September 25, 2020
20 min
Episode 1 - 2 part 1 - Muramata-san no Himitsu
She has a secret. After one of her subordinates wasn't performing the way she would have liked she invited him to her house in the hopes of encouring him and causing his performance to increase. Unfortunately, it looks like he caught on to her little secret.
Episode 2 part 2 - Momose wa Shiru
The four heavenly queens of school, an unapproachable challenge. When one of them asks you for help, you help! But what's this... she wants to learn how to make her cock bigger!? What?
Shoubu Kiriyama
Chitose Inoshishise
Tetsuto Furukawa
Shachi Sakurai

20/100Read doujin kids, hentai on the telly will rot your brainContinue on AniListWhen one of your favorite doujin gets adapted into a hentai and you come across randomly browsing a hentai site, naturally you’d be excited. This was me finding Muramata-san on hanime and unfortunately this excitement was crushed and thrown out the window by Queen Bee. The first comment was ‘FUCKING QUEEN BEE’ and I believe this sentiment is shared by majority of watchers with lazy artwork, animation and basically a panel by panel adaptation. This is probably one of the worst adaptations, reeking of laziness and coming off as a pure cash grab. I’m not familiar with many hentai studios however Queen Bee has officially lost my trust and I don’t expect anything but disappointment from them with their future works. The merits of this show come purely from the great source material seeing as how it is an extremely faithful adaptation so treat any positives as a recommendation to read the doujin.
Story : 7 The story itself is nothing revolutionary, revolving around our two main characters working in an office exploring the relationship between a senior and her junior in an office setting. It isn’t the most original plot however it provides an organic backstory to our characters and as we are thrown into the midst of it, we are easily able to get our bearings and understand the dynamic between the two. While simple, it was honestly refreshing to see a hentai set in the adult world rather than framed from high school or in some alternate universe. What was great about the plot was the ‘gimmick’ of the two tongued Muramata-san which added a little spice to our vanilla story and while it may not be arousing for some, it is much easier to ignore a little two tongue action than some ugly bastard body slamming a girl equivalent to 5% of his own body mass.
Art and Animation : 1 It is a struggle for me to call this art compared to other releasing hentai. The closest artstyle to this hentai would be the original Jitaku Kiebiin which is one of the most atrocious hentai I’ve ever watched both visually and conceptually. There is very obviously a massive amount of animation cycling in order to pad the runtime while some scenes feel as stiff as if they had popped out directly from the doujin. The artstyle from the doujin feels so much more alive than literally moving and animated work which is a testament to how bad the adaptation is.
Characters : 8.5 The two main characters of this show have massive appeal similarly to the likes of Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san or Karakai Jōzu no Takagi-san where we have our fairly innocent main male character who is rather inexperienced and our more mature female character who teases him a lot. What’s great is that the dynamic isn’t set in stone either as we see that beyond the facade of maturity that Muramata-san gives off, she is still a maiden at heart who can get embarrassed by her physical abnormality or even getting close to a male coworker. On the other hand, we get to see the more primal and assertive attitude breaking out of the shy guy persona of our male character as he takes charge in certain scenes. The greatest feeling that comes out of this relationship is the wholesome acceptance of Muramata-san’s two tongues where he tries in his own awkward way to make Muramata-san comfortable about it. It promotes a message of acceptance in your self image and body positivity with regards to different abnormalities people have. Another great example is ShindoL’s Moroku Gankyou ni.
Source Material Review : 9 This is probably one of the greatest doujin I’ve fapped to, discounting the double tongue this is as vanilla as it gets with legitimate moments of human emotion and wholesome love between characters. The art is extremely good and the scene compositions are efficient and it isn’t padded too much by extra fluff sex scenes. The last scene especially gets me where all the sexual nature of a doujin is left behind and we get a cute moment which encapsulates how the relationship of the two have evolved past friends and casual sex friends to actual emotionally connected partners.
Conclusion At the end of the day, the only takeaway here is simply that you shouldn’t watch the garbage fire of an animation that this was and stick to reading the doujin. The only positive thing I can say about this hentai is that it made me aware that there was a second part to the doujin. There isn’t much left to say except fuck Queen Bee and this doujin truly deserved a greater studio to animate it which feels like such a waste for such a great work of art. Read books kids, don’t watch hentai just read.
The only reason it get's a two is because it led me to reading the second part of the doujin.
Notes on scoring :
- Score below 50% is a fail
- Going from 50%, the score of the section’s “badness” exponentially increases so 25% isn’t just half as bad as 50%
Scoring interpretation
- 60% is “barely good enough”
- 70% is “average”
- 80% is “definitely above average”
- 90% is “damn that’s legitimately good”
- 100% is “perfect”
OVA ComedyPia Carrot e Youkoso!!
- (3.1/5)
Ended inSeptember 25, 2020
Main Studio Studio 9 Maiami
Favorited by 100 Users