September 26, 2021
24 min
Suddenly summoned to a fantasy world and betrothed to the princess, Kazuya Souma is crowned the new king after providing the royal family with impressive advice. To rule the kingdom, he's taking the nontraditional (and very human) route of administrative reform. In a realm of dragons and elves, will this revolutionary's unique path prove effective?
(Source: Funimation)
Liscia Elfrieden
Inori Minase
Kazuya Souma
Yuusuke Kobayashi
Aisha Udgard
Ikumi Hasegawa
Shou Hayami
Juna Doma
Reina Ueda
Roroa Amidonia
Mao Ichimichi
Tomoe Inui
Moe Kahara
Hakuya Kwonmin
Kazuyuki Okitsu
Excel Walter
Yui Horie
Carla Vargas
Jeanne Euphoria
Yui Ishikawa
Maria Euphoria
Hisako Kanemoto
Elisha Elfrieden
Kikuko Inoue
Kaede Foxia
Marika Kouno
Poncho Panacotta
Masaaki Mizunaka
Georg Carmine
Taiten Kusunoki
Ayaka Asai
Yuka Nukui
Castor Vargas
Jun Fukuyama
Ludwin Arcs
Makoto Furukawa
Albert Elfrieden
Halbert Magna
Taku Yashiro
Yutaka Aoyama
Sebastian Silverdeer
Taisuke Nakano
Julius Amidonia
Kenji Nojima

Not available on crunchyroll
50/100I had high hopes on the anime adaptation.Continue on AniListThis is one of my favorite manga series.
I honestly enjoy reading it. The concept was interesting, a summoned hero sent not to fight but rather rebuild a kingdom and lead a revolution.
The story is set in another world in an era closer to medieval times. And with swords and magic also involved.
The main character is an individual that approaches things with realistic views on them. He likes history and economics which is the reason behind his extensive knowledge regarding politics, war, and economics. Using his knowledge and together with loyal aides, he starts a revolution starting from the kingdom.
I was really excited hearing it was getting an anime adaptation, but all those excitement died down seeing the very first episode.
The anime was poorly executed. A lot of minor details which make the story interesting and informative were not included.
The series of events happens way too fast. There was a lot of thing happening within and behind the scene that wasn't tackled in the anime or at the very least explained.The characters were poorly portrayed making them uninteresting and lacking. If I am to describe the character design, the right would be "normal". There is nothing that makes it stands out like some other series. I have read some reviews saying the characters were forgettable, I hate to say it but that is true unless you already knew the series from another source.
The animation isn't bad, but it's great either. The few fight scenes were either made too short, too poorly, and lack an actual action to them. It doesn't give you a feeling of a fight between nations or cities. It doesn't even give you a feeling of a satisfying fight.
I understand the budget required to make an anime is huge. But overall they could have done it better.
It's such a waste destroying a series that has potential by making it poorly. It makes me think that rather than making something just to destroy it.
It would have been better not to.I still watch the anime since I'm a bit biased when it comes to my favorites. I give it chance until the very last moment. But most likely this will never get a second season seeing how it was done.
Is it worth watching?
It depends on your anime preference. But I do recommend it if you like watching some chill series or something that doesn't require too much thinking and emotion involved (At least on this anime adaption). If you want to dive deeper into the story and characters, you could check the manga and the light novel.This is all based on my personal opinion regarding the anime adaptation. How you feel about it may and may not differ from mine.
And that will be all. Thank you for your time.
-- Harthlock
75/100How a Realist Hero rebuilt the Kingdom (Review)Continue on AniListThe anime follows the seemingly uninteresting eighteen-year-old Kazuya Souma whose parents have long passed, with his grandfather being the most recent and last of his direct family members to follow, leaving Souma alone. The anime’s introduction is a lot subtler compared to most of its isekai counterparts, but the very same introduction does a good job of outlining how alone Souma is and why he has little left to live for currently. This then sets up what happens next very nicely.
Kazuya’s mundane life is quickly interrupted when he is summoned to another world by the Elfrieden kingdom, which is in dire need of financial management. The Kingdom is under heavy pressure to grant financial aid to the empire to help its efforts in securing victory over the rampaging demon army. Unfortunately, the Elfrieden kingdom does not have the means to do this, so instead of trying to come up with a solution, they summon a “Hero” to pawn off to the empire, hoping it’ll solve their issue. Of course, Souma prefers not to be used as a bargaining chip, so he cleverly comes up with a solution to gather the necessary funds. He does such a good job, in fact, that he’s promoted from hero to king when the currently ruling king decides he’s more suited for the job than him and even goes a step further by forming a royal engagement between Souma and his daughter (no doubt to keep the royal bloodline).
As you can probably guess, while the anime starts out slow and somewhat unremarkable, it quickly changes pace as our protagonist leaves his homeworld and lonely life behind to start a new one with breakneck speed. Some of Souma’s very noticeable traits are his diligence and logical, calculating mind. The anime shows us how he uses these traits masterfully, like how he quickly assessed the situation when he arrived and how he created a plan that’ll benefit him the most in the situation. We’re then clearly shown the process of how he executed said plan.
Souma easily gathers the aid money by selling off very specific treasures that hold no historical significance to the kingdom, which was a simple yet admittedly brilliant way of resolving the kingdom’s more pressing issue, which is why I like Souma as a protagonist so far. The way he uses pure calculating logic to assess and suppress his problems, monetary or otherwise, is a very desirable trait. As a realist myself, I tend to be more drawn to characters who use their skills in deduction rather than sheer idealism seen with most anime protagonists.
Souma may not look like a hero, but he’s most certainly one. Not one with great physical prowess, broken godly powers, or even a smartphone but one of sheer calculation and wit, and he’ll use those skills to save the kingdom he’s become the reluctant ruler of. We’re shown this in the second episode when he uses his new found magical abilities to do paperwork more efficiently, which I found funny as it speaks a lot about his character.
Aside from highlighting its main character, the anime also gives us a tiny glimpse of its world which is the usual mix of fantasy elements in a renaissance setting not unlike other anime in the genre. However, this is the very same reason I find its world-building to be lackluster since it copies the same isekai tropes we see every season.
As for the animation, J.C. Staff’s character designs are still as expressive and impressive as ever, especially during a funny scene near the end of the first episode. The episode’s direction also does an excellent job of contrasting the two parts of Souma’s life thus far. Overall, How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom is an excellent start to my summer anime season. The premise is original and interesting, and the protagonist is an outlier among others, securing itself as one anime I’ll definitely be keeping my eye on this season.
26/100The Realist Hero should have been real in saying how terrible this show isContinue on AniListIf you hop into your timemachine (your computer), hit a bunch of buttons (go on AnilList), and go back a couple years, the Isekai genre was an infrequent treat that we all didn’t get tired of every season. 2015 didn’t have like 6 Isekais coming out every season to oversaturate the market. They were fresh and inventive (most of the time). No Game No Life, Log Horizon, Sword Art Online; all of these shows, even years later, are ones that every anime fan knows about. At most, you remember everything about these shows, and even if you don’t like these shows, you at least know their names and are likely to have heard the characters' names. In 2023, we still know who Kirito is, even though Sword Art Online has aged like milk. The Isekai genre meant something. It wasn’t a time where everyone groans at the mention of Isekai or immediately becomes disinterested in a show. And when you warp back to the present, you’re reminded how little the Isekai genre means now. They’re such a mass produced medium that comes and goes without a second thought. They’ve become the McDonalds of anime; mass produced and forgotten in seconds after consumption.
J.C. Staff have a pretty great reputation of creating nothing good ever, accompanied with visuals that always look dated given the time they’re released. If you take away the subtitles for a little bit, you get a good look at how little things are happening at any given time. Stills hang for a couple seconds past its expiration date, leading to scenes where a character’s boring, goofy face just sits dead center of the screen, creating an awkward period of time where you have to look somewhere else. But obviously that’s not supposed to be the focal point of these types of shows. If the animation studio can kick it into high gear for scenes that have impact and weight to them, these little moments in between can be forgiven. So how are the action and fighting animations? Still terrible. This show does not know how to either animate or pace an action scene, the two things that people really care about in these moments. Lemme give you an example. At some point in the show, the elf warrior girl gets into this sword fight with THE LEADER OF THE AIR FORCE who is a DRAGON! This is supposed to be a big moment in the show, so how long do you think it lasts? 10 minutes? 20 minutes? This shit lasts for 2 agonizing minutes with pointless dialogue, and the bare minimum of animation for a fight scene. It’s barely a step up from a slideshow. And not 2 minutes later, Souma is riding to who cares(?) to do whatever. The tonal shift and pacing is truly abysmal.
The biggest insult about this show, though, are these stupid characters that no one gives two shits about. Everything about these characters are dull and forgettable. We’re dumped with like 20 cookie-cutter characters by like episode 3, and expected to care about like half of them. Souma recruits 5 nobodies to help him run the country, from big-boobed singer to fat guy. You would expect that these characters would be crucial characters in this show, given as THE KING recruited them. The fat guy appeared in like 2 of the most boring episodes in Isekai history to talk about food, then fucks off for the entire season. The little fox girl that told Souma that there was like a demon or something lurking around (which sounds way scarier than it actually is) hangs around for like half an episode, to which she is shoved aside to play with the horses or whatever. Weren’t these 5 characters picked out from an entire nation to represent and help with running a country? So why are the only 2 that ever get any meaningful screentime are the basic waifu-bait girls that really don’t do anything? This has to be done on purpose for the exact reason I just stated before.
There are no consequences to anything in this show. Anything good that can happen will happen in a flash, leading to a lazy show that puts the characters in a zero-stakes situation. Souma snaps his magic fingers for some stupid problem in this terribly constructed world and produces the best result possible like he’s some sort of political wiz kid. Are we to believe that this world is currently struggling with a food shortage? What evidence in this world would lead us to believe it? Is the old king an idiot? Probably. This doesn’t look like a world that has mounting issues caused by a food shortage. It looks like a generic fantasy world on a typical day.
Throughout the entire review, I’ve referred to all the characters except for Souma as things like “fat guy” and “little fox girl.” This is because, as of writing this review literally a day after I finished watching the show, I cannot recall a single goddamn person’s name aside from Souma, and that’s only because the show constantly likes to remind us how much of a humble and great person Souma is by not having him be referred to as “Your Highness” or “Your Majesty.” These supposed “Important Characters” have no presence and leave no impression on the viewer. No one is important. Not even the “important characters” are important.
I always imagine that there are two types of viewers that are watching these types of shows: those that watch Isekai just to turn their brain off and those that watch Isekai to hope that this one will actually be good. If you fall into the former category, you’ll probably love this show, it’s designed for that purpose. But if you fall into the latter, you’re gonna want to toss this one to the side and keep looking. I know I am.
(please god someone recommend me a good Isekai).
ANIME AdventureOokami to Koushinryou
ANIME ActionLog Horizon
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- (3.55/5)
Ended inSeptember 26, 2021
Main Studio J.C.STAFF
Trending Level 1
Favorited by 2,034 Users
Hashtag #現国アニメ