September 22, 2021
The bullied girl in class Sakura Rin and the honor student who doesn't want to make any waves, Komine Yuuya, were classmates and haven't once exchanged words with each other. Everything between them changes when Yuuya goes with the flow around him and tells her to go die. Rin jumps from the classroom window. She escapes death and claims that it was Yuuya's fault. The bewildered Yuuya tells Rin that he'll do anything as he begs for forgiveness. Rin tells him that what she wishes for is love.
Note: Includes 1 extra chapter.
1/100I fully hope every single character gets run over by a train.Continue on AniListThis is the worst manga I have ever had the displeasure of reading. I do not care about any of the characters except for the burning hatred I have for the main girl. This manga would honestly unironically be 100x better if Minecraft Steve showed up and proceeded to torture the main girl for weeks on end until her mind stops, then he murders every single one of the characters and then default dances on their corpses. Psychological manga was a mistake because it led to the creation of this abomination, of this affront to God's love.
I do not care about the main girl having been bullied if her response is to be a complete nutcase sociopath. I have no sympathy for the devil. fuck this chick. absolute nutcase, mental. more sociopathic than the worst of any of her bullies, scum of the earth. at this point I don't care about her being bullied or really anything bad that has happened or that, God willing, will happen to her in the future.
this manga feels like it was tailor for me to evoke every single negative emotion possible and harvest it for energy. very few manga have managed to eke out such a visceral response of pure disgust and hatred out of me as much as this one. I read the synopsis and was like "surely it can't be that bad" and I was right in the wrong way; the chick's even more fucked in the head than I thought.
yes the main dude is a complete ass for “having gone with the flow” or whatever but her response is so completely mental it’s like reciprocating for someone having bumped into you by kidnapping and torturing the person who bumped into you and then murdering them in front of their family.
yes the main dude’s now ex-gf was horrible with her response, but honestly it’s such an insane situation I don’t blame her for reacting the way she did.the story tries to paint the main girl in a sympathetic light which is probably one of the most disgusting things about this manga. yeah, she got bullied, yes it’s horrible, yes what the main dude said was also horrible, but chapter by chapter every small ounce of empathy I have for her gets drained out of the deepest annals of my brain. I feel horrible for ever having felt even a speck of sympathy for her, even if that didn’t even last a single chapter.
I’ve read plenty of psychological manga like this, but none of them have ever tried to paint the absolutely insane people on display in a sympathetic light. And when they did, the people weren’t this mental. Read Oyasumi Punpun instead, read Boy’s Abyss instead. If you’re in the mood for insane female characters, read Chi no Wadachi instead. I am in severe pain. Everything hurts. I wish a train would run me over.
MANGA DramaChi no Wadachi
MANGA DramaShounen no Abyss
MANGA DramaOyasumi Punpun
MANGA DramaKuzu no Honkai
MANGA DramaYoarashi ni Warau
- (3.3/5)
Ended inSeptember 22, 2021
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