June 10, 2021
When a family of three book passage on a luxury liner they soon realize that the glamours cruise ship is nothing but a facade as a series of mysterious killings spread throughout the ship. With the sea proving no escape, how will they survive?
90/100A soulful and well written take on vampires with an unfortunally rushed endingContinue on AniListA soulful and well written take on vampires with an unfortunally rushed ending I picked up the first volume of this series arbitrary from a local German bookstore as the cover looked cool to me. I didn't expect much of it at the time, but when I opened the book that evening on the train home from my girlfriend's place, I was instantly charmed. I don't know if it was the shock factor of the first panel, the inky ambient that was glooming over me from outside of the window, or maybe an amalgamation of both, but frankly said, I was intrigued and fascinated.
Consequently, I quickly finished the first volume the next day. I had to know how this story will unfold. Unfortunately for me, the only volumes available at the bookstore were 3 and 5, so I did the only reasonable action and bought both of them. Luckily for me though, through repeated praising of the series, my girlfriend had gotten me the remaining volumes for my birthday.But what made me like it so much? Well, that is indeed a hard thing to pin down. The story's actions take place on a ship, which at first may not sound that interesting, but I assure you that a lot of moments feel grandious, despite the fact that the nature of water vessels isn't normally that big.
While I cant spoil much about the characters, one thing I like is that they give of a sense of normal and mundane, and not in a bad way. They feel much more relatable because of that deep-rooted human nature that they all have. Fears, joys, hopes, struggles, all human characteristic everybody displays.
The story itself is tragic in nature though, as it introspects over loss and rebirth, something that the edgy looking covers might not give off. Although I must say, the art manages to be really good at depicting feelings and mood.
It is simple from time to time, but sometimes it goes beyond, giving a sense of awe.I really think that the author did a great job in creating this complex world with the little space that the setting gives. It takes time for characters to develop and reveal their longings, and it does so in a good pacing.
But my main concern doesn't lie with any of my aforementioned points, but instead with something that I could sadly not predict, a confusing mess of a rushed ending.
It is such a shame, it feels like the author took everything he had built before and just threw it out of the window. When i first read the manga, it had left me with strong feelings of regret that I had read it, as the ending was so mind numbingly ridiculous, something so stupid, that it just stained the whole experinece for me. If it wold have just been 1 chapter longer, I am sure the author would have come up with a much better closure for this series. It saddens me that it leaves so much to be desired, as I really really enjoyed the manga and have recommended it to all of my close friends.Despite all of this, I would still encourage anyone wanting to read this to just give it a try, as it's only 25 chapters long. I had my fair share of enjoyment with it and in the end, I think back fondly of it. It's a series I will never forget and I am looking forward to seeing what the author has in store for us in the future.
Thank you for reading this review and I hope you found it useful and/or entertaining!
MANGA ActionMouryou no Yurikago
- (3.2/5)
Ended inJune 10, 2021
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