June 22, 2022
Yuki Tachibana's planned school trip deviates off course and goes on a deserted road. When he realizes that something is amiss its already too late, all the students on the school bus are taken to another world to a mysterious facility as food for the elves. Can Yuki escape from the facility protected by magic and demons?
0/100It's garbage, 0/10. Save yourself the time.Continue on AniListMan, it has been a good minute since I've read something that I just one hundred percent disliked so strongly, yet I continued to read it and will likely continue to do so in the future purely out of spite and a lack of better things to do.
Why do you enjoy horror manga? Is it the same fun you get off seeing a slasher flick and feeling a since of dread and excitement because of the thrill? Or is it because of the suspense and fear, and you really enjoy being scared? Maybe you just like to see human beings just trying to survive and you enjoy guessing who's going down next and guessing just how they might get out of this alive?
Whatever the case may be, that's not this kind of manga. I can only see edgy kids and sadistic weirdos truly finding any genuine pleasure in reading this. There is no fun, there is no sense of fear or excitement, and it isn't even dark and scary in the enjoyable ways. It's simply stupid, and downright gross.
This horror is unlike others, because it's an isekai horror. Which, in and of itself is an interesting premise I suppose. The only other isekai manga that I can think of off the top of my head are akin to The Drifting Classroom. Where the cast is trusted into another world, but it's really more of a dimensional rift and alternate reality. Whereas this manga is isekai in the more recognizable sense of the word, it takes place in a fantasy world setting reminiscent of an RPG. Wasted potential if you ask me.
Now let me criticize the main character and complain about some plot-heavy happenings that make this manga more of a fetish piece than a horror piece.
First of all, the main character. He is drab, boring, unlikable and the epitome of a gray stu. In most of the chapters, you will read about characters circle jerking about just how monumental his tumor tier brain is and how he is truly a genius of the nth degree. It's terrible writing, lazy plot convenience and just downright fan fiction tier.
The main character isn't the only sin when it comes to character writing, no not in the least. Every design, every character, all of them are generic as hell and supremely void of character and life. I do no give a single solitary care in the slightest about whether they live or die. It's trite.
And the "horror" elements so far are just downright fetish inspired and you can get a general idea of what the author is whacking off to in the privacy of his own home behind the scenes. Sexual assault left and right and rape is used to elicit emotion from you, the reader, and that is lazy inexcusable writing. None of the characters are even fleshed out either when spoiler one of the main ensemble is raped and we the reader are supposed to care about it at all. It's just insulting. Don't even get me started on the main character holding down the girls love interest and keeping him from stopping it while he watches in horror because "muh plot".
Like, yeah, you can't hit the evil rapist or you'll get killed for damaging another person. But there's three of you and one of him. Just restrain him? Jesus Christ, it ticks me off. It's so poorly written and forced. Oh, and did I mention that all of the characters are forced to strip down for baths and showers against their will together and the main character pulls a Shinji and gets a mental snapshot of his crush while she's fearfully and shamefully trying to cover herself so he can wank too it seconds later while he cries?? Or the fact that the evil characters literally make two girls have a peeing contest in the hallway?
Nobody should ever have the displeasure of reading this manga. 0/10.
MANGA HorrorKibou no Shima
- (2.1/5)
Ended inJune 22, 2022
Favorited by 20 Users
Hashtag #人間牧場