June 21, 2020
24 min
Anime adaptation of Part 2 (Volume 1 & 2) of Honzuki no Gekokujou.
When Myne learns that the temple is in need of mana for their relics, she sees it as her chance to be cured of her life-threatening mana disorder. After seeing their bountiful library, she throws herself headfirst into the temple's grasp and begs to join their order. In exchange for her service and her unusually bountiful supply of mana, Myne is given the blue robes of a noble-born apprentice shrine maiden, despite being a commoner. To Myne, all this talk of mana and nobility is trivial, as she now has access to an unlimited supply of books!
As Myne transitions into the next phase of her life in this new world, she soon learns that achieving her dream has come at a heavy cost. Noble society is severe, unforgiving, and fueled by politics and neglect. She must now deal with the class conflict between the noble-born blue robes and the common-born grey robes, the High Bishop's attempts to oust her, and constant behavioral issues from her new retainers. With the help of her family, friends, and the enigmatic High Priest whose loyalties and motives remain unknown, Myne seeks to overcome these obstacles and continue on the path to becoming her ideal self—the ultimate librarian!
(Source: MAL Rewrite, edited)
Yuka Iguchi
Shou Hayami
Takehito Koyasu
Mutsumi Tamura
Megumi Nakajima
Fumiko Orikasa
Tsuyoshi Koyama
Shou Karino
Yuuko Sanpei
Chiyo Tomaru
Tomoaki Maeno
Damuel Bernett
Yuuichirou Umehara
Kiyono Yasuno
Minori Suzuki
Toshiyuki Morikawa
Sou Takeuchi
Mitsuaki Hoshino
Urano no Haha
Risa Hayamizu
Haruki Ishiya
Shou Hayami
Satoshi Hino
Aya Uchida
Rika Kinugawa
Kouji Takahashi
80/100Une très bonne suite d'un isekai où une petite fille veut faire des livresContinue on AniListDescription : Une très bonne suite d'un isekai où une petite fille veut faire des livres.
__Bonjour à tous__ On se retrouve aujourd'hui pour faire le point sur cette anime : Honzuki S2.
Pour commencer, Honzuki S2 est un bon anime en soit mais une très bonne suite de la saison 1 où l'on voit bien le développement de Main dans le temple et où l'on voit le développement des personnages du temple comme le Grand Prêtre ou comme l'ordre des chevalier.
Ce qui est pas mal non plus, c'est que l'on voit pas mal que Main arrive de plus en plus à contrôler sa magie et il y a un peu moins de passage ou elle est malade ou fiévreuse. On retrouve également les orphelins qui aident vraiment au développement de l'histoire et l'on voit bien Main qui fait tous sont possible pour les aider à améliorer leur vie quotidienne mais aussi à faire un livre avec des méthodes de plus en plus efficace mais qui nécessite de
plus en plus de monde et d'outils.
Nous voyons également que la haine que les nobles ont pour les roturiers n'est pas prête à disparaître mais ce que j'aime bien également c'est que certains personnages de la série apporte de la nuance à ce propos, ce qui évite à l'anime d'être trop manichéen.
Ce que je trouve un peu dommage, c'est que l'on voit de moins en moins sa relation avec Lutz ou Benno, mais bon, je me dis que cette arc est vraiment consacré à sa position de vestale bleu et de directrice de l’orphelinat.Conclusion :
Honzuki S2 est un bon anime et une bonne suite de la saison 1, je vous le conseille vivement car il rapporte de la fraîcheur. On se fait facilement prendre par l'histoire et de plus, ce que j'aime bien, c'est que l'on évolue en même temps que les différents personnages.
Ce que je veux dire, c'est que l'on se met très facilement dans la peau des personnages
principaux, et que l'on veut que Main réussisse à faire un livre le plus vite possible. Une autre raison pour laquelle je vous conseille cet anime c'est que, on y rigole de temps en temps, il
y a un peu de comédie qui nous fait franchement du bien quand elle est bien dosé. Également, je trouve que les scènes de famille avec les parents et Tulli sont très bien faite et l'on ne souhaite que le bonheur de Main dans sa nouvelle vie.PS : Désolé pour les fautes de français. Ceci n'est que mon avis personnel. Je ne vous empêche pas d'avoir un point de vue différent du mien. Je pense que tous les points de vue sont à prendre en compte tant qu'ils sont argumentés.
70/100Book Otakuism? Okay fine. Compelling isekai fantasy world? Eh.Continue on AniListHaving read and then reviewed part one of the “Ascendance of a Bookworm” manga, it was interesting to look back and see how my perception of part 1 of this story stood up in light of the anime adaptation and also the uncovering of part 2.
My original critiques were aimed at Main herself. Emotionally turbulent, inwardly focused and with a perverse attraction to the physical concept of a “book”. It sort of rubbed me the wrong way. In the context of the anime this feeling takes a different form though – Main is an anime character transported to a world of reaction blunted normies. Certainly side characters display emotion through the series, but the presentation is always very minimal, in stark opposition to Main and her mind cinema. Realism? Or just a lack of characterisation in the animation? Not sure. I noted both moments of strength and weakness in this presentation, so I really feel it’s a matter of preference to what extent this appeals.
Speaking of that, the anime adaptation takes small liberties in the continuity of the story. Leaving out certain details while stitching other parts together previously unmarried. The pacing felt brisk, which is good for a show that focuses so much on small efforts of economic enterprising. Even then it doesn’t cover up the fact that “Ascendance…” is a slow, meandering story. There are an extraordinary amount of mysteries left to discover about it’s world. Which is probably why the taste we got at the end of part 2 was so sweet to me. The rows of white noble housing. As if a Victorian was trying to copy the stereotype of white picket fence neighborhoods in the U.S. Sterile. A little strange…
Which brings me to something I only realised while watching the anime. This is a strangely sanitary fantasy world. What’s with all the buildings being tenements? I got the reference is meant to be Victorian Britain, but every shop of Downtown shows no variation in building structure at all. It feels like a city that has been very deliberately planned out. Sort of how the structure of the city in Attack on Titan would make no sense without knowledge of the Titans existing. I suppose I don’t know anything else about the world to say why it’s like that. If it does have a reason... The noble district is also just a sea of housing templates. I can’t help but feel this must be the weakness of the adaptation from novel, to manga and then to anime. I’m assuming the text does contain information about the structure of the city that does not paint it in such bland terms architecturally, but no attempt has been made to allow this to be visually represented. The church being the main setting for part 2 receives a least some development as an area. Despite the fact that we really have no feeling for the presence of other blue robed priests, their activities or much of anything else that goes on in the Church (even what our supposed antagonist, the high priest, is doing…).
This reminds me of a Mr Btongue video where he asks of Fallout 3, “what do they eat?”. The purpose being to recognise why Fallout New Vegas felt “lived in”, versus the desolation of Fallout 3. This is obviously not something that is directly comparable for a manga/anime, but it serves to illustrate a deficit I felt in the world building. This could probably be remedied by better visual representations of the inside of the temple and the city, but that would require resources, time and talent. While I think this anime adaptation is serviceable and generally enjoyable, I don’t think they are trying to do their utmost here.
So in the end, I’m sold on book otakuism a lot more than I am on the world of “Ascendance..”. You live to pull from your ass another day Ms. Main!
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