October 27, 2021
Komori-san has a complex about her soft voice, compared to the loud and brash Oobayashi-kun. Their vocal volume may be opposites, but their feelings for each other are mutual. Will they ever be able to properly communicate?
(Source: Dengeki Daioh, translated)
Note: Includes 1 extra chapter.
Suzu Komori
Daiki Oobayashi
90/100Basically, it's a cute and fluffy yet awkward romance between a soft-whisper voice girl and a loudspeaker voice boyContinue on AniListIn short detail, the story have your simple cute and wholesome moments between a quiet girl and a loud boy. Due to their voices, they have a difficult extent of conversing with one another plus the fact that they mutually like each other. The short story can be finished within the day that it's basically a daily dose of sweetness.
The extended review shows plenty of spoilers due to the manga's short story line and straight to the point story. Beware before clicking the spoiler below:
In an extended details, basically the story is about a guy whose voice is loud like he always speaking through a loudspeaker. Meanwhile the girl speaks so softly that it's like she's always whispering. Due to their voices and the fact that they mutually like each other, they end up having a chaotic and/or awkward moments with each other.
Besides their voice, the guy is also basically quite hyper. He's the friendly and fun type of guy which basically fits the fact that he got a loud voice. That being said, he's also quite bashful and shy towards Komori. Meanwhile for Komori, she's also timid and shy which compliments her quiet voice. She is more shy and quiet towards Oobayashi although she wished to be able to speak louder towards him
The story basically runs through this awkward yet adorable moments between the two.
I also love how it's really a full course of fluffy romance through the whole series. Yet also have some comedy like how the rest of the guy's classmates are quite annoyed with his voice. But the center, which is the romance of the two are wholesome and touching for me.The story due to it being short progressed a lot as well. Some parts seemed rushed but I'm fine with it since they're properly ended or next-scene (if that's even a word).
In the starting chapters of the story shows about how the two converse with one another showing their moments with either their class or their classmates. Like in Chapter 1, shows on how no one really wants to listen to Oobayashi once he have his hands on the microphone in karaoke. He tried whispering to Komori that about him having fun with her but ended up speaking way too loud on her ear that his voice made her dizzy due to his voice ringing inside her ear. Another instance where they're in class and everytime the guy talks to the girl he creates problems in class due to his loud voice which made most of his classmates annoyed but doesn't intiate with him, assuming that they're somehow used to it.
The class is also routing for them, everyone knows how close these two are and that sooner or later they'll be together. Although they also enjoy watching the two's awkwardness between one another.If you want to know how it end I highly recommend reading it. In the end you won't regret reading it.
If you don't wish to click it although want more details. The story basically runs on events between the boy and the girl and some school events. I'd recommend reading it by yourself if you want to know about their characteristics and their moments. With that being said, that concludes this review. Have fun reading the manga.
80/100Quiet Komori and Loud Oobayashi.Continue on AniListhttps://anilist.co/manga/118194/Koe-no-Chiisai-Komorisan-to-Kusodeka-Oogoe-no-Oobayashikun/ "Komori-san in a small voice & Obayashi-kun in a loud voice" is one of those short romcom fluffs that many romcom fans will read a lot. I've been in this "Binge readable in less than an hour" phase for quite a bit and out of all those, this is one out of two that I found more memorable and enjoyable than others (the other one). And I'm just gonna share my thoughts about it.
CAN YOU HEAR ME!? ...can you hear me? The story follows a quiet girl named 'Komori' and a loud boy named 'Oobayashi' who sit next to each other. Due to their difference in volumes, they usually end up in some troubles, that are actually more problematic to people around them than themselves.
This is actually a believable premise. There are a lot of stories out there that just make up some kind of plot convenient premise like "The MC has bad luck and always ends up in trouble" (Yes, I'm talking about that specific seasonal romcom) and similarly vague plot points that are just too vague & convenient to build a relationship. I'm not saying these are bad, but just not always good enough to pique my interest. But this sounds genuinely interesting to read and, it didn't really went as I expected. While I like this as a fluffy romance, it could've gone in bit of a serious tone and when you literally start with a line like "I hate my voice", it kinda bothers me that it didn't took a serious tone because it's not always I see "Voice" being a problem in Anime (I definitely have a similar problem as Komori & Daichi, personally). While this might've worked better as Anime, with voice acting and all, it still does a great job at portraying voice of these two characters.
But there's something different that I really liked and found more memorable than the main couple.Memorable Background Cast I think there are a fair amount... (actually, scratch that); there are an insane amount of AniManga where they make you feel like a background character (I couldn't find my meme, so please spare me for that). Most of the times, these kind of characters offer nothing but a sarcastic laugh, with the same old boring "I'm jealous (or something similar)" lines who only exist to fill unnecessary place that kinda detaches you from what's happening and I got tired off them. Or sometimes, they get a full chapter or episode to give some depth but fails to leave an impression most of the times.
But one of the main strengths this manga has, is in it's background characters that actually acts like background characters. Most of the scenes takes place in a rather crowded/lively atmosphere which gives it a chance to fill with many people, that you won't even see in the next chapter. They only leave a single comment, a single facial expression, a simple gesture or just their simple bubble of thought, but these small things are what I really like about this Manga. They make you feel connected to the story and everything happening in it. Yes, they're forgettable, Heck! You won't even know their names but they'll leave a memorable impression that you can still think back after long reading and say, "Yep! That was funny".And of course, the art style is cute. The colored panels it gives at the end of some chapters are stunning & wallpaper-worthy.
Conclusion While still being a regular romcom fluff, it offers a believable premise different from regular fluff romcoms and one of the few I genuinely enjoyed, and I can't believe I reread it twice.
MANGA ComedyAharen-san wa Hakarenai
MANGA ComedyDoujima-kun wa Doujinai
MANGA ComedyIchizu Bitch-chan
MANGA ComedyHoukago Kitaku Biyori
- (3.55/5)
Ended inOctober 27, 2021
Favorited by 59 Users