June 19, 2021
24 min
Lingalind is enclosed by the Wall. The Wall covers, protects, cultivates, and nurtures the land. The Wall is God. One day in Edger, a village on the outskirts, a mysterious man named Back Arrow appears. Arrow has no memory, but he claims that all he knows is that “I came from outside the Wall.” Arrow tries to go beyond the Wall to regain his memories but is pulled into one conflict after another.
(Source: Funimation)
Shu Bi
Tomokazu Sugita
Back Arrow
Yuuki Kaji
Elisha Lean
Ari Ozawa
Atlee Ariel
Aya Suzaki
Kai Rhodan
Ryoutarou Okiayu
Bit Namital
Kenshou Ono
Ren Sin
Megumi Han
Fine Forté
Ami Koshimizu
Zetsu Daidan
Kenyuu Horiuchi
Prax Conrad
Mikako Komatsu
Reina Ueda
Kikuko Inoue
Sola Athin
Tomokazu Seki
Anna Nagase
Rudolph Conductore
Shinichirou Miki
Goh Zanga
Nobuyuki Hiyama
Sara Matsumoto
Peath Glinhouse
Kouichi Toochika
Maria Naganawa
Bai Toatsu
Tetsu Inada
Burk Lean
Kunihiro Kawamoto
Baran Sujiita
Yasuhiro Mamiya
Demyne Shaft
Riki Kitazawa
Tae Howa
Kenta Miyake
Shunsuke Takeuchi
40/100What if Shingeki and Gurren Lagann had a son with... let's say some "difficulties"Continue on AniListFirst of all, I don't speak native english so sorry if I type someting wrong.
(Para mis compas hispanohablantes encontraran la review en español al final)
So I started this anime only for LiSA and Yuki Kaji, and I was not expecting something great, but something watchable, but even my low expectation was so high for this anime.
Story: 4/10
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ is the best thing to describe the plot. I mean, yeah I'm curious about what are beyond the walls and who created it, but godsake, we've to go through a stupid senseless war, the misfortune of a town with whom it is impossible to empathize and two nations SO cliche that makes me wanna go to play Clash Royale, and I hate Clash Royale.
Characters: 2/10
This is the worst part about this anime, really how you have so many characters and all of them are idiots? The most simpatic are Shu and Kai, and for them I give that 2 points xd but the rest? godsake, we have brainless Eren Yeager, a cliche soft female character that have 0 charm, that orange hair girl that kinda sucks, and the worst of all, the comedy relief character that doesn't make you laugh even not ONE TIME.
OH RIGHT, and that disgusting princess with two personalities, really this is a kodomo more than a shonen, Pokémon have more adult characters that this nonsense.
haha so funny I wanna die
Back Arrow the god
But what about the fights and mechas??
Haha anime mechas are SO FUNNY YEAH!! The love of friendship and family will give you a big power broken power up and now you can do the Dragon Ball Z fusion, the Naruto shadow clones and the Gurren Lagann mega robots. The fights are no bad, but when you're watching it you stop, see the sky and think: What the f*ck I'm doing with my life?
Ok but there's something good?
Yes, this anime has something VERY good and is the openings and endings, I mean, Eir Aoi? LiSA? FLOW?!?! I can't believe those baits artist who brought me here to watch this crap, next time you should waste your money in some good writers before the artist, but ok, I don't really care beacuse the OPs and EDs are really amazing, thanks Eir, LiSA and FLOW for made me a little happy watching this.
But after that... XD
Well, the animation is good, the cgi of mechas is well done, but it isn't something that stands out from the rest animes.
Final Thoughts:
This was one of the worst animes that I ever see, and the worst part is that I watched it AIRING, god, what was I'm thinking? This show is not worth the waste of your time, almost TEN HOURS of your life, with that you can read a book, play a game, visit a friend, even play 20 rankeds of League of Legends is more worthy than this.
I will give a 4 only because really the themes are banger, Studio VOLN you better thank the artists. And before you make another anime, appoint this phrase of the great Shu:
# and yes, its ends with a open end, god no pls no a SEASON TWO NOOOOOO
En Español:
Empece este anime solo por Yuki Kaji y LiSA, sin esperar nada bueno, pero al menos mirable, y al final mis bajas expectativas fueron muy altas para este anime.
Historia: 4/10
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ es la mejor manera de describir el plot. O sea si estoy curioso por saber quien creo los muros y toda la cosa, pero por dios, antes tenemos que pasar por una guerra estupida sin sentido, la desgracia de un pueblo lleno de idiotas con el que es imposible empatizar y dos naciones con ideales tan CLICHE que me dan ganas de apagar e irme a jugar Clash Royale, y odio Clash Royale.Personajes: 2/10
Sin duda lo peor del anime, de verdad como tenes tantos personajes y todos son unos idiotas? Los mas simpáticos son Shu y Kai, por ellos le doy esos 2 puntis xd pero el resto? mamita posho, tenemos a Eren Yeager con discapacidades neuronales, una mujer soft super cliche con 0 encanto, la loca de pelo naranja que tambien apesta, y el peor de todos, el alivio cómico que no te hace reir NI UNA VEZ, NI UNA EH.AH CIERTO, y la princesita con dos personalidades, posta esto parece mas un kodomo que un shonen, Pokémon tiene personajes más adultos que esto.
jsjasjsj que gracioso matenme
Back Arrow el DIOS
Pero que onda con los mechas y las peleas??
JAJAAJ los animes de mechas son MUY DIVERTIDOS SEEE!! El poder del amor de la amistad y la familia te va a dar un nuevo poder super roto como la fusion de Dragon Ball Z, los clones de sombra de Naruto y los mega robots crucero de Gurren Lagann. Las peleas no son malas, pero cuando las estas viendo, paras, miras el cielo y te preguntas: Que carajo estoy haciendo con mi vida?Ok pero hay algo bueno?
Si, el anime tiene algo muy bueno y son los openings y endings, Eir Aoi? LiSA? FLOW?!?! No puedo creer como me baitearon bien fuerte con los artistas para ver el anime, la proxima gasten la plata en contratar un guionista bueno antes que estos tremendos cantantes, pero ok, no me importa porque los OPs y EDs fueron increibles de verdad, gracias LiSA, Eir y FLOW por hacerme un poquito feliz mientras miraba esto.Pero sacando eso... XD
Bueno la animación es buena, el cgi de los mechas no esta mal, pero tampoco es algo woww que sobresale del resto.
Uno de los peores animes que vi, pero lo verdaderamente malo es que lo vi en EMISION, dios, en que estaba pensando? Y listo, el show no vale la pena la perdida de tu tiempo, casi DIEZ HORAS de tu vida, con eso podes leer un libro, jugar algun juego, verte con un amigo, incluso jugar 20 rankeds del League of Legends es más digno que verse esta basura.Le voy a dar un 4 solo por los TEMAZOS que tiene, Studio VOLN mas te vale que le agradezcas a los artistas. Y antes de hacer otro anime, apuntate esta frase del gran Shu:
(Necesitas alguien con algo aqui adentro)
y si, encima termina con final abierto, dios no, por dios no, UNA TEMPORADA DOS NOOOOOOOOOOOO
70/100An arrow to end God's tyranny.Continue on AniListAll of my reviews contain **spoilers** for the reviewed material. This is your only warning.
___BACK ARROW___, its name proudly and pointedly stylized in all capital letters, is a gem. Not a gem in the "hidden gem" sense where it's a fantastic show that's underappreciated by the masses, (although certainly some might say it is that also) but a gem in the way that you might call your quirky friend who's a little too into conspiracy theories a gem. It's not the best show of the Spring 2021 season, and not a personal favorite (I more respect it than anything else), but it's among the most unique. It's also by far the one I most expect to pick up a cult following. On one level, BACK ARROW is a perfectly logical synthesis of the previous work of its two main creative minds; Gorou Taniguchi, creator and director of Code Geass on the one hand, and Kazuki Nakashima, scriptwriter of a number of Studio TRIGGER's most famous work, notably Kill la Kill, on the other. The result, as anyone familiar with both of these things might guess, is a decidedly strange fusion. BACK ARROW is political, silly, grandiose, philosophical, and ridiculous. This puts it in the same broad thematic space as most of its "parent" anime, like the aforementioned Code Geass and Kill la Kill as well as some work in a similar vein (say, Symphogear). It's not quite as good as any of those, but it manages to make a strong showing of things regardless. BACK ARROW concerns the geopolitics--and eventually, the cosmology--of a world known as Lingalind. It is surrounded in its entirety by a massive wall. Were it not for the presence of mecha conjured up via magic circlets called Bind Warpers, Lingalind would be a fairly typical fantasy setting for an anime. I suspect this is deliberate, as one of BACK ARROW's aims is to explore the logical conclusions of such a setup. There are two main nations; Rekka and Lutoh, (respectively loosely based on China and a general mish-mash of Western Europe) as well as a number of smaller powers. The mecha are powered by a force known as Conviction, and each owner of a Bind Warper has a statement that they hold as a sort of personal code which changes their mecha's form and what it can do. (As an example, Atlee, a green-haired sheriff girl, has a conviction of "I'll manage somehow!")
None of this is all that complex on its own. However, when BACK ARROW's title character, Back Arrow (a homophonic pun name on baka ero, "perverted idiot") arrives, Superman-style, in a capsule from the sky, things quickly change. Across twenty-four episodes, Back Arrow goes on a capital-J Journey across and eventually beyond Lingalind. Along the way, he helps dramatically reshape the world's political landscape, and eventually comes face to face with a man named Rudolph, who claims to be "God's arbitrator". What this means in practice is that Rudolph--a villain so deeply goofy that at one point he drinks wine with his shoulders--plans to destroy the world.
Things go well and truly off the rails as the series enters its latter half, and if you're the sort of person who values sheer scale above all else, BACK ARROW will be a likely anime of the year contender for you. BACK ARROW's only main flaw is a sort of inarticulateness. It is fairly hard to say what the point of the series is, exactly, until its very end. Ultimately, it is the same message that almost all of Nakashima's work imparts; no matter how great the force that holds us down, by coming together, we can overcome it. A simple message of unity in the face of any odds met that settles well with BACK ARROW's inherent silliness. [An acquaintance]( put it best, Nakashima's main strength as a writer is "to script things that make enough sense internally even if they sound completely wild and dumb when taken out of context." I could sit here all day and relay miniature stories of conviction particles and nested giant mecha and baby gods, but there'd be no point. These things tie together surprisingly well in the moment, but make little sense outside of them. This is the man who penned what was translated as "kick reason to the curb", after all.
You understand by now whether or not you'd get anything out of BACK ARROW. If it is a minor work in its creators' body thereof, that really only speaks to the strength of the competition. I suspect in the months and years to come, those who would appreciate it will, indeed, find it. It has a magnetism to it, and like attracts like. Don't be surprised if, five or ten years down the line, you see BACK ARROW topping a lot of "underrated anime" lists. Until then, it flies on, like an arrow in the face of an angry god.
**Notes & Disclaimers** Usage of Anilist's review feature does not constitute endorsement for Anilist as a platform, the Anilist community or any individual member thereof, or any of Anilist's policies or rules. All views expressed are solely my own opinions and conclusions and should not be taken to reflect the opinions of any other persons, groups, or organizations. All text is owned by me. Do not duplicate without permission. All images are owned by their original copyright holders. 0215MADman
80/100Hey you. Do you want an underrated anime that's just dumb fun for 24 episodes? Well, boy do I have the show for you!Continue on AniListBack Arrow always sounded like pure fire to me. The director of s-CRY-ed/Gun x Sword/Code Geass with the writer of Gurren Lagann/Kill la Kill/Promare. The plot description was cryptic, the character designs showed cowboys AND samurai, it had mechs because why the hell not. INJECT THIS INTO MY VEINS!
It immediately mystified me how nobody liked this damn show when it came out. Criticisms of "it's too dumb" and "there's too much character focus" meant nothing to me. It had the right amount of dumb and the character-focused episodes were fun. This is not a show that you take seriously. It's the director of dumb shit and the writer of dumb shit, of course it's dumb shit and I like it for what it is. There was never a moment when "the hype died" for me. It lessened, for sure, but I never got sick and tired of Back Arrow.
Although it helps that I like the characters in Back Arrow. The characters are the backbone of this series. If someone came up to me and told me they didn't like Back Arrow because they hated all of the characters and thought they were annoying, I'd totally get it. Fortunately, I liked all of the characters in Back Arrow. From the naïve but likable MC that the show is named after, the cartoonish comic relief cowboys & cowgirls, the always mysterious Shu Bi, and who can forget the main antagonist of the series that is LITERALLY FUELED BY WINE! Single best part of the show: Demyne Shaft's choir. They show up like three times in total but every time they do it brings a smile to my face.
However, Back Arrow is not flawless. Goro Taniguchi hasn't been relevant for the last 10 years and it shows here. Anyone could have directed this. Nevertheless, he did a good job. I hate to admit it, but Kazuki Nakashima's writing absolutely fits Hiroyuki Imaishi's manic style more than Goro Taniguchi's. It was dumb fun but it could have been more. The plot could have been far wilder. It's diet Nakashima, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. My biggest problem was the music. It's all forgettable, from the OPs/EDs to the actual OSTs. No offense to Kohei Tanaka but he does not compare to Kōtarō Nakagawa and especially not Hiroyuki Sawano.
Also, one more thing I want to point out. If you're a sub elitist and almost never touch dubs, just skip to the next paragraph, this will not affect you.
Having seen all of the sub and, at the time of this edit, half of the dub, I can say for certain that the English dub is the superior choice. The dub actors clearly understand that this show is goofy as hell and have loads of fun with it. Honestly, I think the dub enhances the show's viewing experience a lot. Watch in whatever language you prefer, but in this reviewer's opinion, go for the dub.
Honestly, those are my only problems with Back Arrow. I like the writing, the story constantly kept my attention through a couple twists and turns to spice things up, and the characters are all memorable and fun to watch. The animation isn't Trigger but I expected worse. It's clean and inoffensive, and the CGI mechs mesh pretty well with the 2D animation.
Back Arrow is fun. It is a fun 24 episode action show. It is not the best or the worst, it is a completely satisfactory experience. Very underrated and recommended from me.
ANIME MechaJuushinki Pandora
ANIME ActionGun x Sword
ANIME ActionDarling in the Franxx
ANIME ActionDeca-Dence
ONA ActionBounen no Xamdou
- (2.9/5)
Ended inJune 19, 2021
Main Studio Studio VOLN
Trending Level 1
Favorited by 144 Users
Hashtag #バック・アロウ