June 12, 2018
5 min
Original music video for the song "Lilac" by Minami

Not available on crunchyroll
100/100I personally resonate with the whole message that the song is trying to convey. Overall I'd give it 10/10Continue on AniListThis is the first review that I made and all that was written here is based on my understanding and personal opinion about the music video and its message.
This music video has a really depth message on how life is viewed in general and in one's perspective. I'll explain certain parts of the song that struck me the most.
The first part where it says, "If not changed, getting bored of it.
If it does change, “it did get changed right?” What are you on about? What’s up with that? It seems that the spear and shield are not gone." in its English translation. This part of its lyrics explain one's view on actions about change in ways of living life. When one stays the same for a long time it tends to live life in a dull and boring manner. When we attempt to change the ways we live life we often ask "Did I do it right?", "Was the outcome what I wanted it to be?", "Did it make me happy?" and etc. These are just few of the questions we ask. It's kind of risky and nerve-wracking to do changes in life especially if you don't know the outcome of the decisions you're going to make. But sometimes not making any changes won't let you grow also."Happiness is a blurring defective eye shutter. Painful things appear delicately by a high resolution lens."This part says a lot how happiness is different from one person to another depending in their circumstances. In this part of the lyrics, it clearly says the POV of the person of this whole song how she sees life and the factors that contributes to it. Life is tough. Even if we're tired we still have to live life as if its an obligation. This may be true to others but not to all. If only life is like a video game where we can have full control over it.
In the end, it clearly says a strong message in this part of its lyrics "Already more restless, already more unstable, because the written instructions will already certainly be made too beautiful. Contaminate it! Destroy it! The decided boring fixed concept that is, throw it away!" It explains that living life according to what you've known can be quite tiring and depressing. There's no "perfect" way to live life or an exact manual that holds all the truths that we should live in that way. We just have to live life on how we want it to be. We should own our lives and control it according to what will make us happy. The most important person is "us", ourselves, we should prioritize ourselves in order to attain the happiness we want. In the context that we know our limitations also. There's no such thing as full freedom to do whatever we want but there's freedom to an extent we can do what we want. We live life according what we want without hurting others for our own selfish gains and desires. The terms used are complex and complicated because it depends on one's understanding and definition of it.
I hope you guys live your life well and happy :D
Lyrics Translation <- link to the lyrics that I used here.
- (3.65/5)
Ended inJune 12, 2018
Favorited by 26 Users