March 23, 2012
24 min
Shuu's entire world was shattered after a meteorite crashed into Japan, unleashing the lethal Apocalypse Virus. The chaos and anarchy born of the outbreak cost Shuu his family and reduced him to a timid, fearful shell of the boy he'd once been. His life took another unexpected turn after a chance encounter with the stunning pop star, Inori. This mysterious beauty introduced Shuu to the King's Right Hand: a genetic mutation that allows him to reach into hearts of mortals and turn them into weapons.
Shuu finds himself caught in the crossfire between those who desperately seek his newfound strength. On one side lurks a clandestine government agency, and on the other, Inori and the spirited band of rebels known as Funeral Parlor. The choice is Shuu's to make - and the world is his to change.
(Source: Funimation)
Inori Yuzuriha
Ai Kayano
Shuu Ouma
Yuuki Kaji
Ayase Shinomiya
Kana Hanazawa
Ayana Taketatsu
Hare Menjou
Yuu Shimamura
Gai Tsutsugami
Akeno Watanabe
Haruka Ouma
Chika Fujimura
Mana Ouma
Ai Kayano
Makoto Waltz Segai
Nobutoshi Kanna
Daryl Yan
Kouki Uchiyama
Arisa Kuhouin
Aya Endou
Arugo Tsukishima
Anri Katsu
Yahiro Samukawa
Kana Hanazawa
Kenji Kido
Nobuhiko Okamoto
Kanon Kusama
Minako Kotobuki
Yuka Nishigaki
Souta Tamadate
Daisuke Sakaguchi
Dan Eagleman
Tsuguo Mogami
Takehito Koyasu
Kousuke Takaguchi
Saeko Shijou
Kurosu Ouma
Toshihiko Seki
Naoya Nosaka
Okina Kuhouin
Katsuhisa Houki
Chika Fujitou
40/100Guilty brain cell wasterContinue on AniListWarning this review may contain spoilers.
First impressions, when I got into the show I went into it with low hopes of this being good.
Cause oh boy was a right to do so because no one could prepare me for the train wreck that is guilty crown but it was a fun train wreck.Story, 3/10
It has been ten years sense the apocalypse virus first made contact with the people of Japan and during the chaos of the first outbreak the u.n sent an GHQ to help the people of Japan in there hour of need and contained the outbreak at great cost.
But sadly, during their ten years of service the GHQ have become tyrannical and are even oppressing the very people they were supposed to protect.
but not all is lost Because a king will rise and free the people of Japan and restore peace and freedom.
Are story beginning main character Shu a bland high school student who is bored and what's some exacting to happen.
(Be careful what you wish for Shu because you might get it)
So, one day while he chilling he comes across an injured girl named inori and while he is talking to her she gives shu this vial and requests him to deliver it to someone named gai. After there little chat she is taken away very by the GHQ and shu goes to deliver this vial. He finds out that this guy named gai in the leader of a rebel group named funeral parlour who main mission is the kick the GHQ out of the country and return Japan independence.
So, during their little chat funeral parlour base becomes under Attack and gai tells shu to get the vial out of there because he doesn't really have the Choice to say no at this point.
So, during the battle Shu manages to save inori and while there getting chased the vial gets shot and then shu gets a super power called the power of kings
Which gives him the ability to pull weapons and items called voids.
Using this ability, he manages to help keep the GHQ at bay during the Attack and now weather he wants to or not he has become the secret weapon of funeral parlour in their fight against the GHQ.So, the story for Guilty crown is pretty much the text book example of a cookie cutter/ jack of all trades plot.
Because takes a lot of elements from quite a few different shows.
Like for example code geass, blue gender and soul taker are the Main ones I can see here.
Because Japan has been invaded by an evil organization, there is some sort virus going around that killing people, there a power out there can people call the power of kings, and last and not lest there an Adam and Eve sub plot about human evolution for something like that.
Now you are probably thinking that I have a problem with this kind of cookie cutter/jack of all trades storyline and I do have a kind of problem with it but for now let's just talk about how the story plays out.
just word to the wise I am pretty much going to spoil most of the major plot points because if I don't you’re going understand the mind set I have while going into this review.So, the first half of the story can be summed up as training, terrorist missions and school life bullshit.
And to be perfectly honest these where the most boring episodes I have ever had to sit through in my life.
I don't have a problem with the training and the missions because they were engaging and they got the point across of why this terrorist organization is fighting this evil organization because the end game of this organization was slightly interesting to say the least.
but the school life shit is boring and predictable to say the least. So, after these missions and school life bullshit.
So, we find out that inori is a clone of the main character Older sister mana who was pretty much patient zero of this virus and apparently plans to marry shu to kill all humanity and birth a new race for something like that and there a few people in this other group that are trying to achieve that.The second half
Is after this huge explosion takes place the entire city is fucked up and cut off from the rest of the world.
Main character becomes the leader of this pseudo society that been formed my high school kids and members of the rebel group which is running ok under the leadership of the main character and the people who give him advice.
This is probably the better part of the story.
Because main character isn't being as passive as he used to be as he is now put into the leader role instead of being the passive follower that takes orders.
But after a few certain events he becomes a tyrannical king of a dictator ship and I am Like holy shit this is cool it's is a lot more interesting than the missions and the school life bullshit.
But like most dictatorships the end in a very bad way with shu being overthrown and just before they kill him.
Gai Comes out of Where takes his powers and is now working for the people that he was originally trying to fight against.
Shu ends up escaping and becomes a depressed emo while gai is continuing his evil plan.
After shu step mom steels the last magic vail with super powers to give it someone which can defeat gai and evil organization.
shu pretty much gets his powers back and they end it with a huge boss fight with every going back to normal.
Except now main character is blind and has a robot arm.The One and only positive I am going to say is the fact that this show had quite a lot of promise to it Despite its cookie cutter/ jack of all trades storyline and at face it's written alight.
But that where my povtives end because I have quite a few things to say about this show.
But, I quick side note before I continue.
when I think about Guilty crown story line is almost like a role reversal of code geass.
It's Like a what if situation of what would happen if Suzaku was the main character instead of lelouch
Because shu reminds me a lot of Suzaku from code geass and gai is like lelouch Except the more water downs version of them.But back to the negatives.
I think My main problem is shows like this can't seem to keep a consistent tone going and guilty crown is especially guilty of this, no pun intended.
But the tone of this show pretty much changes every episode, from war drama to rom-com to ecchi to slice of nothing really happens and then to shock factor at the drop of a hat It's comes off as very disjointed.
one example there is one episode where they are at the beach doing pretty much slice of nothing really happens with some fanservice stuff going down and then halfway through the episode it becomes an espionage mission with them trying to get into one of the bad guys bases at the same time.
So, while this happy go lucky shit going down there are explosions and people dying left and right, blood and body parts flying everywhere and then in a second we are back to swim suits and school bullshit.Another major thing that really bothered be with guilty crown is the fact that for the most part the story line is very forced.
And you guys who are reading this review are probably saying what story isn't somewhat forced in some way and for the most part you would be right.
But the main problem is the fact that the main character was pretty much forced against his will to join this rebellion that he didn't want to join or have any involvement with in the first place He just wanted something exacting to happen.He was passive doing whatever this rebel group was telling him to do and pretty much going with the flow of things.
Which isn't a good thing when your main character who I might add is going to be one of the major driving force in your story is this passive especially in this type of setting and story.
Unlike for example code geass where the main character had a goal in mind and he was always a proactive force in the story and it was the world reacting to him as a character.Another problem I had is with guilty crown is the fact it's was very random at times with is plot twists.
the plots twists seem to pretty much come out of nowhere with no foreshadowing and no explanation of why these things are happening.
Like for example gai being alive and becoming a bad guy, like I understand he explained his reasons for why he did it but he could have just done that all by himself without getting the main character involved.
Because if his goal is to free mana and end the virus he could have done that by himself because he had the same powers as the main protagonist at that point in time.
The only thing they ever foreshadowed was the thing with the main character sister and that inori was related to that.The last nail in the coffin is the amount of logic this series brakes.
Like one big example is that inori is a famous pop idol and the evil organization knows she has connected to the terrorist group. But when she transfers into shu school and start hanging around. there are no police that’s comes to arrest her or no one wondering why an idol is hanging around their school.
It's brakes logic especially because inori is needed for the evil organization plan yet they don't capture her when they could have done so easily.
And that one example I can list probably 10 -20 more examples that this show brakes logic and makes no sense and it's not just main plot details or situations because that's is completely different ball game.
It's the little things as well
Like then they have that pseudo society they still had the Internet and phones still working.
so why couldn't use those to tried to contact people from the outside while they were trapped.
Because the reason why there walled off and cut from the world in the first place is because the local government at large thinks that everyone that lived there is dead and what left in that area is ground zero for another outbreak of the virus.So basically, don't use your brain and the story will be fine.
the main character is pretty much a bland passive introvert who really doesn't do much and he stays that way in till the series reaches it second half. But up to that point he was bland as a character and in all honesty, he bored me to tears while he was on screen.
But then though certain events of the show at the half way point he basically becomes a dictator and starts his own kingdom which wasn't exactly the best thing for this character in my opinion because he way more edger than I thought he would be.
But it's better and more interesting to watch than person he was from ep one.
So, after his dictatorship ends like most dictatorships do.
he goes through a stage of depression and realizes it time for him to man up and fix the problems that he has caused and this is where he comes this mainly badass and he is fun to watch at this point.
But it already too late for me to care about him as a character because they wasted so much time of him generic as fuck and he only gets good when we get to the half way point but even his development comes off as a little rushed and unnatural.The side characters are pretty much very one note with nothing really to remember about them.
They just feel like hollow shells as characters and even some characters will get re written on the fly just because.
Like shu wifuu Inori .
she kills people with no hesitation and then during some episodes she says she doesn't want to kill people yet in those same episodes she kills them anyway even if When killing them isn't exactly the only option as hand.There is some characters development, but it's is very poorly done with the show pretty much time skipping whenever a character is going through some development. Then we see some characters change into completely different people as they pretty much went through the development off screen.
Now I don't hate the fact there was character development, but problem that I had is pretty much the fact we never got to see their inner monologue and the transition of them slowly changing into a different person.
Witch in turn made the character development Null and void for me because proper character development takes time and is more of a slow process from A to b.Another thing I want to address is that the character interactions feel very bland and almost random at times.
Like most of the show they feel very bland and copy paste.But after the dictatorship and the people the main character was close to that betyed him after he Comes back as his manly badass self they just forgive him and their friends again.
Even though he put them through 6 months of hell on earth and they even left shu to bleed out as gai took his powers.
In fact, I don't know why shu even cares about these people because some of those people have pretty much stabbed him in the back quite a few times and yet after all that shit there still good friends.
even though he should go and tell them all to go fuck themselves and get better friends.Also, the bad guys in this series suck and the only bad guy that remotely decent is gai when he comes the main villain.
The rest of throw away fodder I couldn't care less about.
There pretty much there to be hated.Art, 8/10
The animation is pretty much on a god tier level of animation. It has some fantastic CG animation that doesn't clash with the 2D animation.
It also has some fantastic actions scenes that will make you cry how well done they are.
Great background's that capture's the epic size of this hi-tech city.
This is a show you should watch in HD if you can.The character design is ok but I think the Mecha are generic and kind of boring.
Except the main character step mother like holy shit 10/10 why isn't she in hentai
Because she would be perfect.Sound, 8/10
The op and ending songs are alright but nothing that really moved me.
Has a pretty good ost, that fits the tone for every scene the anime will have.
Also, the that ost piece bios sounds fucking amazing when they use it.
The ost was composed by hiroyuki sawano who has also done the ost for kill la kill and attack on Titan.
Sub and dub are good.
But the like the dub better because the main character is voiced by the same person who did the voice for the main character Ayumu in is this a zombie.Enjoyment, 6/10
Now despite this show pretty much being a train wreck of an anime, I found myself very entertained with the few aspects the show did well at.
I thought the whole void power was an interesting idea for a power.
I also liked the ost and animation but that was pretty much it from what I liked about guilty crown.Overall. 4/10
If you are new to anime or looking for something just for entertainment then guilty crown can provide you to a T.
because the animation is nice it has a good ost, some good action.
But the moment you look at this show criticality is the moment it falls apart because it's story and characters are very poorly handled.
If it was taken more seriously and they did some slight story and character edits this would have been a good anime.Vollerei
82/100Art/animation and soundtrack, almost perfect. Unfortunately, an annoying protagonist and messy ending hurt this animeContinue on AniListWell then, just finished Guilty anime well-known for its controversial opinions and theories. If it’s one thing all Guilty Crown viewers can agree on, its that its soundtrack is almost PERFECT. When you combine both the soundtrack with the beautiful art/animation, you have one masterpiece of an anime. Unfortunately, it is almost ruined by an annoying, spineless protagonist and ONE HELL of an ending. I will be going into this anime review though as unbiased as possible. Here are the results:
Art and Animation: 9.5/10
- As far as animation goes, this anime has stunning art and animation. For its time, Guilty Crowns Animation was absolutely beautiful with its scenery and fight scenes, so no wonder it deserves such a high scoring in this department. The art was truly unique and was always a pleasure to watch, both the characters and environment felt very unique and yet very real.
Soundtrack and Audio: 9.5/10
- Hands-down one of the best anime when it comes to musicality. The soundtracks, themes, and voice acting was amazing....excluding a few annoying ones (I’m talking about you Shu). Also, I do personally feel that some songs were overused and lost their power as the anime progressed, which accounts for the reduced score.
Storyline and Character Progression: 7.3/10
- This is where Guilty Crown lacks the most. When looked from purely a critical eye, Shu as a protagonist is very annoying to watch and you hardly see any real “maturity” as the anime progresses. With all the characters, you aren’t really able to establish a true connection with any of them because of the pacing of this anime. Going further, it isn’t until the middle of the series that Shu somewhat “sucks up” his already spineless personality. And even this isn’t really much progress, as we see later on through his motives. With other characters, no time was given to really develop an interesting relationship with Shu. This resulted in everyone feeling like unnecessary background characters who were there just to cheer Shu on. I REALLY wish they took their time to develop the characters even a little more, it would’ve given more meaning to their interactions as a whole.
WARNING! SPOILERS AHEAD! This is my review of the conclusion of the series, it covers all that happened and my personal and critical thoughts on it. View at your own discretion.
From a solidly critical standpoint, when we take the ending of Guilty Crown at face’s trash. There is no trace of closure, and all we see is a Shu who’s accepted his fate as a tool for humanity who lost everything. There’s just too much room for fans to draw conclusions and for their own theirs about the ending. And that’s the problem with this ending: nothing is confirmed TRUE no matter what theory you may come up with or how much evidence you back it up with. So at face value, the ending to this anime is one of the worst I’ve seen due to its lazy execution. BUT.......
If we look at the ending through a hypothetical standpoint using someone’s theory, this ending may be a heartwarming and touching one. It may even save the anime entirely! Here’s the link to an in depth explanation as to the ending of Guilty Crown. Be sure to read it if you’ve seen the anime, it takes about 10 mins to read but is definitely worth it if you were unsatisfied with the ending:
If this was the TRUE ending of Guilty Crown and if the writers made it abundantly clear that this was how it was suppose to end, then Guilty Crown becomes a really good anime with an interesting and in depth conclusion. Unfortunately though, nothing is set in stone since the writers left too much to the imagination of their audience.
In conclusion, with everything taken into account, I can confidently say that this anime excels in some departments.....and utterly fails in others. It’s because of this, that this anime receives a final score of 8.2. Hope y’all enjoyed this review, see you in the next one!
Streaming Platform: Hulu Realvnv
40/100A dram full of bratsContinue on AniListUhh, how to put it... I barely managed to finish 11 episodes. In the meantime, it was hard for me to resist the urge of hitting my head somewhere so that I could pass out. That protagonist-like-something brat is a real brat. Even my sister could do a far better job than him. There is a war. I mean, a fuc*ing war but he is still like "Oh my I can't do this or that, oooh what a beautiful voice, oooh is that opposite-sex??" and such. ... I guess he also suffers from the 8th grader syndrome but anyways.
He has no manners. He liked a girl, and without caring about other things, he just gets jealous and jealous. I kinda can understand that you're a high schooler (Like always lmao, someone gotta tell producers that you can use 40 sth old guys too) and you were sneaking out just to listen to a girl singing yesterday or the day before. Alright, I'll give you some time, but ma man, by "some" I don't mean the whole season's worth of time. Under such devastating circumstances, people can mature at a speed that can leave others dumbfounded, but apparently not this MC here. He is a brat to the core.
Well, you may think that I just speak nonsense because I said nothing about the plot. Actually, speaking about it is easy as hell and that’s why I’m not doing it. OK, there are other reasons such as I don’t want to give too many spoilers, don’t want to disappoint you blah blah.
Let’s say that the plot is awesome (which is not) but you hate the main character. As time passes, wouldn’t you start to get bored of the plot too? This is not about “he is not handsome :/” or “Meh, do you really like his sense of humor? Pfft, can't relate.” Dude, I’m serious. Here are 2 reasons: (There are other things too but they are more or less connected to the two down below.)- The protagonist’s stance on any situation determines our view of the situation as well. For example, let's say that there are two sides like evil and good, our MC is on the evil side. You will sympathize with the evil side unless there is some hatred towards it inside of you from the start. Author will also make good guys trashy enough to make you feel less conflicted lol.
- MC is our eyes in the world that he is in. If he is not on good terms with someone, we will eventually see the scenes of that character less and less. (Unless he is the villain of that series.) If the only thing he thinks in that flogged brain of his is "romance", then we would only get romance. Doesn't even matter if the love interest isn't there currently, he will think about her all the same bruh.
It’s only natural that me, who dislikes the MC, will drop this thing, is it not? Personal opinion but I just recommend you to watch something different, even Boku no Pico is fine, but not this.
My overall score: 4/10
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Ended inMarch 23, 2012
Main Studio Production I.G
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