June 22, 2020
23 min
The war between the Kingdoms of Light and Dark has raged on since time began. But the new Prince of Darkness is destined to change that.
In the wake of a monster attack, an elderly noble confronts the lone surviving boy. Impressed, he chooses the boy to become his heir to the Throne of Darkness. Meanwhile, in the iridescent clouds above, the Queen of Light and her army are at war with the monsters. But the new Prince of Darkness realizes that Light and Dark must unite and destroy the evil if the world is to survive.
(Source: Funimation)
Yami no Ouji
Yuuki Kaji
Hikari no Ou Iris
Yui Horie
Yuuko Kawade
Chise Nakamura
Shougo Batori
Kengo Takanashi
Takuya Iwabata
Yami no Ou
Susumu Akagi
Kensuke Matsui
Shouzou Iizuka
Atsuyoshi Miyazaki
Katsuyuki Miura
35/100Meh Anime with Meh Story and Characters. I enjoyed it still, but it turned bad in the final episodes.Continue on AniListI'm only writing this review because the first Half of the Anime was OK although completely blasted with Cliche's. After EP 6-8 everything just turns to complete bull.
I don't know what the creators thought they where doing, but I'm sure it was based on a story where they had to cut out like 75% of the content. And you can clearly feel that while watching.
This Anime goes from Adventure to Politics to Slice of Life to Apocalyptic Scenarios and Tragedy in the span of 1 Episode and not in a good way...Animation is OK, they put in "some" effort. The fight scenes are meh too but it wasn't about the fight scenes anyways. Although there was a high emphasis on it, specially in the last EPs. It was definitely a low budged animation so I'm not going to complain more. This was really the least of the issues.
Premise: Blacks and Whites Kingdoms are at war since "always" (Yes this is the very, very, stupid name they have decided on....)
There is the King of Blacks, (King of Darkness) who tries to unify the world by covering it in Darkness Of course he doesn't, he's planning to destroy everything, duh
The Princess (Head of the White's Kingdom and the Queen of Light)
Also the MC who is the Prince and the next Ruler in line.
The Anime centres around the peace treaty the blacks and whites want to establish to stop the endless bloodshed and suffering. That's it. of course this goes to shit at some point in the story and "shit hits the fan, not just because a lot of stuff happens to incite tragedy, but because the story is also shit."Now about the Characters:
The 2 Main characters, the Black Prince and White Princess, are the embodiment of cliches and so turns out to be the story,
The Male MC's place of life gets destroyed by demons and through some situations decides to become the next ruler of the "kingdom". He becomes the next successor in line for the "black" Kingdom and goes on an envoy mission with another, a former successor candidate, to the "White's kingdom" together with best girl Groza.
The romance in this story is in my opinion very garbage, There was almost 0 reason for the MC to fall in love with the Princess, but he does this on first sight.
Minor Spoiler:
There was also 0 reason for the MC to suddenly get a Powerup in the last Episode. He just suddenly does. Most of the stuff the MC does makes usually 0 reason so it wasn't surprising at all.The Princess, Iris: Super Cliche. Just another boring character who wants to protect her kingdom in a stupid and altruistic fashion. There is not much to this. Her family/friends are just as bad and cliche; "best female friend" who is the head priestess and "best male friend who has a crush on her" and is the head knight. The writing for them was just as boring as it was for the Princess, so I'm not even going to elaborate on it. Heck, the little ~10 year old brother of the Priestess and Knight has more character development than any other character in this series with his 5 minutes of total screen-time...)
The only character trait the princess has is that she likes gardening and self sacrifice, which she does from EP 01 to 12.Groza (best girl): An executive of the "Darks" (more like a secretary). She basically carries the story in a lot of situations. from the first time she was introduced she fell for the MC (he saved her life on a whim... cliche I know.). She supports the MC in every situation and helps lighten the mood of this otherwise very boring show. I'm not going to elaborate a lot on her because as you may realise in the first 2-3 episodes: She was obviously only added to the story to get trashed aside by the MC later on for the princess, but this is something they always do in any trash-tier Anime nowadays, so I knew this immediately when I saw the first EP. (she stood no chance against the shitty writing of the creators). She of course doesn't get much screen time after a point and has no chance whatsoever to have her romantic desire bloom. (At least she gets rejected by the MC properly. Thinking about it, it was a lot better for her to not get together with this trash-tier MC.)
There is also the other messenger from the "blacks" who lost against MC in the battle for succession, but he's written just as bad as everyone else and used as a sacrificial pawn for the story
I was expecting it to end similar to what it did, but they somehow made it even worse than I thought.
Major Spoiler Everyone Dies.
The final scene also shows a kind of open end with chance of a continuation, but I really hope this doesn't get a 2nd season. (If you loved this series, I'm sorry but the story was just bad in my opinion)TL;DR:
- Did I enjoy this series? Yes, from EP 1 to 8.
- Would I recommend it? No.
- Does it have good waifus? They are okay. If you somehow really like the princess the most I'm concerned about your mental health.
Don't forget that this is just my opinion. I watch about 5 - 10 Anime every season with my favourite tags being Adventure, Action or Comedy. I'm also a Waifu Hunter so this may or may not have influenced my review of this. English is my 3rd language.
20/100Terrible pacing that ruins any potentialy good characters or storyContinue on AniListShironeko Project ZERO CHRONICLE, what a bloody terrible show this ended up being. And after 12 episodes I don’t think I can find a single redeeming thing about this show, and I see no reason why I could ever recommend somebody actually watch it. But, if for whatever reason you want to know some about the show.
The worst part of this show by far is the pacing, or lack of it that is. You get a sudden opening that throws you in with no build up at all. The Main Character, Yami no Ouji, suddenly meets an old man who makes him into a Prince. Which lets Yami meet the various other members of the Darkness group. But suddenly throughout this process you get thrown in with the Light side with the Queen of Light, Hikari no Ou Iris. With more sudden battles and characters being introduced. This flip-flopping keeps happening over and over again the entire show, so better get used to it.
During the middle section of the show things actually improved. The two sides are in the same spot and working together. They have some surprising decent character building and some world building. Don’t have many unexpected fights, it turns into a generic slice-of-life show. Which is a better outcome than the actual show thus far.
Then it all comes crashing down, when the show leaves the decent slice-of-life stuff for the final arc. Once again, the two sides are separated so the flip-flopping begins again. And because they spent too long on slice-of-life stuff, the story goes into complete overdrive mode. Blasting through content at a ridiculous pace that just leaves you confused as to what is happening. Suddenly the final battle is starting for some reason, and then people die and the world ends. I was completely confused between episodes, because you are suddenly in a different spot with different characters at a different time. And they are for some reason progressing down a path they weren’t even close to the last time you saw them, they just kinda teleported ahead to keep pace with the story.
These various battles that occur also are some of the worst things I’ve watched this season. The animation is incredibly poor and low budget. Visually it doesn’t look impressive or interesting. And overall, it has no redeeming qualities. If I had to describe it, I would say it is a low budget generic animation style you have seen hundreds of times within the past couple years.
The characters suffer so much from the terrible pacing. I didn’t learn a single character’s name until I looked it up for the review. They don’t really have any standout qualities. Overall, they are just super generic boring cardboard cutouts of characters. These people are heroes, those are villains, got some love triangle stuff, good guy turning bad, sudden betrayal. Just the stuff that you have seen hundreds of times in shows and games and books and did nothing interesting. Going along with the love triangle, the romance existed but was essentially nonexistent. It was foreshadowed obviously based on the OP and ED, so the triangle was pointless, but it just didn’t get enough time to develop to actually become an interesting romance.
Almost done, but suddenly remembered that I did like something from this show. The music was actually pretty decent, and I do recommend tracking it down on Spotify or YouTube. Completely unexpected given how bad the rest of it was.
Overall, this is a show that you can easily skip and loose nothing at all. It has no redeeming qualities for me that would make me recommend watching it at all.
25/100An astounding disappointmentContinue on AniListI rarely feel obligated to review a show, as I often watch what others deem 'meh' anime with delight, relishing in boring cliches and the overused isekai fantasy genre. I watched this as it was recommended amongst other anime I quite enjoyed like Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles, Mushoku Tensei, DanMachi, etc. I can safely say this should not be recommended to anyone that looks for a anything more than a disappointing experience.
I can understand AniList's regular fusion of the isekai genre and generic fantasy anime as they often overlap, but somehow this anime fails to succeed at either. Of course, this is not an isekai and does not try to be an isekai, but it attempts to rely on isekai tropes, often stemming from an outsider entering formal, feudal society and making mistakes like our protagonist does.
Now now, the beginning of this review may seem unfair so I'll attempt to cast some light on this show. In terms of world building, I think it is an interesting concept and has lots of potential but I believe this would be due to its origination from a game and it is clear this anime attempts to rely on that too heavily. As someone who had no idea it was based on a game until after watching, a lot beings to make sense. Much of the show, including a very confusing first episode where many concepts are just thrown at the watcher with no explanation whatsoever, seem to be an extension of the worldbuilding the creators relied on. Simply put, it made for an unenjoyable experience and I spent much of my time confused. It is clear much of this show was cut, and while very much actually happens, it feels like I spent three seasons getting to the end. I think the creators also tried to do too many new things, and adhering to more cliches may have improved its reception.
Despite the show having a protagonist, we actually do not see much of him and when we do, he is reserved and quiet. That is not to say this is inherently bad, and many in the anime community would find him relatable, but it is difficult to portray while maintaining a high quality show. In terms of character progression, he practises his sword skills and then never improves again. I would've liked some magical skill progression, but it isn't addressed whether he is even capable of magic, though there is two fight scenes where you are left thinking 'Hang on, did he just use magic?'. I say magic, but in reality its just making his sword a little more powerful.
Now you may be asking, if this random dude hated this show, why did he watch it all? I do actually often stop watching a show, not because I personally think it is of poor quality but because its just not for me. This show did have a lot of things I look for, and I did actually enjoy watching it. The bad plot and the sour taste left in my mouth due to the finale led me to writing this review, but the existential implications (that were often forced) and intersting characters did improve my perceived image of this show.
ANIME ActionSousei no Onmyouji
ANIME AdventurePrincess Connect! Re:Dive
ANIME ActionSword Art Online
ANIME ActionInfinite Dendrogram
- (2.55/5)
Ended inJune 22, 2020
Main Studio project No.9
Favorited by 336 Users
Hashtag #白猫アニメ #白猫