February 24, 2012
25 min
Takumi Musashino was once an ordinary high school boy, but that changed when his body transformed into that of an alluring high school girl thanks to an experimental gene therapy treatment he received after being diagnosed with a terminal illness. She astonishes her classmates with her new body, receiving mixed reactions from them. While girls like Anri Sogahara offer her important adjustment advice, her male peers begin to see her as an object of their desires...
Although Takumi is both confused and nervous about her new being and appearance, she will soon discover the wonderful pleasures of being a young, adolescent woman.
(MAL Rewrite)
Takumi Musashino

49/100A little bit hot, a little bit weird and uncomfortable, TSF Monogatari is among the most unique hentai I've seen.Continue on AniListWarning, this review contains spoilered NSFW images
Hello and welcome to the next installment of the Pockey Reviews Hentai Show!
We have a curious case out on the chopping block, today. I find myself reviewing the hentai, Takumi ga seitenkan shiite fuck sare makuru monogatari or Takumi was changed into a woman and is fucked here, there, and everywhere; this is the tale!, but better known as its less stupid title, TSF Monogatari.
What makes this a curious case is that it goes against two of my parameters for reviewing. For one, I tend not to rewatch things, thus I don’t review anime that I watched prior to August 2018, as that’s when I made the commitment to review every book I read and every anime I watched. I also generally tend not to review hentai unless said hentai is devoted to being more than run-of-the-mill porn. I watched TSF Monogatari quite a number of years ago and as I’ll touch on in a bit, Monogatari is, if nothing else, interested in being porn and nothing more. If this is the case, then why in the world am I reviewing it?
Because TSF Monogatari is, in a word, weird. Part of my desire to review it is to get the word out about this show.
TSF Monogatari, if its laughably descriptive title couldn’t clue you in, is about Takumi Musashino, a high school student who finds himself knocking on death’s door thanks to a terminal illness. He halfheartedly agrees to take part in an experimental gene therapy treatment (he’s distracted by staring at the doctor’s bust) which will turn him into a woman. At her school, she’s ogled by her male classmates and friends. This soon escalates into her agreeing to let them fondle her, then soon enough, to her giving them fellatio. She soon discovers that she quite likes it, as the gene therapy also increased her libido (because of course it does (and this doesn’t really address why she’d want to have sex with everyone, but oh well)).
Off the bat, the hentai might catch viewers’ attention for its use of a popular, but often unexplored, fetish: transformation. It certainly caught my eye and was somewhat tantalizing in this regard, and for this, I commend TSF Monogatari. If nothing else, I’d recommend checking out this anime if you have a transformation fetish. It helps that the anime is quite easy on the eyes, making it all the more arousing.
But if you were looking for an honest exploration of the social and biological difficulties of finding yourself suddenly transformed into a different sex, you should probably look elsewhere. There’s a small bit about getting new clothes, there’s a throwaway mention of a period, and Takumi briefly states that he’s a guy before his protests are muffled by cock. Deep this ain’t. This is probably the porniest of porn, moreso than anything I’ve reviewed prior. Iketeru Futari, Golden Boy, and Junk Boy, as shallow as they may be, attempted to be something more than hentai through comedic elements. Here, what you see is what you get: a work made to get you aroused. There’s nothing wrong with this, but this hyperfocus on sex could contribute to the “weirdness” I talked about.
And as I sit down to write it, I realize how nebulous this strange feeling really is. At first I attributed it to an abundance of rape, which is of course, icky, to put it far too lightly. But upon rewatching it, it’s not as prevalent as I thought. There’s of course Takumi’s old friend who forces himself upon her and begins raping and choking her. Then later there’s the bus groper who molests her. I recalled Takumi’s other friends raping her as well, but no, they don't force anything upon her. I thought her client raped her later on, but I was mistaken about this as well. It’s possible that these two instances were so unsettling to me that my view of the entire work was negatively colored. And to be clear, the instances I described are rape even though Takumi is reduced to a squirting, yearning mess by the end of the encounters. The intention was for these men to get their rocks off without consent, without care for Takumi’s pleasure or willingness. There’s nothing wrong with chokeplay, but Takumi’s friend is less practicing a consensual BDSM act that is predicated on safety and more Darth Vader force choking an underling. The groper is still a rapist and an assaulter, he just so happened to get “lucky” by happening to grope the one woman on the train with Hentai Heart Eyes Syndrome™.
And I think I may have hit the nail on the head on what feels weird about this hentai. As I said before, everything is about sex and getting off, to the point where things that logically shouldn’t be hot are framed like they are. Takumi seems to be a fairly normal boy whose transformation comes with the side effect of him becoming a nigh-non-functioning nymphomaniac. She finds herself servicing his friends and quite likes it. She’s raped and choked by a former friend and gets off to it, to the point where to climax during masturbation, she has to choke herself. She pushes her friend away from the hungry grasp of a bus groper, not out of a sense of altruism, but because she herself wants to be groped and becomes a whining mess later on, making a regular thing out of being groped by the same molester, to the point where she has sex with him at a hotel. She’s shown constantly having sex at school. The groper invites her to a business trip where she's gawked at by his middle-aged colleagues, used in nyotaimori, then subsequently gangbanged. Her nymphomania is so great that she becomes a prostitute, albeit a highly ineffectual one. She desperately tells a client that she’ll pay him to make her climax. Even though it’s a fetish of mine that’s oft undepicted, I can’t even take guiltless pleasure in the fact that Takumi’s pregnant for a good chunk of the episode. It just somehow feels icky to me. Logically speaking, TSF Monogatari isn’t something I should be aroused by. There’s nothing wrong with someone enjoying sex a lot but it feels like Takumi can barely function. I’m not sure “exploitive” is quite the right word, but if it’s the wrong word, it certainly doesn’t feel that incorrect. Takumi will have sex with anyone, attractive or no, which makes it seem like we as the viewers are supposed to see Takumi as an unfeeling doll that anyone can pump their load into without pause or care for her or her feelings and that doesn't sit right with me.
There’s a nebulous undercurrent of uncomfortability to the entire thing that I can’t quite place. The ending involves Takumi linking up with the girl she used to have a crush on. She inexplicably has a crush on Takumi, too and has undergone a similar procedure, turning her into a nymphomaniac futanari in order to satisfy Takumi’s desire. She has passionate sex with the quite pregnant Takumi then we cut to their wedding. It’s as if the creators were desperately trying to shoo away any uneasiness they fostered before. “Shhh! No, look, it’s fine!”
And I hate to admit it, but it seems that they’ve largely succeeded in convincing this reviewer. Going off of my memory, I went in expecting to be completely disgusted and put-off, but I’m ashamed to admit I still found the thing arousing enough from start to finish. Maybe I’ve fully succumbed to debauchery since the last time I watched TSF Monogatari.
I should stress that even though my disgust and uneasiness isn’t explicit, it’s still there, just subdued. I suppose it’s similar to the sensation of shoveling down food that you know is bad for you, that you can feel is bad for you, yet continuing because you think it tastes good in the moment.
At the end of the day, I commend TSF Monogatari for being a pretty hot hentai that explores several fetishes that are often passed over. If you’re into transformation fetish, then you should give it a watch. However, if you squirm at mindbreak and sexual assault used as fetishes, steer clear. Hot or no, this is a pretty by-the-numbers hentai in terms of genre and I can’t help but feel a sense of mild unease while watching it. It certainly gets the job done, but when the job’s as simple as “being kind of hot,” it doesn’t need a lot of points to do it.
20/100A watered down MetamorphosisContinue on AniListWhat. The. Fuck. That’s all I could think as I sat there, the fog clearing out of my mind as post-nut clarity set in. It really takes something disturbing for alarm bells to be going off during my fap but TSF managed to set them off. This hentai has an uncanny quality to it, it isn’t just the animation nor the pacing nor the plot itself, it is a cacophony of elements that work tightly in conjunction to leave you feeling one thing : Uncomfortable.
Story : 2 So what makes everything about TSF Monogatari such an unsettling journey? Why of course we must start off with the relatively innocent premise.
“Takumi suffers from a terminal illness, agrees to try an experimental gene therapy and is changed into a girl.”
So initially I was thinking that Takumi would be exploring the ups and downs that come with a female body, adjusting to it with the help of other females which he had previously bullied and was rekindling a missed friendship while even perhaps having a romantic endeavour with a close male friend. I expected goofy comedy, I expected an element of romance and moments of wholesomeness. Boy, was I wrong.
I came into this hentai with confidence, expecting an easy ride that would possibly leave me in a better mood and it completely caught me off guard. Straight off the bat something feels off about the world, guys just start groping their buddy that they’d probably hung out with the week before. Before you know it Takumi is giving blowies out by the convenience stores, suddenly he’s being raped and choked in his room and naturally enjoying train molestation. From this point let's say the story gets very “Metamorphosis” and let’s leave it at that (don’t worry there’s a happy ending).
I was in utter shock for a while even after finishing this hentai, but it lacks the nuances of a Metamorphosis, the fact that TSF Monogatari tried to fit in as much sex into it as possible which left no room for character development and any scenario felt like an excuse for another sex scene with a wilder concept. While the story was by no means the worst, it just felt empty as it tried to give the viewer the illusion of a complex story but fell flat while even horrible hentai stories can be somewhat entertaining this was just boring.
Art and Animation : 4 The art and animation were fine overall, they just gave off a certain vibe of hentai that makes me personally uncomfortable and in general it would’ve received a higher rating had certain scenes not been taken in such a gratuitous direction. For me X-Ray has always been an oversight when it came to hentai, if it was there then so what and if it wasn’t then that’s also fine but TSF Monogatari takes it up a notch with some of the most detailed insides of a girl I didn’t know I didn’t need to see. In blowjob closeups we were able to see her teeth and when they showed the inside of the undercarriage it looked like a mash of minced meat. Beyond that, even a censored look at the vagina looked like a mutilated deer carcass and combine that with the slightly off character design, you get a hentai that visually just makes you feel wrong.
Characters : 3 I bashed the story super hard for a lack of character development so naturally the characters weren’t all too great in this hentai. First and foremost, we don’t get to see how the parents played a role in the transition or in Takumi’s fall from grace, so this intimate relationship that plays a big part in Takumi’s life was just absent the entire hentai which made me constantly wondering what his parents thought of both his situation and how he became a teenage prostitute. Furthermore we never get time with each of the guys who pick her up, nor the classmate who left a lasting impression on her so while the hentai would still be good if we could watch Takumi grow there is a lack of character development there so all the characters feel paper thin.
As I alluded to before, the story gave me a kind of Metamorphosis vibe in how we see a normal high schooler quickly plummet to rock bottom however Metamorphosis takes its time to develop each character met along the way as well as our main lead as she realizes the error of her ways. In this hentai, it would be the same except we get a shoehorned happy ending which felt completely unearned and any great character development from Metamorphosis is nowhere to be found here.
Discomfort : 9 I’ve mentioned this with the art and animation, but the show just makes you uncomfortable at every turn. From giving her classmates, who she was previously friends with as a guy, blowies outside a convenience store, to getting viciously raped and slowly enjoying the sensation of getting choked, to enjoying train molestation and even basically humiliation play followed by nyotaimori, it all felt plain wrong. Now the sheer horrors of hentai I have witnessed tower over TSF Monogatari and yet every single scene had me feeling wrong, I didn’t feel pity for this girl yet I wanted to help her. I didn’t care but my brain told me I should.
The whole show, from the lack of character development to the different fetishes at play, works to make you feel like you shouldn’t be watching this, let alone enjoying it. TSF Monogatari hits home with many fringe fetishes but the difference is that these fetishes aren’t things you would normally think of so when they are presented in this manner it just feels like something isn’t right.
Enjoyment : 1 Yeah I did not enjoy this hentai, I was completely expecting something completely opposite of what I received and I wasn’t able to fap for a week after watching it. Morally, I crumbled because I began to question if I should even fap anymore. This is no disturbing shock hentai that tries to surprise you at every turn, it works slowly and meticulously to create an atmosphere of uneasiness where you don’t feel welcome at all. I don’t recommend this hentai except to those looking for humiliation, choking, pregnancy or nyotaimori hentai. Damn I had a bad time
Notes on scoring :
- Score below 50% is a fail
- Going from 50%, the score of the section’s “badness” exponentially increases so 25% isn’t just half as bad as 50%
Scoring interpretation
- 60% is “barely good enough”
- 70% is “average”
- 80% is “definitely above average”
- 90% is “damn that’s legitimately good”
- 100% is “perfect”
OVA HentaiHHH: Triple Ecchi ♥
OVA HentaiNee, ...Shiyo♥
OVA HentaiTamashii: Insert
- (3/5)
Ended inFebruary 24, 2012
Favorited by 85 Users