January 2, 2021
25 min
Xie Lian, the crown prince of Xian Le Kingdom, successfully ascends to Heaven during his third trial in spite of successive demotions. However, he accidentally breaks the Gold Palace of heavenly officials. With no human worshiping him, Xie Lian has to descend to the secular world to exorcise ghosts, which may help him sustain his divinity.
(Source: Funimation)
Cheng Hua
Jun Fukuyama
Lian Xie
Hiroshi Kamiya
Qingxuan Shi
Ayako Kawasumi
Qing Mu
Chiaki Kobayashi
Xin Feng
Makoto Furukawa
Wen Ling
Youko Hikasa
Yi Ming
Nanako Mori
Ming Pei
Junichi Suwabe
Kana Hanazawa
Yao Fu
Chiaki Kobayashi
Feng Nan
Makoto Furukawa
Xiu Pei
Toshiki Masuda
Ji Xuan
Yuuko Kaida
Kanae Oki
Xiao Pengtou
Yuuta Odagaki
Xuan He
Rong Qi
Bai Wu Xiang

83/100A well-balanced story that is backed by gorgeous animation and intriguing characters.Continue on AniList"There are so many matters in this world that cannot be settled by arguments."
- Pei Xiu, Episode 11
Tian Guan Ci Fu is a visually impressive series that utilises elements of mystery, fantasy, and the supernatural to spin an intriguing tale within its short timeframe.
It gently eases the audience into its fantastical setting in a way that isn't overwhelming; building on its premise over a couple of episodes. This avoids a common problem in fantasy based works while highlighting the interesting elements that might have been overlooked. Tian Guan Ci Fu paces the episodes well enough that it covers two engrossing, longer plots without them feeling too rushed. The mix between action, drama and comedy work well enough to prevent monotony in the narrative structure and the less intense episodes work well in developing the characters.
Perhaps the biggest issue with the plot is that it can become a little too reliant on exposition. While it is often played off as one of Hua Cheng's personality traits, it can be a bit overused. Tian Guan Ci Fu tries to lessen this impact by utilising a slightly more comedic tone during these moments which does work to make them less jarring to the narrative. A second issue is that, due to the genres that are being utilised, the pacing can be a little bit chaotic and some of the plot beats can be a little bit predictable.
The art style is really strong, with the scenery standing out, creating a fitting atmosphere that makes it easier to slip into the world that is being constructed. One of the biggest issues that Tian Guan Ci Fu has is its inconsistent handling of 3DCG when it is used. The more subtle uses work well, not being too distracting and allowing for some interesting camera movements that emphasise important elements of the narrative. However, when used in action scenes where several separate elements are using this method of animation, it becomes very rigid and negatively contrasts the flow of the 2D animation. This is a prominent issue in the third episode as it dampens the effect of the story and mars the tone.
When it comes to the characters themselves, there are a couple of shortfalls as many of the side characters are reduced to flatter archetypes relying on a couple of gimmicks to equal a supposedly well-rounded personality. This is especially true of Fu Yao and Nan Feng who we only get to see a surface level of. While it can be argued that there is a narrative reason for this, it means that they can become a little repetitive when they show up. Hopefully, any future episodes will do them justice. Some of the liberties that Tian Guan Ci Fu took, in regards to developing some of the character's backstories, works in its favour and makes scenes more impactful.
Overall, Tian Guan Ci Fu is a series with a lot of potential and does well to weave an intriguing story within its 11 episodes without biting off more than it can chew. Hopefully, it will keep up this momentum and improve on the weaker elements, especially the use of 3DCG, to create an impressive series.
95/100Top shelf danmei series, with a surprisingly charming main characterContinue on AniListProbably no one will read this review, but I have some thoughts and I want to share them.
First of all, to be clear, this is an 11 episode show with 1 bonus episode. Some sites show this as a 12 episode show, but "Episode 12" is just something for the fans, which wraps up a few story threads if you were interested, and throws some fanservice out. Episode 11 is the actual story finale. I suspect some people were confused by this and got annoyed by why 12 seemed slow and just full of flirting. It's because it's not a real episode.
This legitimately upended my expectations. Based on what little I'd heard of TGCF, and also how the fandom can be, I wasn't particularly interested. It ended up being one of the later shows I watched in my recent danmei blitz. Having finished the season, I...loved it way more than I thought I would going in.
You are not likely to enjoy this if you watch this because
- you deeply love the book and want a show exactly like that
- you deeply love MDZS and want a show exactly like that but with slightly different characters
- you can't believe some stupid Chinese gay show ended up at the top of the rankings.
If this is you, don't watch this show. Don't do things you know you won't enjoy. Having an opinion is not a personality.
The art is very good (particularly the OP and ED), although as people have mentioned, there are some flaws in the later episodes. The last few have some lip flap problems and a few off-model moments. I came from 80s/90s anime, though, so...eh.
The OP and ED are very good, some of the best produced examples amongst my danmei run (although my favorite is still the ED from The Defectives).
I actually love the characters here so far. They're not all fully developed, but that shouldn't be a requirement of a single season, particularly when it's clear they intend to have more. Like a lot of other danmei, this is based on a book that was written as a novel. Unlike your standard manga-to-anime pipeline in Japan, these novels are not necessarily written with the same fixed standards in mind. If you're not willing to be open-minded past Japanese show structures, Chinese series are probably going to be hit-or-miss.
I was really surprised by how much I ended up liking Xie Lian in particular. He seemed like he would be that sort of poor/sweet/innocent (美白惨) stereotype, which is not really my thing normally. However, we actually end up finding out he's more badass than he looks, and also kind of a troll, and I actually ended up liking him even more than Hua Cheng.
Side note: Fu Yao and Nan Yang are adorable and I love them.
The storyline and worldbuilding and writing are excellent, but very much a Chinese style where the mechanics of how things work slowly unfold with the book. I suspect if you finished the book (or the show, if they do end up making enough seasons to get through the whole story), you would have a full understanding of the magic system, and a better sense of all the characters. I really like this style of writing and am eagerly awaiting more. I've seen multiple people complain about things that basically boil down to this - I maintain there's nothing inherently WRONG with this writing style, it just may not be everyone's cup of tea.
...I love Wind Master? She gives me the same vibes as Beidou from Genshin Impact, and I think I might have a type.
90/100Just my opinion about Tian Guan Ci Fu as my first chinese "anime"Continue on AniListHeaven Official's Blessing foi uma surpresa pra mim, nunca tinha assistido nenhum anime de produção chinesa, não sabia o que esperar. TGCF me surpreendeu de diversas maneiras, como eu mencionei, mas uma delas foi o desenvolvimento de história e personagens. Eu já estava me frustrando quando não conseguia decorar o nome deles (por serem nomes em um idioma que não sou familiar), estava confusa sobre o contexto das coisas, mas algo me prendia: curiosidade. Esse anime trás uma sensação estranha de como se estivessemos sendo parte daquele mundo, como se conversassemos com os personagens, sentissemos o que eles sentiam, e ficássemos tão curiosos para entender o que estava acontecendo quanto eles. Lian Xie foi minha 3a surpresa (depois de universo e beleza desse anime maravilhoso) eu não dava nada pra ele, achava um fracassado assim como o resto dos deuses, mas consegue ser um personagem de carisma absurdo e ainda ter aquele toque de inocência. Eu amei. Eu amei muito! Gosto da interação que ele tem com Xin Feng, principalmente.
_Sobre o primeiro arco, o_ ___Noivo Fantasma___ Vou admitir que achei que esse seria o enredo do anime inteiro. Lá estava eu me decepcionando novamente, mas como sou perseverante, não desisti. (por sinal estava assistindo a versão da Netflix, são 13 episódios ao invés de 11 como consta no Anilist) Apareciam personagens, morriam personagens, e eu estava só assistindo, até aquele bendito aparecer: Hua Cheng, ou melhor, San Lang, mesmo apenas suspeitando quem ele era, era visivel que seria um personagem importantíssimo dali em diante. San Lang tem tudo, tem design, atitude, personalidade, desenvolvimento, caráter, carisma, poderia passar horas dizendo como ele é o personagem mais bem escrito de TGCF. Toda interação com Xie Lian foi meticulosamente calculada, tanto como sua fuga usando as borboletas, já criando um ar misterioso e intrigante sobre o personagem. Plot feito, mistério resolvido, anime finalizado... ou não. Bem pelo contrário na verdade, a brincadeira tinha acabado de começar.
_Sobre o arco de_ ___Meia Lua___ Deserto, desabrigados, viajantes, uma mulher louca com poderes estranhos, San Lang virando oficialmente um personagem da história, já estava amando desde o inicio. O que me cativou mesmo foi a relação que os protagonistas já estavam estabelecendo, tanto o Xie Lian com o Hua Cheng quando os mesmos com os ajudantes de sua Alteza. Não sei descrever o quão bem feito esse arco foi, recomendo assistir. Além do passado nunca antes visto de Xie Lian que chocou a todos né? Os personagens adicionados nesse arco também não são fúteis e rasos, pescar as referencias do plot final ou até mesmo revisitá-las voltando ao início é muito bom, com certeza um dos melhores do ano!
ONA ActionModao Zushi
ONA ActionChuan Shu Zijiu Zhinan
ONA ActionModao Zushi 2
ONA ComedyModao Zushi Q
ONA AdventureDiwang Gonglue
ONA ActionTianbao Fuyao Lu
ONA ActionShanhe Jian Xin
ONA DramaShiguang Dailiren
ONA ActionTianbao Fuyao Lu 2
ONA ActionDinghai Fusheng Lu
- (4.15/5)
Ended inJanuary 2, 2021
Main Studio Haoliners Animation
Trending Level 2
Favorited by 3,468 Users
Hashtag #天官赐福 #天官賜福 #TGCF #天官赐福动画