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January 10, 2024
The handsome and strapping Prince Rix Vanus has returned to his homeland after winning a brutal war against demons! And yet... Cursed by a vicious demon, the warrior prince is tormented nightly with shameful, lust-filled hallucinations as the demon takes the lascivious form of all his associates.
Escaping to the wild, miraculously, a benevolent divine spirit named Nuah joins the prince, seeking to break the curse and ease his suffering. And now, his nights —and more— are filled with Nuah.
(Source: Tapas)
Note: Season 1 finished with chapter 75.
0/100Contrived BL Webtoon with No Sense of StorytellingContinue on AniListCAUTION: REVIEW MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
I'm really not a fan of this webtoon.
The art is not my taste at all, although I can see that it might appeal other people. It's overly simple and uses a faded palate of colors that are pretty limited in scope. Lines are opened like they're leaking onto other objects. It's almost like a watercolor style, but it's not drawn with the details of good watercolor style drawings, and lacks the bolder lines to complete the figures and objects.
The plot is non-existent. A really strong prince is cursed to feel sexual pleasures every night, but he can be helped by having sex with a divine beast man. Sigh. They go off on some weird adventure, but not really, since they have no destination in mind, nor do they return to the palace. Just in a state of sexual limbo and doing pointless things together.
The characters are not likeable and lack depth. The divine beast man is like a child so it bothers me to see them doing so-called adult things, even if they're aware of what they're doing. He's also really stupid and it gets on my nerves. It's not "cute" or "adorable" to not know things and fail at learning them quickly. That's just being idiotic and not adapting easily to the human world. I've read stories where non-human characters adapt and learn much quicker than this.
The prince is supposed to be a badass but he's really not, he's so passive and weak and being a tsundere for no reason. He spends most of the time moaning or not talking.
Also, I hate how they always don't communicate and that leads to "plot" or lack thereof. It's even more ridiculous when the divine beast has the power to read minds but chooses not to, because he doesn't want to offend the prince or some stupid reason. Dude, he can't tell if you're reading his mind. It's bad story writing to use forced misunderstandings constantly to advance. Like nothing else can happen? Such as external forces or internal struggles?
Hating oneself for something like "Oh, I killed a bunch of people, so I don't deserve happiness" is not a valid point, especially the way it's done here. That's the same plot line that the webtoon "Truthfully, They Only Remembered Her" uses and it sucks there too. It's one thing to actually show the killing and follow the emotional turmoil after in detail, but it's another to just skip the killing and tell the readers about it. What happened to show, don't tell?
It also bothers me how the prince looks so feminine with his clothes on and so masculine with his clothes off. I think that's poor drawing skills at play here, since if you know any anatomy, that's not remotely possible, unless he wears a crap ton of clothes to hide his figure, but nope, he wears skimpy outfits 24/7. That's just stupid fanservice at work. Both the main characters are stupidly muscular for no reason, and then feminine when it's convenient for the author.
Yeah, skip this if you like good stories. If you just like sex, it sucks too since it's doubly censored with both light sabers and occlusion, which makes no sense to me. Pick one or the other, otherwise don't even draw the sex scenes. Imagination works just as well. It'd probably be even sexier than what actually is drawn.
It's even more infuriating when the super strong prince is forced into all these kinds of almost-rape situations, but then is miraculously saved every time by the divine beast at the last second with his OP magic powers. It makes me wonder if the author just enjoys tormenting the prince because he is constantly being subdued by people who are clearly weaker than him, and he could easily have snapped their necks off, with how ridiculously muscular he is. Rape is not okay, but using it for cheap drama is even less okay, because we all know that almost 99% of these BL webtoon writers would never allow their characters to get raped by anyone else other than his love interest (then we'd have that forced BL pairing), so why do you do it? It's mind-boggling how these authors try to build fake tension with an almost-rape scene when we know they'll be saved for sure before it can even happen. The whole mindset behind this terrible sort of writing is that if they allow their characters to be raped by another character that is not the lover, that character would no longer be pure, and he'd never be able to get back to his true love ever again. That's just sick. If you don't have the guts to carry out and execute the very real aftermath and trauma of dealing with rape or attempted rape, don't show it at all. Seriously.
Overall Breakdown:
Characters: 1/10
Story: 1/10
Art: 1/10
Lore/Worldbuilding: 1/10
Enjoyment: -10/10
MANGA ActionHwang Ryongjeon
MANGA FantasyAejeunggwa Aejeong Sai
MANGA DramaPlacebo Memory
- (3.15/5)
Ended inJanuary 10, 2024
Favorited by 27 Users