March 22, 2021
24 min
The story follows Lloyd, a budding adventurer who just wants to get stronger. His plan? Head to the capital and discover his true power, even though he grew up being considered a weakling. So Lloyd heads out from his hometown, which interestingly exists directly next to the most dangerous dungeon. He might not think of himself as strong, but he’ll soon learn that there’s even more of a difference between him and other starting adventurers.
You know, because he grew up next to a deadly dungeon. He’s much stronger than he realizes.
(Source: Funimation)
Lloyd Belladonna
Yumiri Hanamori
Selen Hemein
Madoka Asahina
Ai Kayano
Riho Flavin
Minami Tsuda
Natsumi Hioka
Phyllo Kinon
Miku Itou
Souma Saitou
Satoshi Hino
Mena Kinon
Haruka Tomatsu
Allan Toin Lidocaine
Seiichirou Yamashita
Haruka Yamazaki
Mao Ichimichi
Yuuko Sanpei
Rol Calcife
Naomi Shindou
Micona Zol
Natsumi Fujiwara
Katsuyuki Konishi
Azami Ou
Bon Ishihara
Coba Lamin
Shouto Kashii
Takaya Hashi
Threonine Toin Lidocaine
Kenji Nomura
Kyou Yaoya
Robin Hemein
Masaaki Mizunaka
Youji Ueda
Hazuki Ogino
50/100Some good early jokes, but quickly becomes a boring generic action show. Wouldn't miss anything by skipping it.Continue on AniListSome shows make me question just what happened with it over the course of it’s development. And surprisingly this question for Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies moved to a starter town isn’t raised over visual quality like I normally expect, but more about the quality of the jokes and general enjoyment. Very quickly I lost interest in the show as it had less and less moments that I honestly enjoyed. By the end, I was finishing it up more over just how much time I had already put into the show. Side note, the title of this anime is just way too long.
The original draw for me was the jokes. And we started off good with the first couple episodes just filled with good puns and jokes that made me laugh constantly. The entire episode was funny and enjoyable and just made me want to watch more. And than it all just kinda ended. The jokes became more repetitive and boring with them just eventually just stopping pretty much all together, instead they focused more heavily on story and the characters.
For the story characters, they both ended up being rather generic and uninteresting. Most of the characters are overpowered compared to normal people, but under powered compared to the truly powerful hero’s in the world. But in this lays the issue for me. We are supposed to get invested in stories that involve world ending events and demon lords. While knowing you have an entire village of entirely overpowered people who could solve the issue in moments if they ever bothered to show up. So they have to create excuses to keep them away or distracted, or just make them idiots. I can say that they attempted to do some character arcs, some of the worked out well. But in the end, not enough for me to really enjoy the characters in the arcs.
One final issue is the ending. It just, wasn’t very good. Over the course of the show they didn’t do a good job at pacing, so the final big fight was rushed. We get introduced to the final villains just a short while before the show ends. With the final fight and defeat of the villain happening all in a single episode. So it all ended up being rushed and unsatisfying to watch. With a feeling that I was meant to go read the source to experience the true story.
When it comes to the visuals, in general I figured they were pretty average. Nothing it did from the slower slice of life stuff, to the various animated puns and jokes, to the various battles really stood out. Sure it wasn’t in any way terrible, I would never call it that. But it definitely isn’t the type of show I would recommend if you want to be stunned by what you are watching.
So my honest conclusion for this show would be, it isn’t all that important to watch. Nothing it does it all that great. And comes in being below average for me. You have much better options for both action shows involving overpowered characters, or comedy shows with good puns and jokes.
72/100Last Dungeon is basically watching someone who barely cleared Touhou on Lunatic plays on Easy mode for the first timeContinue on AniListLast Dungeon is basically a fantasy/comedy genre which tackles the overused tropes of fantasy genre. Instead of getting an OP protagonist. we got an overpowered (quite OP but not too OverPowered) protagonist who has confidence issues due to the fact that he is the weakest in his town happens to be a town filled with extraordinary people.
To be honest, the concept is not new but it has it's own quirks. The jokes are quite nice but they become stale at times especially when it was repeated for ad infinitum. I kinda don't like MC's denseness but that is because for him, the monsters of normal people are a common thing in their town which I guess I can forgive him for.
The pacing of the show is nice and not too fast, but it did felt too slow for the first arc but the rest of the arcs are decently paced. there wasn't any hint of rush (there's no way I am going to know if there are some skipped contents since I haven't read the novel myself) and the show did end on a somewhat good note (rather, it was quite an awkward end, more like anime-original ending), Anyhow, the show is nice and good but that's it/
I cannot recommend you watching this if you want animated action, it can be really anti-climactic especially when MC is involved. But, the last few episodes does make the MC fight seriously.
Overall, the show is enjoyable. it has it's moments, it's a bit cheesy and sometimes it can be down right stupid. but I like it. I don't hate it but I don't see this in a higher position. Rather, 7/10 is already a high score for this show. if you want something funny and does better with the fantasy tropes, there's always KonoSuba for that.
Last note: I don't know if I would read the novels myself but from the looks of things, I might... but I'd rather read something else instead.
Story: 6/10 (Story is quite unoriginal; it's also quite predictable so all the plot twist is kinda expected.)
Pacing: 7/10 (asides from the slow 1st arc. the rest is quite paced well..., the last arc is kinda forced but endings can be a pain to pace properly.)
Plot: 7/10 (It's a decent plot altogether; of course, it suffers from the illness all anime adaptation has, being incomplete. but it was indeed clearly given some thought; but it's not too brillian)
Music: 8/10 (to be honest, asides from the battle ones, I can't remember when music was played in this show, but that is a good thing since if you don't notice, it meant it was doing a great job. Unless this is an idol show; which isn't.)
Enjoyment: 8/10 (because it's quite a fun experience watching this...)Average: 7.2/10 (good but I will forget this show a few years from now.)
My thoughts:
(to be fair, I am just going to type a lot just to fill the required number of letters AniList wants but yeah...)Last Dungeon is forgettable and probably bear some similarities to KonoSuba to a small degree. The fights are good but only a certain degree... the characters are sometimes one-dimensional so you know them by tropes alone And the whole plot twists is predictable and unoriginal, but since this is a fantasy/comedy anime; I can forgive them for being too predictable. In short; watch last dungeon if you have lots of free time... but I won't recommend you watching it.Nillaes
60/100[SPOILER FREE REVIEW] Not the worst much much worse than I was expectingContinue on AniListSuppose A Kid From The Last Dungeon Boonies Moved To A Starter Town just came out a few months ago in the Winter 2021 season, the title promised a show with an overpowered character going up against normal life for normal people, at least this is a reasonable expectation from the title. As an anime with a relatively big budget I had quite high expectations, but since it started airing it hasn’t received much praise.
The question, like always, is “Is it worth watching?” I hope in the next few paragraphs you’ll get an answer. The review is mostly spoiler-free and in case spoilers exist they will be marked like this → Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt youThere’s a TLDR at the end for the ones that don’t want to read all of this.
The title was not promising anything new and the expectations were of something along the lines of “Konosuba” or “ That Time I got Reincarnated As A Slime” with good animation, epic fighting scenes, and somewhat decent jokes. Now it’s time to ask the question “did it hold up to its expectation?” and the answer is just “No it didn’t”
In the story there has been put some thought, at least a lot more than in any other thing. It is clear that there was a clear idea of where they wanted to go, but at the same time it looks like they had no idea on how to get there.
While there has been some thought put into the story the episodes themselves feel like they are not going anywhere and empty. This results in the constant feeling of watching separate episodes that are not clearly connected as there is no development in the character nor in the story.
Another problem is the many plot holes. While there are no huge plot holes there is a plethora of small ones. Seeing a character act unfaithfully to who they are and what they stand for is quite common. This is not too bad after all though because of the horrible characters in which I’ll get to in a bit.
Not really a spoiler but I'll talk about the last episode so I'll mark it The last episode is just bad. There is not much more to say other than I was wishing for it to end and the further I got into it the more I hoped it was gonna end. Having a brand new character that you introduced just an episode ago play such a major role in the ending as the villain of the entire show is just bad, there is no attachment to the bad guy as you know basically nothing about her nor do you have any idea why she is bad. The other two bad guys didn’t get much development in general and you also don’t feel attached to them in any way so the ending is just as bland as ever
The ending doesn’t leave any space for a second season this is all I'll say so don’t expect a second season because it will likely never come.
The characters are the part where this anime really fucked up as there is not even one character that is decent throughout the entire anime. The main problem is that no character has a tiny bit of personality, they don’t feel like people, therefore you don’t get attached to them. Furthermore there is no development at all. All of the characters are very easily forgettable because of their lack of personality, in fact I had to go check their names multiple times while writing this review.
Another problem with the character is that they are all completely brain-dead, there is not even the hint of the presence of a brain in them, proof of this is that even after seeing the limits of normal people with his eyes Lloyd doesn’t realise that he is much stronger than them. Didn’t he notice in the training with his classmates that he can fire a fireball the size of a truck and destroy walls and everything behind them while the others seem to be barely able to light a candle with their magic?
Now I'll get into every character separately (more or less):
The protagonist is barely worth calling a character as he has no personality and has no development in the story. At least he has a reason to fight unlike all the other characters but at the same time the reason he fights is told to you at the start of the first episode, and that is all there is to know about him. Another important thing regarding Lloyd is that he is brain-dead, more than any other character, so if you dislike stupid protagonists avoid the showRiho (first half):
Riho from the start was a very promising character, compared to all the other characters she clearly is the best one, she is the only character that seems to have a reason to live and to fight. In the first half she has a personality and a reason to fight. Sadly around episode 6 she just becomes a clone of all the other yandere characters so it did let down my hopes.Alka, Selen, Riho (in the second half), Phyllo (somewhat):
They are all clones of each other pretty much, and this is the reason they come in a group as they are all the same character just drawn differently. Their personality can be reduced to “Yandere”, that is all there is to them.They are all basically the go brrr meme just that instead of brrr is yandere, so more like “character go yandere”Marie:
She is the character with the best jokes in the show, but sadly she is just a slightly better clone of all the other characters, but she is still pretty bad. As a positive note at least I remembered her name which means that at least she is not completely worthless as a character.The next paragraph is about the (supposedly) villain and the fact that I have to mark it as a spoiler should already tell you that it was not a job well done and she is not even on the character list She is introduced as a nice character extremely close to the ending and we only find out she is bad in the last episode, she is apparently the leader of the trio of the bad guys in which two of them are not bad at all they are just yandere but male. We are never told why she is bad or why she wants to start the world over and this is kind of a problem for the story as we have a bad guy that is apparently not acting for any reason.
The animation is not the worst but definitely falls into the “meh” category as it resembles more something from 2015 than 2021. The flow of the fighting scenes is terrible, full of scenes that make no sense physically, for example characters being kicked in the side and falling backwards. Another example is a very minor spoiler so I'll tag it as such anyway ~!
(episode 8 around 15:00) two people throwing firebombs that have seemingly been lighted by god himself as no one spent time lighting them they are just throwing them picking them up from the floor already lighted.In conclusion I would only suggest this show if you have nothing better to watch, you don’t mind having a complete idiot as a protagonist, you like the subpar jokes in this kind of anime.
TLDR: Don’t watch unless you literally have nothing better to do.
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