April 20, 2013
90 min
After a year in America, Kurisu Makise returns to Akihabara and reunites with Rintarou Okabe. However, their reunion is cut short when Okabe begins to experience recurring flashes of other timelines as the consequences of his time traveling start to manifest. These side effects eventually culminate in Okabe suddenly vanishing from the world, and only the startled Kurisu has any memory of his existence.
In the midst of despair, Kurisu is faced with a truly arduous choice that will test both her duty as a scientist and her loyalty as a friend: follow Okabe's advice and stay away from traveling through time to avoid the potential consequences it may have on the world lines, or ignore it to rescue the person that she cherishes most. Regardless of her decision, the path she chooses is one that will affect the past, the present, and the future.
Kurisu Makise
Asami Imai
Rintarou Okabe
Mamoru Miyano
Mayuri Shiina
Kana Hanazawa
Itaru Hashida
Tomokazu Seki
Suzuha Amane
Yukari Tamura
Luka Urushibara
Yuu Kobayashi
Rumiho Akiha
Haruko Momoi
Moeka Kiryuu
Saori Gotou
Yuugo Tennouji
Masaki Terasoma
Nae Tennouji
Ayano Yamamoto
50/100Not gonna sugar coat it. This movie is an insult to the series.Continue on AniList[
This review will contain Spoilers for the movie! ]()
Oh boy, this movie.
This movie tries to "wrap up" the Steins;Gate Series.
Instead of focusing on our man Okarin the main character is Kurisu-tina.She's coming back from America to visit the bunch, nothing out of the ordinary yet.
We can clearly see the lab members having fun, this seemed like a really good movie so far.
But soon enough we were introduced to the World-Line "R". This is the point of the movie in which my hype died drastically.Somehow Okarin is becoming more "Unstable" and travelling between the Steins;Gate World-Line and the R one, this is due to the Reading Steiner.
Okay, hold up, Reading Steiner does not work like that. We NEVER got told that Reading Steiner can do that EVER. Reading Steiner is an ability that Okarin has to remember the previous world-lines he inhabited, not travel between them.There is also the fact that two World-Lines (Steins;Gate and R) are active. This also breaks the rules of the Original Series that were made in the series.
And this is pretty much it to the story. Kurisu tries to save Okarin from being forgotten and being trapped in the R world-line. She goes through time, even all the way back to when Okarin was younger. I also disliked the idea that it was Kurisu who told Okarin about a "MAD SCIENTIST". It was so much better when Okarin made up that by himself as a way to cheer up Mayushii from her depression since it proves further that Okarin does care deeply about his friends.
The whole story felt really rushed. They just threw in some random melancholic themes and called it a day just to get the movie out and profit from the name.
It's a shame really, I love Steins;Gate, its a series that hooked me into Anime. The thought that has went into it was impressive. I still have to play the VNs (Especially 0 since I heard its 1000x better than the Anime).[CHARACTERS:]()
The movie doesn't really bring any new character to the table. I assume you watched the original S;G so you should know how they behave.There is a difference though. Kurisu, Okarin, and Suzuha.
Kurisu, being the main character, falls desperate trying to save Okarin. She goes from her Tsundere self to more of a Chuuni like Okarin.
Okarin, he's just done. Not even a single care in the world. He wanted to save Kurisu and Mayushii so he doesn't care if he gets in to some trouble. He's kind of similar to the S;G 0 version of Okarin but just more lazy.
Suzuha, she is a confusing case. Normally she only appears in the past when World War 3 is about to happen due to the Time Machine, but somehow she still is here despite the fact that this is the Steins;Gate World-Line. The explanation given in the movie...doesn't really make sense. Kurisu builds a time machine to help Okarin but then seals it off due to the reason "This is what Okarin wanted". Then Suzuha uses it.
The animation style and the art didn't change that much, the movements do seem a lot more fluid.
The movies still has the same colour scheme, same atmosphere. So its all good here![MUSIC:]()
As much as I don't like this movie, the OST was quite good.
Well this is to be expected from Steins;Gate. The OP (Sung by our lovely Kanako Ito) is amazing, she is always able to pull off any OP very well.
The ED on the other hand, not something I would listen to daily but considering the theme of the movie it fits.Couldn't find the OP gif so here have this one [OVERALL OPINION:]()
I hate to say this but this movie really is an insult to the series. It is clear to see they didn't really try to come up with a story.
They threw some some stuff together, slapped the Steins;Gate logo and characters on it and called it a day.It breaks the things we learned in the S;G and S;G 0 (This even released later than the movie), the story is all wonky and confusing and doesn't even wrap up well, it just kinda moves forward not really taking its time to explain its self.
In my opinion this is more of a spin off. A poor Spin Off.
90/100Tries its best to put a neat little bow on the series, and mostly succeeds, at the cost of breaking established canon.Continue on AniListSpoilers for the original anime, no spoilers for the movie.
Steins;Gate The Movie is a heartfelt send off to the "main timeline" in the original series. It tries its best to put a neat little bow on the series, and mostly, it succeeds. Where it doesn't succeed is when it defies established canon, such as bending and changing time travel mechanics or having characters act a bit heightened for the sake of the scene. The latter is a very small gripe and only happens in the beginning; the best example of this is Kurisu acting a lot more emotional from the get-go. Along the same lines, there were a couple of moments where characters just conveniently had certain objects on their person at a time or place where it didn't feel natural for them to have it - nothing too important for plot, usually just something to facilitate a cute moment. There are various scenes like this that are obvious nods to fans, and while I did find them pretty sweet, they did take me out of the story just a bit. Very small complaint for me, but your mileage may vary.
Now, the former might be a larger point of contention for fans: this movie did change up the mechanics from the show quite a bit. It's hard to discuss it without spoiling things, but this movie takes some concepts from the show and bends them to serve this new story. Specifically, the retention of vague memories across world lines (déjà vu) is expanded to accommodate the new main conflict, and other rules are changed or broken to support this as the new focal mechanic. Remember how in the anime, there could only be one active world line? Well, that gets throw out the window. Remember how the S;G world line was meant to be free of time travel? Yeah, well, out the window. Time leap limit? Divergence? Bah, who needs those? Out the window! Basically what I'm saying is that you're gonna have to go into this with the acceptance that it's not canon. Once you get past that though, you are in for a treat, because this is a love letter to Steins;Gate through and through.
The premise alone is quite good: Okabe struggles with derealization and can't seem accept the Steins;Gate world line as reality because of his conflicting memories from other world lines, causing him to disappear from reality. (Yes, I know that makes little sense according to the original mechanics, but trust me, just go with it.) Kurisu, much like Okabe in the original story, must use time travel to make him recognize the current world line as real so that he can exist in it again. That's pretty much all I can say without spoiling the plot. Things progress somewhat similarly to the anime, but with a focus on Kurisu. This allows us a more intimate look into her character than the series had time for, all while being faithful to her characterization there. Sure, I think some of her reactions were a little exaggerated, especially some comedic moments in the beginning, but they do fall in line with how she has acted at different points in the series. It was also just really nice to get some more of Kurisu x Okabe. While I think the series did their relationship justice, it was nice to indulge in something more focused on their romance, complete with callbacks that will make any fan smile from ear to ear. I don't think this would've fit well into the series, so I'm glad to see it here.
And that is more or less where I land with this movie - I don't think a lot of these things would fit organically into the series, but I'll be damned if I didn't enjoy the hell out of them here. The focus on romance, the fan nods, and even the sci-fi concepts--when viewed independently--were extremely enjoyable. If you are able to see this as an independent story from the main series, or can reconcile your headcanon, I think you'll enjoy it immensely. But if you are the kind of person that can't get past the changes, you are safe to skip this entirely. Much like the "Egoistic Poriomania" OVA, this is a non-canon addition for fans who want more, but it doesn't necessarily add much to the series. The series ended in a very satisfying manner, so some might also want to stay away to preserve their sense of finality. That said, I would definitely recommend this movie. It's a very solid movie on its own, but it is also a nice cherry on top if watched after the main series. This gets a solid 9/10 from me, only losing a point due to the breaking of existing rules.
30/100A pointless slog of a movie that retcons plot points from the original series and offers nothing exciting in return.Continue on AniListPasting from my profile notes.
I am a sucker for stories like these. The trope of the main protagonist of a series being presumed dead or being wiped from existence is one of my favourite tropes ever, as we get to see how the other characters of the series are affected by their disappearance. What makes it work is that we are already familiar with the characters and their relationships, and we feel the same grief as the characters do when the protagonist is suddenly gone from their lives. This movie falls completely flat because it fails to live up to those standards.
Steins;Gate falls apart at the root when Okabe is not present. There is not a single likeable character in the series beside him, and for that reason I couldn't care less about them feeling sad. I have no sympathy or empathy for them, I don't care about their happiness, and I definitely don't care about their sadness. Kurisu is one of the most hateable characters in anime history, and watching her take up the role of protagonist for this movie made me hate what could in concept have been a good story. The worst part of it all is that the Kurisu in this movie is not the Kurisu that we followed throughout the original show. She has no memories of her time spent with Okabe, so all her feelings in this film feel superficial to the core. Why would she care so much about someone that she has barely interacted with before? Some might say that "oh, their relationship defies the laws of time and space", but that is just a convoluted way of saying that the writing is terrible.
Not only is the movie not entertaining, but it is completely pointless. We learn nothing new, and the movie actually ends up hurting the series canon. Kurisu being the person to inspire Okabe to save Mayuri and take up the mantle of Hououin Kyouma is frustrating, as it takes a lot away from what made that scene so impactful in the original show.
The first hour of the film is fine enough, as we see Okabe struggling with keeping his memories of all the worldlines intact without them overwhelming him. There is still the annoying and cringey humor from the show that isn't funny in the slighest, and Kurisu acting like a total tsundere bitch for no reason, but at least there is nothing game-breaking or offensive to the original show. It's only in the last half hour of the film where Kurisu takes over as the protagonist to save Okabe that the film takes a total nose-dive. There is also no structure in the logic of the film, as it's constantly shifting all over the place from idea to idea. In the show, we watched Okabe suffer greatly to achieve his goals, while Kurisu doesn't really have to struggle at all. She has some scenes of "oh no, Okabe is gone, whatever shall I do", and that one scene where she watched Okabe get killed because of her, but there is nothing there to make the personality changes she goes through feel validated and realistic whatsoever. Another logical fallacy in the story is the inner workings of the Reading-Steiner. The explanation of how it works keeps changing all the time, as we suddenly see characters remembering Okabe despite him "not existing", only for them to forget once again in the next scene, and so on.
The only saving grace of this movie are the scenes where Okabe is coming to terms with the fact that he will disappear, as we get to see the fruit of his development from the original show. He has learned so much over the course of the series, and it's refreshing to see him being opposed to time travel, compared to before when he was constantly eager to travel back himself again and again. I would have liked to see more of that, instead of what we got with Kurisu.
Overall, I consider this movie as an insult to the original series, as others too have said before me. There are some decent scenes in the first hour of the film, but nothing that makes it a worthy watch. I would recommend everyone to stay as far away from this movie as possible if you value your positive impressions of the original series. If Kurisu is your favourite character for some unfathomable reason, you might find some enjoyment in it, but if you are anything like me (or if you didn't even like the show to begin with), there is nothing for you here. 3/10TL;DR
"Steins;Gate The Movie – Load Region of Déjà Vu" is an insult to the original Steins;Gate series. It offers nothing but logical fallacies and inconsistent characterisations, and the story is messed up from the core. It does luckily offer some decent Okabe scenes scattered throughout, but in general it is a complete trainwreck. I recommend the film for people who hate themselves and want to suffer, but not to those that have some form of dignity left in their hearts. Instead of watching the whole thing, I would recommend to just watch some clips that might seem interesting on YouTube, as that will save you the time and effort to slog through this disaster. 3/10
MOVIE Dramaorange: Mirai
ANIME ActionSummer Time Render
OVA MysteryTwilight Q
- (4.1/5)
Ended inApril 20, 2013
Main Studio WHITE FOX
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