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April 10, 2022
After the Delpice Empire unifies all kingdoms with brutal subjugation, all the noblemen who stood up to the empire had to relinquish their titles. As her father’s only child, Leyrin Efran becomes a countess overnight, but to secure her family’s title and estate, legally she must be wed! She enlists info from the infamous Nine Night Guild to find a man of lower rank to keep the empire at bay. They deliver as requested (eep! he’s SO hot!), but things don’t completely seem as advertised...
(Source: Tapas)
Delice Kaleid
Larin Efran
Bella Deiraor
0/100A Webtoon "Twilight" Where Vampires Are Replaced By GodsContinue on AniListCAUTION: REVIEW MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
This is probably one of the more popular shoujo-type webtoons that exist, but for me, reading this webtoon made me want to bash my head against my desk with each passing chapter. Maybe I'm in the extreme minority. Cue the nitpicking!
Honestly for me, this webtoon was only good until maybe the second or third chapter, and by good, I mean interesting-ish. It went super downhill from there, with some weird plotline about how the female lead meets the male lead while he's under the disguise of the head honcho of an information-gathering guild as she tries to find someone to marry. There's a really strange law that didn't make any sense to me, no matter how they explained it, about how marrying a guy makes the girl more powerful and able to keep their land or some such. It was overly complicated and not explained well, as with the rest of the stuff that follows. The author just wants all their readers to roll with it, despite whatever ridiculous things they pull out of their butts. The whole time, she's drooling over the head honcho dude without realizing that he slipped his actual deets in the mix, and predictably, she chooses him as her future husband, cause he's so freaking hot (as she constantly reminds us)! Way to go for not appearing shallow as hell, female lead. I think all of femininity just wept a tear at your reckless decision that will supposedly impact your whole life, if this weren't completely fictional. But then again, this is all make-believe, so only good things happen for her, and she totally doesn't regret her decision, and really falls in love with him. Why? Because he's so goddamn perfect! There's like nothing he can't do. Even when he breathes, it's more lovely than any other human being!
Err. Except there's one tinyyyyy problem. He's also a rampaging killer, and he needs to constantly take some weirdo drug that's in the form of a cigarette to calm him down. Supposedly, this drug is so lethal, a normal human would die just from licking it (I kid you not). Okay, then. Please explain to me why, oh why, doesn't she die if she touches his sweat? Apparently his saliva is also deadly since it's infused with the toxic drug, as well as his blood. Sweat is a by-product of the body which is used to eliminate wastes, I'm sure his sweat must be toxic too. Unless he's so perfect, he never sweats. I actually believe that might be the reason. I guess I explained this plot hole all by myself~
But I have another problem! Why the hell is he allowed to exist?! The king knows who he is and used him to take over the throne. The most logical move as king should be to execute this deadly killer in case he kills you too, duh. Or imprison him or whatever. Instead, he gets a promotion and is in charge of a small kingdom, being bestowed with the title of Grand Duke. That's just stupid. Everyone is clearly afraid of him, so why are you making him a leader of the people? He doesn't even do any administrative work at all, his new wife does everything. So what was he going to do if he hadn't married her, die from death by being buried under mountains of paperwork? Aha, I discovered the real strategy of the king's nonsensical move!
For a contractual marriage, this went from zero to ten real quick. It didn't help that the female lead was already attracted to the male lead because he's so freaking perfect without a single flaw (besides the killer thing, but that's a minor issue). In fact, he becomes less killer-y while she's around -- they're like a match made in heaven! They absolutely adore each other because Mary Sue & Gary Stu for life~ She pretends she isn't falling for him, with constant empty threats about raising alimony for touching her, which is obviously impossible to even keep track of. It's one of the reasons why my forehead is red from the headdesking I was doing as I read this. They sleep in the same bed, for god's sakes, they're going to be always touching, either accidentally or on purpose. And please, we all know that you're not going to divorce him after time's up, because where are you going to find such a flawless and handsome husband afterwards?
This goes on for some time, with nothing else happening, so the author finally got bored of writing the same thing over and over. There's a limit to how perfect two people can be, after all. The story (or lack thereof) dug itself into a hole so deep it can't even get out of the endless, repetitive cycle of mutual perfection and adoration. The author wrote themselves into a ditch, apparently. Then they decided to go ultra magic!!! on this story, and now it barely makes any coherent sense, from already not making much sense to begin with. In fact, when they inserted the backstory of the male lead's previous life, it came out of nowhere, and I had to scroll back and forth to make sure I was reading the same webtoon. Not only did the female lead reincarnate into this world from another world, the male lead is also a reincarnation of a GOD. A god so strong, he absorbed all the other gods, except one, who ran away. I have no idea how he died after becoming so powerful, but nothing made sense after that. The end. Just kidding.
I'm still kind of lost right now, but there's an absorbed god who also reincarnated, and he wants to kill the male lead. The god who ran away hid her powers in the ground, and wants to get them back to also kill the male lead. The female lead is concerned that the male lead is seeing dead people. The male lead doesn't remember anything about his previous life. Everything is messed up. I also have no sense of distance in this webtoon, because there's supposed to be a bunch of small kingdoms or something, and the male lead seems like he can teleport, because he is always there, whenever plot calls for it. One minute, he's in the king's palace, and another minute, he's on the docks, then the next minute, he's at home watching his wife sleep.
...You know what, this webtoon is basically "Twilight." You heard me! Except instead of vampires, everyone's a god. She's a god, he's a god, the maid is a god, and there's another random god wandering around somewhere. Maybe there's even more gods we don't know about! He even watches her in her sleep like Edward does, because that's so romantic. There's so many parallels. He likes her because she's special, in that being near her calms him down, and Edward liked Bella because she intrigued him, since he can't read her mind. Both the male lead and Edward can read minds. Both the male lead and Edward are deadly killers with superhuman strength. They're both so hot and completely perfect. Both of them randomly have a childhood friend of the female lead act as their rival love interest, but you already know they have no chance of winning against the main love interest, ahem. Both of them nearly killed their female leads in their first encounter because they almost went beserk. Both of the female leads are idiots and only love guys for their looks, which is why they're attracted to obviously dangerous men.
Uhm but maybe at least Twilight had some conflict with the werewolves and evil vampires,
and some family drama on both sides of the leads' families. I have no clue where this pile of steaming trash is trying to go. Why is that plot about the angry gods even interesting to follow through, since obviously he's not a threat to the last god if he doesn't remember he killed the other gods? It's not like he's going to be killing his female lead's head maid for no reason, since he technically is her employer. Or maybe the conflict is that all the other gods are going to kill him, but then they made a point somewhere back then that he's super OP, so it's not like that's a real concern. It's not like while in god limbo, they got super strong enough to be able to take him on this time, when they already lost by a huge margin the last time. The only remotely possible problem I see is that the female lead is going to accidentally absorb the male lead somehow, but I don't even know if that's what they're trying to hint at, since the translation got wonky after the big celestial revelation.Lastly, about the art. It is alright, but if you look closely, the artist is lazy at drawing everyone except the female lead. Only the female lead is carefully drawn, with constantly changing hairstyles and clothing. Everyone else is just kinda bleh and sometimes, the art quality can decrease a lot in a single chapter, if it doesn't feature the female lead. The artist is also not that great at establishing shots or backgrounds, and draws far too many headshots and characters from the waist up. Panelling is too simple, and honestly, it's not even efficiently used, as I will explain below.
What really, really irks me about this already head-bangingly frustrating webtoon, is the constant freaking gushing of how handsome the male love interest is in nearly every single chapter. It's like the author doesn't know what else to make the female lead say when she's thinking to herself. Shut up! I am a reader and I have eyes, so let me be the judge, thank you very much. By the way, with my very own two eyes that are in perfect working order, I don't see him as that amazingly handsome that you feel the need to remind me every single time I see him. Saying he's handsome every other panel doesn't make him more handsome. Admiring his looks repeatedly doesn't increase his handsomeness. It also doesn't compensate for the fact that your art didn't completely capture how handsome he supposedly is. It also makes the female lead sound incredibly stupid and shallow, which is worsened by the fact that everyone praises her for being smart. She sure doesn't sound or act smart. Basically, this does nothing to advance anything plot-wise and it's a waste of panels and space that could have been used for something more worthwhile. The male lead also thinks to himself about how beautiful the female lead is quite often, but not to the irritating extent the female lead does. Honestly, A LOT of the chapters are just spent with the two characters praising the hell out of each other in their heads. They don't even say what they're thinking to each other, which makes it even more idiotic. We really don't need to know what they're thinking 24/7. Actually, I feel that this webtoon would be so much more interesting if we couldn't read what they're thinking at all, because it takes away the mystery of who the male lead is. When I first saw him, I thought he was cool, until I saw what he's internally monologuing, then I lost all respect for him, because he's just the male equivalent to the female lead. What happened to "Show, don't tell?" I really detest it when authors think their readers are so stupid that everything unimportant needs to be spelled out for us, instead of focusing on plot and writing actual conflicts that matter. You could just condense the entirety of the existing chapters to about 1/4 of what we have right now, and you wouldn't miss much.
Yeah, just avoid this, if you're a big fan of believable, good storytelling with a cast of interesting characters. It utterly sucks in that department.
Overall Breakdown:
Characters: -5/10
Story: 0/10
Art: 6/10
Lore/Worldbuilding: -5/10
Enjoyment: 0/10
MANGA DramaLady Beast
MANGA ComedyAngnyeoui Namjunim
MANGA ComedyAngnyeoui Jeongui
MANGA FantasyWae Ileoseyo, Gongjag-nim!
- (3.6/5)
Ended inApril 10, 2022
Trending Level 1
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