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November 2, 2019
- Daisuki. (大好き。, I love you); Comic Hotmilk 2019-05
- Will you marry me? (Will you marry me?); kakioroshi in Megastore Comics No. 596 "Kimi ga Suki."
- Kinenbi. (記念日。, Anniversary.); Comic Hotmilk 2019-12
Note: Chapter 1 was included in Megastore Comics No. 596 "Kimi ga Suki."

100/100The hentai that asks: Why can’t you be horny AND happy?Continue on AniListAre you tired of wall after wall of pretentious text?
Do you just want to know if you should read the darn thing?
Me too.TLDR
Jorori’s Daisuki trilogy stands out from the rest of the hentai manga crowd by perfecting the wholesome vanilla formula. It was so good that I stopped mid-wank and just started reading it to appreciate the beautiful story and artwork. I did eventually nut of course, but unlike with most porn, I found myself repeatedly coming (heh, coming) back to this whenever I actually wanted to feel something. The phrase “not my proudest fap” does not apply here.
PLOT - God Tier
The Daisuki series has three chapters: Daisuki (I love you), Will You Marry Me, and Kinenbi (Anniversary). These names should probably clue you in on what type of hentai we’re dealing with here, but just in case:
This hentai is very vanilla. There are no ugly bastards. There is no NTR. There is no rape. I know that tons of people like their hentai with a little extra spice, and I want to make it perfectly clear that I have absolutely nothing against that. I myself like to dabble in some [REDACTED]. However, there comes a time when all I want to see is a straightforward story about a loving couple that eventually gets married without bringing scat, piss, vore, mind control, drugs, or tentacles into the mix.
Sometimes I don’t even know if I preferred the parts with sex or the parts without. The way Jorori builds up the relationship between the two characters is good enough that I occasionally forget that I’m reading porn. I mean, the second part (Will You Marry Me) doesn’t even have any sex in it. It was written purely to show the progression in the couple's relationship and to lead into part 3. Speaking of leading into things, I’m usually the type of guy that skips the setup and goes straight to the intercourse. However, I’ve never done that for these doujins even though I’ve read them multiple times.
The bond between Akane and Icchan can only be described as perfect and intimate. Sometimes their love is so pure that I feel bad that I’m using them to nut. It’s definitely a very idealized version of a relationship, but who doesn’t want an idealized version of everything? That’s why we jack off to morally questionable hentai in the first place. Because it fills a need or presents an ideal situation that we can’t get normally. The Daisuki trilogy just takes that way of thinking in the opposite direction by giving a level of wholesomeness and purity between two humans that is probably impossible. But I don’t care if it's a little unrealistic because at the end of the day, I love these two together, and reading this manages to pull at my heartstrings.
ART - God Tier
Usually, I would write paragraph after paragraph about how good the art is, but Jorori’s work really speaks for itself so I’m just gonna include a few panels that highlight just how fucking beautiful his stuff is. It’s not even about how cute the girl is (although she is really cute). It’s about how he puts 110% effort into every page and it shows. The amount of panels without genitals in them is pretty low but I still had tons of trouble choosing just three good ones to show you.
Click spoiler tag to view. No spoilers or NSFW.
<img width='' src='https://i.imgur.com/Kmsf01N.png'> <img width='' src='https://i.imgur.com/AWoqL0H.png'> </span></span> ~~~ # **WHO SHOULD READ THIS** This hentai offers the following things: wholesomeness, pure love, vanilla, amazing art, and emotions. If any of these things appeal to you, you need to read this ASAP. This is one of the only things I masturbated to that didn’t make me hate myself afterwards. # **RECOMMENDATIONS** If you like this, Jorori has other amazing works such as [Koiseyo Otome](https://anilist.co/manga/111014/Koiseyo-Otome/) and [Natsu to Jun](https://anilist.co/manga/107095/Natsu-to-Jun/) Some other doujinshi artists worth checking out: [NaPaTa](https://anilist.co/staff/108673/NaPaTa) makes pretty wholesome hentai most of the time and his art is great. Definitely a name to remember if you're part of team Flat Is Justice or Medium Is Premium. I haven’t read too much of [Herio](https://anilist.co/staff/140204/Herio)'s stuff but the little I have read, I enjoyed a lot. Super wholesome. # **CONCLUSION** In short, I would rate Daisuki a [6 digit number]/100, Will You Marry Me a [6 digit number]/100, and Kinenbi a [6 digit number]/100. Unfortunately, Anilist only lets me give a maximum score of 100 so I guess I’ll have to settle for that. ---------------- ##### Visit my profile <a target='_blank' href='https://anilist.co/user/groggy1'>@groggy1</a> to give feedback or to see my other work <img width='500' src='https://i.imgur.com/zUzGy8r.png'> ###literally being oppressed right now😤
- (3.4/5)
Ended inNovember 2, 2019
Favorited by 10 Users