Invalid Date
30 min
Ane Taiken Shuukan
I'm an older brother who loves to masturbate to my younger sisters and get scolded by them all the time for it, then I got a mail with a link and thought it's an eroge from a brand I love. I got an error and blackout when opening the file, nothing can be done and I go to sleep, the next morning when I woke up I found my body shrunk and let out a shout. My younger sisters now older sisters come and found me, Aya older sister who got a shota complex hugs and pampers me.
Full lewd moments with my new older sisters, a one week "older sister experience".
Juri Nagatsuma
Rin Mitaka
Hiromi Igarashi

Not available on crunchyroll

80/100Shota and incest? What is this a crossover episode?Continue on AniListPicture this, you barge into your creepy, horny older brother’s room and who do you see sitting in his bed wearing his clothes? A little boy who looks like your older brother.
What do you do?
A. Assume he’s your older brother
B. Believe him when he says he’s a friend of your brother who has disappeared
C. Fuck himIf you answered anything other than A then congratulations you’re a character in a hentai. This is the basic premise of Seikatsu Shuukan and it really has been awhile since I’ve seen a hentai jump into the “plot” this quickly. If you’re looking for a quickie, Seikatsu Shuukan fits the bill extremely well as there is not much actual plot to digest here as the scenario is set up shockingly quickly letting our characters get into the action as fast as possible. I draw many parallels between Seikatsu Shuukan and the Spring 2020 seasonal anime Princess Connect! Re:Dive in that compared to its contemporaries it has stunning first-class visuals however beyond that it lacks much content while still being a satisfying watch.
__Story : 5__ As I’ve expressed across my many reviews, story matters to me as I look as hentai as entertainment and fap material equally. While not the most original concept, Seikatsu Shuukan is still passably interesting with MC-kun turning into a little boy for his sisters to ravage while not considering that the little boy was their perverted older brother who they hate. There aren’t many interesting story beats in the show besides the ironic nature of MC-kun fucking the everloving shit out of his sisters while they lack the basic common sense to connect the dots that he was in fact the disgusting pervert whom they relentless bullied and looked down on. Overall, it does its job in getting us from fuck to fuck which is the bare minimum of a story’s job requirement.
__Art and Animation : 10__ Truly a stunning show, there’s nothing much to dock here. Although it is a hollow piece of work, it is still aesthetically a masterclass in animation and artistic execution. Motions are fluid, never recycling animation and coming up with creative ways to switch things up throughout the entire show. Your eyes will never be bored with the beautifully crafted character design and the ultra expressive faces of the girls. A visual treat, this show does not disappoint in this category and makes up massive points for the lackluster plot.
__Characters : 7__ Right after the opening scene, we lose any form of true personality from our characters. Between the girls, there is little variety in their personalities with the slightest of variation in Chiaki’s initial shyness to the actions of her sisters. Meanwhile I thought that following the opening scene we would see MC-kun’s extra pervertedness and sis complex thoughts amplified given the situation he finds himself in however we get very standard mental dialogue for a hentai character which is rather disappointing. The girls have very memorable designs and could warrant being taken on as a waifu, which stands as a testament to the stellar artistic direction of this work, while much like the show itself is where the character ends as there is not much depth past that.
__Child Presence Uncomfortableness : 8__ Rather alarmingly, I was quite uncomfortable about the presence of a child in these sexual acts compared to other hentai. I’ve seen some truly horrifying things done to children in hentai however the true horror comes from the acts being committed and less about the age of the participants. However for this show, the shota aspect of the show bothered me much more than it should have and I believe it is due to the well done character design that kept me aware that he was indeed a small child and that the other participants were much older girls.
__Conclusion__ Overall Seikatsu Shuukan is a nice snack to have if you really are on a time crunch to get one out quick, a sort of emergency only last resort when you gotta get through that plot, sex and climax as fast as a Mario 1-1 speedrun. Visually it’s absolutely stunning and if you don’t think too hard it is a great fap experience that you most definitely will not regret.
Notes on scoring :
- Score below 50% is a fail
- Going from 50%, the score of the section’s “badness” exponentially increases so 25% isn’t just half as bad as 50%
Scoring interpretation
- 60% is “barely good enough”
- 70% is “average”
- 80% is “definitely above average”
- 90% is “damn that’s legitimately good”
- 100% is “perfect”
OVA FantasyToshi Densetsu Series
OVA HentaiMankitsu Happening
- (3.5/5)
Main Studio Seven
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