March 27, 2012
23 min
When a group of friends decide to make a movie over a long summer holiday, they end up learning a little about filmmaking and a lot more about each other and themselves. What begins as a simple way to avoid the summer doldrums quickly turns into something much more complex, intimate and revealing, as the maturing relationships between the members of the young cast take on new, and sometimes very unexpected, turns.
(Source: Sentai Filmworks)
Ichika Takatsuki
Haruka Tomatsu
Remon Yamano
Yukari Tamura
Kanna Tanigawa
Kaori Ishihara
Mio Kitahara
Kana Asumi
Kaito Kirishima
Nobunaga Shimazaki
Tetsurou Ishigaki
Hideki Ogihara
Rina Hidaka
Manami Ogura
Fuyuka Ooura
Chiharu Arisawa
Yuka Iguchi
Nanami Kirishima
Aya Hisakawa
Emika Takatsuki
Yui Horie
Kaori Kinoshita
Ai Kayano
Satoshi Ogura
Shinji Kawada

Not available on crunchyroll
70/100Nice romance, light plot, relaxing experience. If you liked Darling in the FranXX for romance, you will like this.Continue on AniListTL;DR: Nice romance, light plot, overall relaxing experience.
If you liked the romance side of Darling in the FranXX with its love rectangle, you will love this. A dark-haired protagonist, who is trying to win a red-haired weird girl, is in turn is trying to be won by a short-dark-blue-haired girl
Well this sounds about right, let's hear what you got to say
Ano Natsu de Matteru is a very lightweight anime in a sense that it does not burden you with plot or story. It is a fairly simple romance, which makes it a pretty great choice to just fall back and enjoy. Characters are likable, though the protagonist comes out a bit Mary Sue-ish. The story in itself isn't anything complicated, as most of the watch time is dedicated to character development.
Tell me about the story, and then I can make some decisions
So what is it about? AnoNatsu tells us the story of a group of friends who spend their summer vacation shooting a movie. There is the whole pack - a bland protagonist, a sexy weird best girl, a school tsundere friend, a tall popular guy who can get any girl but loves that one weird girl, and Renon. The series establishes a love polygon that by itself does not really contribute to the plot, but plot arguably is the least important part about AnoNatsu. And while the romance is, don't hope to find something extraordinary here. As I've said, romance is fairly simple in AnoNatsu, and, by the most part, the suspense isn't there - your endgame ships are established by episode 5 and while there is some wiggle room, it is pretty clear that the author himself is biased towards the ships. I can't say it is necessarily bad, but this way the show does not present itself as a serious character drama.
Well, it sounds like it's a pretty generic romcom, is there anything in the show I might want to watch it for?
The series catches the attention with its vivid colors and great soundtrack; it has amazing character design, witty dialog, cute space creatures to fangirl over. Only the Sci-Fi element is a questionable addition. Since it is a character-based drama, the Sci-Fi aspect breaks the immersion, and might ruin the experience. Including action in a slice of life genre is usually a bad idea, but if you can get past that, you will find a generally enjoyable ride.
Overall relaxing, chill experience.
P. S. Renon best girl fight mesmartweeb
85/100Moreso my views on the anime than a review.Continue on AniList"They say that once you die, you go to Heaven, but I disagree. I believe that when you die, you travel to somebody's heart, and live on as a memory."
What I expected from this anime: a group of friends travel to some new town and film some movie.
What this anime gave me: something infinitely many times better. JC Staff deliver once again.This anime, under no circumstances, should be classified as a romcom. This is not a romcom. This is a beautiful slice of life romance anime which happens to have comedy in it. And also some aliens. There should be no romcom stigma directed towards it.
Also, I like romance anime based on more rural areas. The characters feel more tight knit, like they've known eachother since childhood and they live close to eachother or whatever. The relationships and bonds seem closer and this show portrays that feeling of familiarity and coziness between the characters very well.
"But even memories fade with time. That's why people yearn to leave something behind - so they wont be forgotten. So they won't forget. "
This anime's story is a bit all over the place, right? There seems to be an infinitely long love chain (not to be mistaken for a love polygon; alas the first vertex and the last vertex have no romantic feelings towards eachother), aliens, and MIB to go with them (???), Highschool of the Dead reference (pleasant surprise), and a seemingly amazing summer which holds memories of shooting an amateur movie that these students will never forget.
Despite this, I only have a few concerns towards it which hold it back from being very close, if not, a 10/10 for me.
1) The animation. It is very close to being very good. It is very smooth at times, but it is not consistent. This is understandable, as it is hard to keep up smooth animation throughout the whole of 12 episodes. If the animation had been a bit better in a couple more scenes, the score would have gone up.
2) The art. I grew to love it, of course, but I think it could have been done better somehow. I think Kimi no Na Wa's art would have matched this anime more. Maybe something like the illustration in it's Anilist page's banner? Then again, I'm not too sure. The more I think about it, the less I think it would suit the anime. Either way, I'm a fan of the art used. It's a bit generic, sure, and maybe even an overused style but it really grew on me in this show.
3) The emotional scenes. They seemed a bit out of place. I'm not quite sure why. Maybe a lack of buildup up to them, or maybe something else. They in themselves were very good. Smooth animation, extremely good art, good music, etc. I just feel like they could have been 10x more powerful if the buildup was done better (of course, I say that but I'm not actually sure what could have been done better about the buildup), and there was less of the following point;
4) Genericity. Predictability. Cliche. Tropes. Every episode I felt like I could predict exactly what a character was going to say next, or what event would take place next as a response to the previous event or action a character did. However, that in of itself is not necessarily an issue. It can be chalked up to perhaps my experience having watched close to 200 anime at this point. The problem was, as soon as Ichika was even hinted at being an alien, I immediately generated an idea for how the show would end "I'm sorry... Kaito. I'm an alien and you're a human and even though I have feelings for you, we just can't be... I'm sorry but I have to go to my home planet." And even though the ending proved me wrong (thank fuck), the anime got surprisingly close to reaching that conclusion. However, this is not about stuff like that. No, no no. This is about Ichika's denseness. And I don't mean the turnip sandwiches. I did not like the 'selfless-ness' aspect of her character one bit - "I'm just causing harm to everybody here", "I am hurting Kaito-san", "It'd just be better if I leave them alone as it was before"... That type of stuff. That type of stuff really grinds my gears and every occurrence of it in every show irritates me. I understand why it is done (somewhat) but nontheless it is weak plot/character-building, if you can even call it that.Correct these 4 elements and you'd have had something very close to a masterpiece on your hands, J.C Staff.
"That's why I'll keep the film rolling. So I can continue the tale we filmed that summer."
The anime started with a group of 4 high school friends, and the anime ended with a group of 4 high school friends. (kind of).
I really liked the show. Kaito was not a generic isekai-esque MC scared to hell of having a girl even look in his direction. But he was no Sakuta either. If anything, his romance with Ichika was actually kind of what I'd imagine a shy teenage boy's romance to be like. He even pulls of a couple kisses, and arguably weighs the Earth down with the sheer size of his balls at times.
I also thoroughly enjoyed the scenes where Kanna puts her emotions aside to help bring Ichika's out. Kanna selfless as hell. She a real one. Mio a real one as well. She isn't afraid to be thought of as clingy or whatever, she has her eyes on a man she god damn is not letting go. Need me a girl like Mio. It's clear she will always have Tetsurou's back no matter what. I wish he appreciated her a bit more.
The lack of a real plot in the show makes a lot of space for romance in it. And I admit the drama is not perfect, though it is clear JC tried their best to make do with what they had. It is not bad drama by
anymy standards.Lemon is perfect comic relief, and honestly I was a bit sad at her parting in the end. She really was a massive help to the gang's movie-shooting adventure. Her character grew on me.
The ending is really good. It reminded me of Toradora's. Kaito's sister giving him that cardigan for Ichika was a perfect setup to make it clear she had returned to Earth in that ending scene, where she is seen wearing it. It's also mentioned that the movie the school kids are watching post-credits was from "graduates" - i.e. by the time we reach the post-credits on the final episode, the group had already graduated. I really can't help but cheer Mio on with Testsurou. I'm so happy she finally caught him. And also wish Kaito and Ichika the best. And hope they meet up Lemon again, somehow someday. As for Kanna... I guess I wish her all the best too.
20/100A review of Waiting in the Summer and its weak points regarding romanceContinue on AniListIn the first minute of ‘Ano Natsu de Matteru’, or known as ‘Waiting in the Summer’ in the west, the main character of Kaito Kirishima narrates over a night scenery about his views on life in a physical sense but also on a philosophical one. How he believes that we don’t transcend to a higher plane after our life has ended, but that we can continue to exist in the memories that we have shared with others. And he asks himself what happens when the echo of our lives starts to fade. How do we live on when even the memories we’ve left behind have withered away? Appropriately he’s recording the night sky as we hear him speak, to truly burn the moment, the memory of this time, into existence. We could even see it as a meta-commentary on what this animation does, it burns the ideas of hundreds of artists into existence for an eternity. In just a minute of admittedly on-the-nose self-reflection, we can understand this character, what’s on his mind and the ideas this show will explore.
After this, a space rocket crashes right next to him and an alien anime girl saves him and immediately becomes Kaito’s trad waifu as much as the series pretends they don’t. A pretty good symbol for my experience with the series.This review will be discussing narrative events in ‘Waiting in the Summer’ that might be considered spoiler territory
After this point, Kaito wakes up barely remembering the events which occurred during the series’ opening scene. The transfer student of Ichika Takatsuki arrives at the same school as Kaito who catches her attention out of a weird sense of familiarity. And when he learns she has no plan as to where she would reside, Kaito welcomes her to stay at his and his sister’s place. Them and a few of their classmates, such as the upbeat and cool Tetsurou Ishigaki, the petite but cold and sarcastic Remon Yamano, the soft-spoken and gentle Mio Kitahara, and abrasive but kind-hearted Kanna Tanigawa, after Kaito shows an interest in filmmaking, decide to create a movie over the course of summer break.
Sharing many of the same staff as ‘Anohana’ such as Tatsuyuki Nagai directing the series and the character designs from Masayoshi Tanaka, the series goes for a very similar tone. The only difference being that Mari Okada was not in charge of the screenplay, which explains why the series feels less like a spiritual successor than a rip-off. It is admittedly very polished in some regards, mainly visually, as it was what led to me watching the series. Masayoshi having worked on many other big projects such as ‘Your Name’, ‘Darling in the Franxx’, and ‘Toradora’ which I believe all have pretty stellar design work, the series shares this quality. All the characters feel very inspired in terms of their characteristics, but it is when you delve deeper into them that they turn into ordered robots, serving the purpose of the fantasy the screenwriter had in mind. The characters' personalities are already certainly not groundbreaking, with Ichika having the most screentime of all the female characters and spending 90% of it being Kaito’s trad wife.
And romance is a very important aspect to the core of the series, even aside from the relationship between Kaito and Ichika. Triangular romantic drama is certainly not uncommon in the anime industry, and not something I would say is inherently “bad writing”, but the extent to which it is used in this series is like no other, to the point of resembling a pentagon. Much of the drama that is involved in the show is a series of romantic interests that is antithetical to someone else’s, and in most cases the object of which this interest is lied upon is Kaito. And having the bland self-insert main character get all the girls is such a trope that I shouldn’t have to mention how uncomfortable it is at this point. And I don’t necessarily believe my biggest problem surrounding the romance is regarding Kaito, but everything surrounding him. Having every character’s point of contention be something about being in love with someone else in the main cast might be fine if not for the series also juggling a space drama subplot. It leads to much of the romantic subplots feeling underdeveloped and unconvincing, I never really cared as much as the series was blatantly telling me I was supposed to. It comes across like the romance was only used for its own sake and not for exploring anything or anyone. The series is at its worst in this regard during the cast's trip to Okinawa, when Kaito’s childhood friend happens to meet the group and romantic tension is already introduced. After this point, the series is just throwing the same romantic drama beats over and over again not even letting me grow numb to it, at this point giving Kaito three romantic devotees. Homoromantic attraction seems to be at the core of life even outside of this universe
When I am watching a great romance-centered story like ‘Your Name.’, ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’, or ‘Her’, I feel like I’m a part of their relationship. Not only do I get to know the characters that the relationship involves, but for them as a collective. At that point, no words can describe their relationships, but it’s a feeling. There’s a sense that these characters are incomplete without the other and that when in scenes featuring both they are whole again. Romance might not be perfect, these movies explicitly show the harm that can be induced from such a close and demanding relationship. But sometimes, hopefully, the good parts are worth the struggle. And when a movie or a show conveys this successfully, I genuinely believe it can be incredibly beautiful. And I don’t believe any of the romantic relations that take place or are sought out in this show. Aside from saying “I love you”, this show has nothing. For all I care it’s just an act in it of itself
If there’s a silver lining to the show, it is that I know similar structures and themes have and are being done to much better effect. While it isn’t identical, having watched through the British ‘The Office’ before the series definitely didn’t help it (this could work for the American adaptation as well). Having similar romantic subplots, it is interesting how the two choose to go about dealing with these dramatic beats. While I won’t spoil the series, even with a triangular romantic contention, it executes upon this in a much more fluid and a discreet way where the feelings of the characters feel like they exist in the real world and not in some fantasy. So I guess my conclusion is… go watch ‘The Office’. Pretty underground, not many people have heard of it.
And fuck you they knew exactly what they were doing with Mio that one time she said she liked Kanna and then forgot about it
ANIME DramaNagi no Asukara
ANIME ComedyOnegai☆Teacher
- (3.55/5)
Ended inMarch 27, 2012
Main Studio J.C.STAFF
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