April 17, 2021
“My wish as champion is for you to descend the tower and be my wife.”
Climbing a deadly tower, Oscar seeks the power of its master, the Witch of the Azure Moon. He hopes her incredible magic can break a curse that will kill any woman he takes for a wife. When the prince sees how beautiful Tinasha is, though, he has a better idea—since she’s surely strong enough to survive his curse, she should just marry him instead! Tinasha isn’t keen on the idea, but agrees to live with Oscar in the royal castle for a year while researching the spell placed on the prince. The witch’s pretty face hides several lifetimes of dark secrets, however—secrets that begin resurfacing…
(Source: Yen Press)
Oscar Farsas
95/100A multi-layered, emotionally-impactful love story that deserves much more attention (and a better anime adaptation)Continue on AniList"So it went, a fragment of an Unnamed Memory." Every once in a while, amongst the sea of cliché, derivative stories that seem to dominate the light novel scene, something truly special comes along. Unnamed Memory is just that: an unforgettable gem that redefines what a light novel series can be.
Let me get this out of the way at the very beginning: this is not your typical LN series with dozens of volumes and no conclusion in sight. The 6 volumes of Unnamed Memory tell a complete tale with a satisfying ending. Within, you'll find moments of joy, frustration, sadness, shock, and warmth. And once the nameless story has finally come to an end, you will be left to ponder it in the afterglow for days to come.
At its core, Unnamed Memory is a fairy tale: a love story about a cold-hearted, yet lonely witch named Tinasha, and Oscar, a stubborn, yet kind young prince with a powerful curse hanging over his family. This setup might seem simplistic at first, but quickly begins to reveal hints of something much bigger in scale. In the process, it fleshes out a fully-realized world that feels gritty, tangible, and totally opposed to the plastic clichés of most "fantasy" light novels. The mix of down-to-earth medieval fantasy and mind-bending sci-fi is not unheard of, but is executed perfectly here. More than anything, this setting feels authentic. There is a long history behind the world of Unnamed Memory, and the author does a great job of making you understand that without overtly dumping tons of lore.
As interesting as the world is, the characters are probably the main draw of this story. With the exception of some minor side characters, they are all fairly compelling and have multiple layers to peel back, while lacking many of the stereotypes common to LNs and anime. Most notably, the main couple is one of the most developed romances I've ever seen in this medium. Their relationship is reminiscent of Geralt and Yennifer from The Witcher series in many ways, and is a joy (and at times, painful) to watch.
The plot of Unnamed Memory is surprisingly episodic in nature. Throughout almost all the volumes, many shorter incidents take place, often seemingly disconnected from one another. However, the author inevitably weaves them together in masterful ways, leaving an immense feeling of satisfaction once all the threads come together. This method of storytelling may not sit well with everyone, but lends itself to unpredictability. I could never fully pin down where this story was going, even with only a few chapters left in the final volume. The underlying mystery is fascinating, and the pace of the story never slows too much despite the meandering nature of it.
Overall, these novels exude beauty and soulfulness from every page. It is rare that a story captures my imagination like this one did. It truly pulled me in, and the vivid mental images it left behind will undoubtedly stick around for quite a while. I could easily name dozens of scenes that will become fond memories of mine in the years to come, but I'll leave those unnamed for now. After all, I wouldn't want to spoil any part of this experience for those who might stumble across it on the road of life.
Those unnamed memories are yours to discover and cherish.
100/100A good story, great characters that should be more recognizableContinue on AniListAttention : The following review is based on my experience with what I read and may contain spoilers
The Synopsis of Unnamed is about a prince who was cursed and who went to the castle of the witch of Azure to know how to break this curse.
Let's say, in addition to the characters, one of the strongest points that make Unnamed Memory even more fun and interesting to read is the fact that the Author is very direct in the events of the work, I really like how he doesn't dwell on Tinasha's romance and the Oscar. In my opinion, I think every author should follow this same direction, I know that sometimes nothing happens the way we want.
If you ask me what the strong point of the work is. Well, it's kind of clear to say that the characters are one of the strongest points of this work and it's sinister in how in the blink of an eye you already feel sympathetic towards Tinasha and Oscar, all the dialogue created between the two is very good, the Their humor is something that makes the novel even more interesting to follow.
To be honest, Fantasy is a genre that has seen little innovation in the industry in recent years, but the story of Unnamed left me very satisfied and not to mention that it made me very curious about what will come in the next volumes.
Any work that has Romance in it I objectively become even more interested and that captivates me when reading, Unnamed is everything I always wanted to read in a work more focused on magic.
Their marriage is without a doubt one of the most beautiful and satisfying things I've ever read. It's not something forced like it happens in other works and in Unnamed things work in the best possible way, and this moment is magnificent.
So Reey, would you recommend the Unnamed Memory Novel? Yes, I highly recommend you to take a look at the novel.
Image from the manga below in which I found this beautiful panel.
The light novel will get an anime adaptation later this year and I hope they don't ruin this incredible experience that is Unnamed. I confess that I'm a little worried about what the anime could be, if they follow the manga I think everything could work out, since the manga is as good as the light novel and that's rare to see nowadays.
NOVEL DramaKoukyuu no Karasu
NOVEL ActionMaoyuu Maou Yuusha
NOVEL AdventureOokami to Koushinryou
- (3.65/5)
Ended inApril 17, 2021
Favorited by 73 Users