, but that effort is wasted over expressionless faces.
The anime also butchered the character designs. You just say Brunhilde above, and now you can see Brunhilde literally looking more like Baki than any Baki character.
Other than that, take a look at other fan-favourite characters.
Poseidon (bottom left) used to be one of the best-looking characters in Record of Ragnarok. But they messed his design with a longer than usual nose which feels out of place, and Rigid hair, which is nowhere as good as the flowy hair he had.
Similar issues with Adam (middle right). Too long of a nose and a chin which makes him look like a different character. His hair looks way too rigid, instead of the flowy hair feminine Adam, that we had in the Manga.
Yeah, I agree that anime cant do the exact same designs as the manga but this is just a mess at this point.
Let's talk about Sasaki Kojiro ( bottom right). His nose is longer than what the manga had which already makes him look off. Similar issues with the hair, but it's less noticeable in Sasaki. One HUGE, by huge I mean Really Huge thing they changed in the anime was his facial expressions. Sasaki in the anime always had an innocent smile, which depicted his beauty. While in the anime, he looks like one of the evil characters who lust for blood. One reason for this is the eyelashes and the forced smile that he has in the anime. The smile in the Manga Looks much more natural and just feels right.
Thor and Lu Bu had issues as well. They were just too rigid in the anime and their expressions were restricted to their faces. They didn't capture the essence of the manga quite right in this fight.
Zeus( middle left) is another thing they messed up huge. We still see the rigid hair, like in every character. Other than that, they didn't quite capture Zeus' comedic design. They changed his face structure which made him seem more 'normal' which he is everything other than. They just couldn't get him right. |
Pacing issues
RoR is already pretty short, with barely 50 chapters as I'm writing this. And the chapters aren't extremely long, average around 50-60 pages. There isn't much dialogue between characters, but rather a lot of narration. The anime overuse reactions from the crowd and the gods, and only covers 3 fights (around 19 chapters) in 12 episodes. They use a lot of unnecessary reactions, especially from characters who weren't even of much importance in the Manga. Like aphrodite (who was only shown like 3 times at maximum in the Manga)
Well, it's pretty clear why they use her too much in the anime. Simply, FANSERVICE.
Animation issues
These are screenshots from the Asgard Arc(Thor's Backstory) from episode 2.
On one look, it isn't too bad. This arc lasted 5 minutes, although it was only a few pages in the Manga. And this whole 5 minutes was a literal slideshow with a compilation of colored pictures (they aren't even colored, just brown) and whenever there is an animation, I'm being honest to god right now, It never crossed the 4 frames per second mark, I could literally look at every single frame those 5 minutes.
This gif ^^ showcases it well.
This one too, ^^ please watch these gifs.They just look choppy, rough, unnatural, and in short, bad.
Other issues are the whole anime being a CGI fest (I have nothing against CGI, except when it looks dogshit)
Every moment they could use CGI, they did.More issues are how th(e subs for the anime were 'censored' When I say censored, I mean like something as Vulgar as this above, was subbed as "This is the perfect moment to smash their smug faces in as they scoff at humans". This isn't the only scene, there are countless remarks that got censored like this. Completely lost the impact. It's basically like 4kids censoring. Well, that's to be expected from a Netflix Exclusive.
Overall, a completely dissatisfied watch. It was honestly shit. Couldn't compare to the Manga. Pains to see the first Manga that I've read get ruined like this. Hope it doesn't happen to your favorite manga. In the end, a shit adaptation that shouldn't even exist. A bad studio that shouldn't make anime.
20/100my disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.Continue on AniListNetflix coming in hot with another trash ass anime. last time it was house of husband and then they gave us Yasuke now they hit us with Record of Ragnarok. I personally believe Record of Ragnarok is way worse than those 2 animes.
Like most people who watch anime I love me some action packed anime with fluid fight scenes and Record of Ragnarok could've been exactly that but no, Netflix had to fuck it up. It blows my mind how a billion dollar company is okay with producing some trash anime like this.
I first heard about Record of Ragnarok like 10 months ago when Adam and Zeus fight was happening but I didn't read the manga cause I heard it was getting an anime adaptation and just assumed that the fights were gonna be much cooler when its animated and now I'm regretting my decision. I should've just read the manga.
~~Worth Watching? For people who haven't seen the anime I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS ANIME. Why you may be asking? Lets begin with the terrible animation. 90% of time the anime isn't even animated its literally just a bunch of pictures put together to make a 23 minute long slide show. Did you know animation means "illusion of movement or the state of being full of life " and Record of Ragnarok has none of those. In Record of Ragnarok all you see is still images you see little to no movement and sometime you hear people talking even though they have their mouth completely shut.
Record of Ragnarok being a anime that is focused on one big tournament I was expecting the fights to be on same level as god of highschool and well that's not what we got here. Thanks to the appalling animation we get fight scenes that are god awful and its not just the animation that makes the fights bad its also the terrible and unnecessary commentary over the fight. The anime will throw in backstory in the middle of the fight which will take away your immersion, one moment you see two characters fighting next moment you see a 5 min long backstory about those characters. I like the backstory cause it adds more story and personality for characters but the execution is horrible.
Overall I think anime could've been so much better and way more enjoyable if the animation was great and they would actually fight in the fight scenes instead of just, throws one hit, crowd goes crazy, commentator says some dumb shit, and than they show a backstory for who ever is fighting. The worst part about this anime is how its a Netflix original and Netflix could've given it way more budget but instead we got this PowerPoint presentation. Cant wait to see what garbage Netflix gives us next.
78/100My faith in humanity is restored.Continue on AniListI just want to start off by saying, I haven’t read the manga – I’m sure it’s better, it usually is. I don’t often write reviews like this; this is the first one I’ve felt the need to due to most of the existing ones being from manga fans who don’t like the adaption and the flurry of negative scores given by those who feel this opposes their religious views. I respect those opinions. This is for those of you who are anime watchers, especially for battle anime that know they probably won’t read the source. So battle anime, this is one in the purest form. As in, quite literally the show is a series of battles. Think of it as the tournament arc of your favourite shonen where every battle is the epic final bout of the season that highlights the character growth and development of both parties as it progresses in delightfully chaotic action. I think there is a place in the market for this; it isn’t something I see often yet definitely feels familiar to the viewer; I wouldn’t want a whole ton of anime like this – but its relatively simple concept is an enjoyable set piece that action fans will enjoy.
The gist of the anime is, humanity fights for the right to live by selecting their strongest of the strong to fight in an arena with the strongest of the gods in the battle of Ragnarök. Pretty simple idea, but there’s a lot that’s done here that I really appreciate. The characters feel like they have depth, which is extremely hard to do when your entire anime takes place in an area in continuous battle after battle. During the fight, an extensive history of the person – be it god or man – is given to the audience, blending both historical fact with the author either extending the history with his own imagination or filling in the blanks. This is a feast for those who appreciate history, which is why this next point is so important. Many religions and cultures are represented here; this isn’t a solely Japanese history-based show, nor is it entirely based around Greek mythology. In a move that is reminiscent of Fate, this show gives you gods and heroes from all around the world; you may not recognize all of them, but you are without a doubt likely to recognize a few. This makes the ride extremely enjoyable overall, adding an extra layer of complexity to this rather simple battle premise.
The bad? Well, the thing I hate the most about this show is the OP – I could never actually make myself sit through the whole thing as it made me feel like I was getting a tumor. Maybe fans of metal will enjoy it but it made my entire existence want to end. On the bright side, the ED I found myself always sitting through as it was very pleasant to listen to. I don’t have that much to nitpick about it in all honesty, I really like the animation and art style that feel a little like JoJo; there is a bit of muddy animation in there but mixed with the visual style and what is going on, it just kind of works in a weird way. The pacing is probably something that could be improved, you wanted to see more fight and then you would get thrown into exposition then bit of fight, but it almost made it so that it all heightens the tension that you feel while watching – so overall even that aspect which annoyed me at first became something that kept me watching and engaged with the material.
TLDR? It’s a good battle anime, it’s quite simple, doesn’t require too much brain power and achieves everything it sets out to. It has a very distinctive art style you will either love or hate. The boob jiggle physics are on the level of giga-brain. It rewards knowledge of history, while not alienating those who don’t know about it; creatively warping the past to create a new and worthwhile adventure. Just sit down, drink a beer and switch off for a few moments while these guys throw their punches. You really don’t have to think that hard.
ANIME ActionFate/Apocrypha
ONA ActionKengan Ashura
ANIME ActionJuuni Taisen
ONA ActionKengan Ashura Part 2
- (3.3/5)
Ended inJune 17, 2021
Main Studio Graphinica
Favorited by 1,842 Users
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