June 22, 2021
24 min
Why would an overworked woman want to be summoned to a magical new world? To live her ideal life of leisure, of course! For Sei, it’s truly a dream: studying spells and perfecting potions at the institute while helping people with their problems. But keeping a low profile is proving to be difficult as her magical power becomes omnipotent. Can Sei hide away in this fantasy forever? She hopes so!
(Source: Funimation)
Sei Takanashi
Yui Ishikawa
Albert Hawke
Takahiro Sakurai
Yuri Drewes
Yuusuke Kobayashi
Taku Yashiro
Johan Valdec
Takuya Eguchi
Elizabeth Ashley
Reina Ueda
Erhart Hawke
Yuuichirou Umehara
Aira Misono
Kana Ichinose
Satoshi Hino
Kentarou Kumagai
Mami Koyama
Kyle Slantania
Jun Fukuyama
Nicole Adler
Marika Kouno
Siegfried Slantania
Jin Yamanoi
Rein Slantania
Aoi Ichikawa
Damian Goltz
Haruki Ishiya
Masako Isobe
Mark Yan
Shouhei Kajikawa
Kousuke Oonishi
Ikuto Kanemasa
Aira Haha
Aya Kawakami
Shoumaru Zouza
Aira Chichi
Shinya Takahashi
Yuu Miyazaki
Misako Tomioka
60/100Just kinda ends without a satisfying conclusion to any story or characters. Decent enough, but don't expect a ton.Continue on AniListThe Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent, yet another show based around the idea of reading the source material to actually feel satisfied with the story. So much is left behind and unfinished, and just leaves me feeling that so much more could have been done with it. So much potential, wrapped up in a show I know will never get a second season or more content. Now in this case, I am already reading the Manga so I guess it isn’t a massive issue for me in this case. But I will always mention it when it happens, because it always leaves me disappointed.
Now onto some of the actual content of the show. It felt unbalanced, like we got a long prologue and a cut down first arc. We spend episode after episode in this episodic style, following Sei in her daily life. During this section we are mainly getting world and character building in spades, and it feels like it is working well. But it has a massive flaw, nothing honestly happens during this period of time it feels like. You keep wanting to get some progress on whatever the actual story will be, or see this romance between Sei and Hawke actually develop into something. And this stage goes on for so long I end up loosing interest, when I know nothing of consequence will actually occur during the episode.
Than you get the progress and things start moving at a lighting fast pace. Aira’s story suddenly gets pulled into the forefront and is used to get the actual story moving. And it never stops once that happens. But it occurs so late into the show, it just have the proper time to actually do anything. This also causes things to feel a bit unexplained and rushed, like they suddenly realized they need to hit a certain point, and they waited too long to get there. Something else that starts to actually occur during this section is progression with Sei and Hawke. But once again, it happens so late that nothing I really want to see happen can. They just don’t have enough time to progress the story or the character in a method that I feel is all that satisfying. And leaves us with a conclusion that just isn’t, this isn’t a conclusion to anybodies story. Instead it is the beginning of a story we will never see in Anime form.
Onto other things, visually I think the show looks good. Nothing felt super high quality or outstanding, but definitely of a better quality than many shows. This is also I think partly due to the lack of action due to the genre, many shows will stand out due to flashy fights, and this doesn’t have anything of the sort to pop or show off. None of this is a negative, just due to the nature of the show.
In general, I guess I would say the show is fine. Nothing outstanding. But don’t go in expecting a satisfying conclusion to a story. This is 100% a old fashion Light Novel advertisement, the type of thing I really do hate. What I would give to allow more studios and directors freedom to make original shows with flexible episode numbers and lengths.
70/100Great Advertising of the Kind TypeContinue on AniListSpoiler Free TL;DR
“The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent” is a relaxing romp through a world that exudes a comforting, feminine energy. Beautiful backgrounds and attractive, good people everywhere! While it can be slow to get to the isekai flavour, and what it does show lacks the complexity of other popular isekai, it is still entertaining. The final bow on this parcel is the completion of a cute, interpersonal arc for the heroine that leaves me wanting more, but feeling satisfied with the 12 episode run of the anime. For those who like pretty boys, pretty fantasy worlds and pretty feelings.
Having been getting back into watching anime again by swiftly binging season 2 of Dragon Maid and wailing about how everything else looks shit in comparison, “The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent” sates me. Certainly it doesn't come close to the top tier aesthetics of DM, but it has been good enough to get me through it's 12 episode run and make me read the manga.You can't say they don't try here. The backgrounds are stunning, the shot composition is varied, character designs look good and there are moments of quality animation in depiction of magic and what little combat is present in the series. Even despite the lack of typical anime exuberance in character reaction, they still throw in those small piece of animation - cow lick quivers and heroine screams - that remind you you're still in anime land. It all feels very good natured and relaxing. Like "Shirayukihime", but with the shoujo melodrama stripped out of it. In it's place is the older office lady, who straddles the line between world weary and pure maiden (when it comes to her love interest).
I was actually very impressed with the characters in this series. Namely Prince Kyle/Liz, and I also enjoyed the relationship between our two isekai'd heroines. It was nice to feel like the dickhead royalty trope was getting turned on it's head a bit - Kyle recognises his faults (some of which are a ruse to greater ends) and he made an effort to rectify it. Sei and Aira also don't have any ill will towards each other, but actually demonstrate empathy. Sei being the older one realises the hard position Aira is being put in as girl still in high school, with false preconceptions and expectations placed upon her by a foreign aristocrat. When Aira is then removed from her social vacuum and finally given a chance to make her own place in her new world, it may be saccharine and easily found, but it just felt good.
I would also be remiss to not mention the very clear and direct romance that is central to the narrative of this story. I was already grasped from the beginning when Sei just straight forwardly proclaims to the audience that Hawk was very much her type. Nice. Hawk's design isn't my favourite, even though I think he looks good (I'm probably more likely to remember Prince Kyle than Captain Hawk at this point), and his personality is one of the least explored. But their relationship does end up being the interpersonal backbone of the season; the broader plot is really only getting going by the time the 12th episode finishes after all. No, instead the creators of this anime choose to have the main pairing literally creating life with the power of their love. More foliage than flesh, but still.
Reading the majority of available manga chapters did make me realise that this series is currently best consumed via that medium though. There are just a lot of little details that have been cut out in the anime. Probably for good reason, but it is still missing lore and cutesy energy. The anime also takes 3 episodes before it even starts touching on magic, versus several chapters in the manga, and that just didn't feel as good to me. I'm a big fan of concepts and lore being woven into shows. Even better if it is done in an intelligent way where it reveals more about the world and our protagonists place in it. They do have this in the form of the saint’s powers, but as already mentioned, these are plodding discoveries over our 12 episodes. Unfortunately “The Saint’s…” reveals little else, so that dimension of this show is quite a bit weaker than the average isekai as a result.
BUT, I probably should hammer this home. This show is quite clearly not going for a deep dive into fantasy concepts and mythos. The very comfy energy stands in stark opposition. No, this is a different kind of isekai. One which probably has a name which I don't know of, but which I would define by the isekai'd hero shirking their duties in favour of finding true freedom in their overwhelming power. The ability to set up a business somewhere and commit oneself to that enterprise. This is depicted as truly different to the tensions and stresses of the office work so commonly the cause of the deaths of our protagonists. It is much more iyashikei than a fantasy action/adventure. Though this has sort of wound down by the end of "The Saint's..." with her beginning to have to take part in her saintly duties, after being thoroughly exposed.
I do think this show is worth the time of anyone who likes pretty boys, fantasy asesthetics and a little bit of isekai flair. If I had to choose, I would read the manga. But I also don't believe I would be able to sit through the anime if I had read the manga first. Proceed at your own discretion.
75/100This is not an action/drama shojo isekai. It’s more of a “Chill magic beats to study and brew potions to” type beat.Continue on AniListThis is definitely not the most exciting thing you’ll watch but I do think it’s actively trying to be a chill show. If you’re looking for villainess style excitement you’re just not going to get that here. Instead, I would really recommend this if you’re a fan of more slice of life dramas. I disagree with anyone that says it’s “slow paced”. That’s truly the wrong word for it because they truly FLY through time in this. Months go by in single episodes. Sure - the plot lines are predictable but It’s a healing anime! Let yourself be heeeealed watching this. It’s a warm hug. A bowl of shojo isekai chicken noodle soup.
(This is me after every episode… this can be you too) A Few things I really loved: - yay female friendships! I was really expecting them to put some of these ladies against each other and no! All of them wanted to be friends! - The Romance is SO sweet. He like LOVES her immediately. - You don’t have to worry about a love triangle or anything stressful - Just generally no stress whatsoever - I love it when people are just nice? What a concept. - near the end there’s this dude name Leonhardt and this man is drawn so thick. He is so large. A true himbo. It’s what the people want. Some additional notes: - The king looks like if Ariel was a Teacher in Twisted Wonderland - The prince looks like he belongs in Yugioh. - I can’t tell if her magic healing made her hot or if it just gave her 20/20 vision. Amazing what glasses does to a girl. One second she’s absolutely updatable, the next she’s the hottest healer in the land. - For a second, you might be like “oh it’s a harem”. Incorrect. There’s only one option here and it’s not even close. - It’s a shame… that the brother is the hottest character on this show it’s a real shame. - The color scheme on everyone’s outfits is just WILD. Everything is so saturated all of the time and they clash together. I would have loved if they toned that down but you honestly get used to it. - They put the title card in funky places in every episode and it’s kind of fun. It’s used for dramatic effect and that’s not too common in anime. - I did in fact watch this in the English Dub. I think some people could have been casted better but I do adore how normal the main character’s VA sounded! She sounded like an old friend haha. - I could have done without her going “omg everyone’s so hot” in the couple times that she did it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it’s just a little awkward lol. But she moves past that after episode like… 5 I wanna say. WE’RE GETTING A SEASON 2 AND I LOVE THAT FOR US. That’s all I really wanted to say I just didn’t want the reviews for this anime to be all on the negative side haha. I’m really rooting for the rise of the shojo-isekai anime adaptation!!!!
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- (3.55/5)
Ended inJune 22, 2021
Main Studio diomedéa
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