March 22, 2019
4 min
Music video animated and sung by Suisei Hoshimachi for the song Tenkyuu, Suisei wa Yoru wo Mataide.
To celebrate Suisei's 1st anniversary since her debut, it was announced on February 22, 2019 that a second original song would be made. The music video, which was uploaded to YouTube on March 22, includes vocals and animation done by Suisei herself, while also featuring art by Nari Teshima.
Suisei Hoshimachi

Not available on crunchyroll
100/100An analysis and interpretation of Suisei’s breakout song, from the first hololive member to hit a million views.Continue on AniListThis review is released at the moment this music video hit three million views.
To celebrate her first anniversary since her debut, Hoshimachi Suisei released her second original song, Tenkyuu, Suisei wa Yoru o Mataide. What new fans of Hoshimachi Suisei may not know is that before she joined hololive, she was a solo V-Tuber for a little over a year, and this was produced and uploaded during that period.This is Suisei’s breakout song and also for hololive, as it is her first video to hit a million views, and is also the first music video from a current hololive member to hit a million views. For a video that is not backed by a corporation, this is an impressive feat.
What most may not know is that Tenkyuu, Suisei wa Yoru o Mataide was the first Suisei song composed, and not comet. Suisei produced the song and music video without any external help or financial backing, since she wasn’t part of hololive then. Suisei contacted Kitani Tatsuya (キタニタツヤ) on Twitter and hired him to compose and write the lyrics for the song. What Suisei did not expect was Kitani watching a few of Suisei’s past videos to find out her personality and how she interacts with fans, and used that information as the base for the lyrics, even creatively incorporating each component that makes up Hoshimachi Suisei’s name into it. She then contacted no name (のーねーむ) on Twitter to mix the song after recording her vocals. Suisei then planned the direction of the music video by drawing rough sketches of what each scene would look like at each part of the song, and then animating the video herself.
(Source: 【ほしまちすたじお】オリジナルソングについて語る配信【#11】, currently private due to Cover Corp’s licensing issues)
After release, the song was noticed by AZKi (who joined Inonaka Music, a label under hololive, along with Suisei) and played during one of her streams, which some fans thought is a hint that Suisei was about to join hololive. However, Suisei denies this, as she revealed later that hololive rejected her after auditioning to join them after knowing about the stream. Suisei was persistent and emailed hololive again, and this time, she was accepted.
(Original source: 【雑談】しゃべるだけ配信 @ 32:27, currently private due to Cover Corp’s licensing issues)
(Fansub snippet: Suisei was turned down once by Hololive)Thematic composition and significance
Suisei’s first original song, comet, was released 8 months after Suisei’s debut. It is poppy and playful, and its lyrics is about Suisei’s aspirations and what she can give to her fans. As opposed to comet, Kitani Tatsuya composed Tenkyuu, Suisei wa Yoru o Mataide with rock instruments – two electric guitars, drums, a bass guitar, and a piano. He also wrote the lyrics themed around 足搔く (agaku; to struggle, to make every effort to), an element extremely common in Japanese indie rock songs.
Suisei sings about no matter how much the listener is suffering through life, the comet will definitely lift their spirits up. This motif is repeated many times in different forms, such as: “The insecurities and agony that plague you, I’ll blot them all out with my blue [colour]”¹; “That trail of light will save someone again”²; and “If the comet were to choose me, this sky, I’d give it all to you”³.
In this song, Suisei’s voice is distinctly raw and brimming with emotion, which contrasts her clean and processed vocals in comet. Her breaths in between lines are kept in instead of being removed during mixing, and random but fitting voice cracks convey that Suisei herself is also suffering through life like the rest of us. In that, Suisei bridges the gap between herself and ourselves, and that we seek solace in Suisei’s singing as much as Suisei seeks solace in singing for us. This is also suggested in the line “Even if we are separated by a celestial sphere, we are connected”⁴.
Whilst the intended recipient of the message is definitely the listener, I feel that Suisei may also be singing it to herself, as with the line “If we’ll be able to meet again, I will, yes, I’ll accept the name of a star”⁵. The possible self-comfort in the lyrics is justified since her follower count after 11 months since her debut is comparatively little, as it is difficult to get recognition as an independent V-Tuber when competing with the many others out there who are backed by a corporation. She was even considering giving up her V-Tuber career when she uploaded this song, so if it is indeed intentional that Suisei herself is the hidden recipient of the song’s message, Kitani has amazing writing capabilities.
¹ 君を刺した不安も苦痛も、僕の青色で塗り潰して (kimi o sashita fuan mo kutsuu mo, boku no aoiro de nuritsubushite)
² 尾を引いたその光が、誰かをまた救うから (o o hiita sono hikari ga, dareka o mata sukuu kara)
³ 彗星が僕を選ぶのなら この空を全部君にあげる (suisei ga boku o erabu no nara kono sora o zenbu kimi ni ageru)
⁴ 天球で離ればなれでも 僕らは繋がっているから (tenkyuu de hanarebanare de mo bokura wa tsunagatteiru kara)
⁵ 君とまた会えるなら僕は、そうだ 星の名前をひとつ受け止めよう (kimi to mata aeru nara boku wa, sou da hoshi no namae o hitotsu uketomeyou)
Music video
The music video’s protagonist is a lonely young boy wandering about aimlessly in the empty streets of Shibuya at night. Shibuya is depicted as lifeless and devoid of light in the music video, which in real life, is definitely not the case. The only thing that emits light is an advertising TV screen at Shibuya Crossing, which is playing the music video for comet.
The boy is constantly looking down as he wanders about, likely feeling despondent and dispirited. He unknowingly ends up at the Shibuya Crossing and notices a big billboard of Hoshimachi Suisei on one of the skyscrapers. He lifts his head up for the first time and seems to be comforted, as he reaches his hand out in the direction of the billboard.
Suisei herself does not make an appearance in the music video until the very end, where she has less than half a second of screen time, when the last part of the lines “In the city where the stars have fallen, I have always looked for your whereabouts”⁶ is being sung.
⁶ 星が降った後の街、僕はもうずっと (hoshi ga futta ato no machi, boku wa mou zutto)
君の行方を 探してた (kimi no yukue o sagashiteta)First million views
Due to the COVID-19 crisis sending most of the world indoors for a good half of 2020, the world of virtual YouTubers is getting more recognition outside of Japan. Riding the wave, Suisei gained a considerably significant following.
Tenkyuu, Suisei wa Yoru o Mataide is the first ever Suisei video to reach a million views on YouTube, in the wee hours of 27 March 2020. Suisei started an impromptu stream at 00:57 (JST) that day, watching the view count increase little by little with her real-life sister, ending the stream after said event happened.
It is also the first music video from a member of hololive to reach a million views, which Suisei commented would give her more grounds to request things from hololive’s main management.
(Original source: 緊急ゲリラ!!「天球、彗星は夜を跨いで」ミリオン達成を見守る会, currently private due to Cover Corp’s licensing issues)
(Fansub snippet: Suisei watching the moment her 2nd MV hits 1M views)Personal thoughts
I found Tenkyuu, Suisei wa Yoru o Mataide to be extremely catchy, and it instantly became an earworm that attacked my brain for a week or so after listening to it for the first time. The song is definitely right up my street, since rock is one of my favourite genres. I relish and appreciate the rawness of Suisei’s voice, making this my second favourite Suisei song, just behind her cover of Saga Jihen (佐賀事変), where she shows off her impressively wide vocal range. On really bad days, this is one of the few songs that is able to buoy me up.
If you have four minutes to spare and haven’t listened to it yet, why not give it a try?
- (3.25/5)
Ended inMarch 22, 2019
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