August 20, 2018
An unhappy girl who engages in self-harm, a woman ostracized by society, and an old woman looking to live out her twilight years in peace–what could three such different people have in common? That’s what grade schooler Nanoka Koyanagi is trying to find out. Assigned by her teacher to define what “happiness” means to her, Nanoka tries to find her place in the world by exploring her relationships with these three strangers, and through them, comes to know herself.
(Source: Seven Seas Entertainment)
Nanoka Koyanagi
80/100"What is happiness to you?" a seemingly simple question with a not so obvious answer.Continue on AniList__Note__ This is simply something I'd like to get out of the way, I am fairly new when it comes to manga and have only read 3 other series before this, So please excuse my lack of knowledge. It would also be my first time writing a review.
Another point to mention is, This likely won't be a long or thought out review with much to say comparison and will likely be from my perspective, The perspective of a beginner.
</center># __I had that same dream again__ (Mata, Onaji Yume wo Miteita)<center> </center><center> Authored by Yoru Sumino, a writer best known for __I Want to Eat Your Pancreas__, the novel that became a manga and two films.</center>~~~ __"What is happiness to you?"__ is a seemingly simple question with a not so obvious answer, Happiness as described in the dictionary refers to the state of being happy. Research in the field of positive psychology often defines a happy person as someone who experiences frequent positive emotions, such as joy, interest, and pride, and infrequent negative emotions. Happiness has also been said to relate to life satisfaction, appreciation of life, and moments of pleasure, but overall it has to do with the positive experience of emotions. The presence of positive emotions does not indicate the absence of negative emotions. Nobody is immune to life's stressors. The question is whether you see those stressors as moments of opposition or moments of opportunity. Regardless of where you are on the happiness spectrum, each person has their own way of defining happiness. I had that same dream again by Yoru Sumino explores what happiness means to the characters within the story, This is explored in simple terms from the perspective of a grade-schooler. Nanoka, The protagonist of the story is assigned by her teacher to define what __“happiness”__ means to her. The story we're told takes place as she visits her three mysterious friends trying to find the meaning of __"happiness"__. As the cogs of fate turn, we're brought into the enthralling bittersweet voyage of a grade-schooler on her quest to discover what "happiness" means to herself. __"Happiness doesn't walk to you- That's why you walk towards it."__ - A line often brought up in the manga. __"Happiness is a state of activity."__ - Aristotle Aristotle shares a similar idea of happiness, which is staying active. How many "happy" people do you know who sit at home all day, every day? They might be content, but are they truly thriving? Happiness is often found in the doing of what you're passionate about and in building connections that are meaningful to you. ____ Having got all that out of the way. Personally, it is a very comfortable read for myself, warm and fluffy. The characters themselves felt fleshed out and the character interactions were very enjoyable. The art seemed good and complimented the story fairly well, The characters are well differentiated, the tonal shifts were enjoyable and most of all the layout and texts are organized in an unpretentious manner, This made for a very easygoing and comfortable read as a beginner myself. If I had to name out a con that would likely be the predictability, Maybe towards the ending it might have been a little rushed. But that by no means makes it not worth a read, it has fun and enjoyable character interactions, It has those moments of satisfaction in which it puts a smile on your face. I may not go as far as calling this a Masterpiece, Though I would like to say that it is fun, enjoyable and an easy-going read which I believe is capable of making Its readers content. Though it might not be a story that appeals to those who aren't interested in a more mellow read. The little girl's catchphrase in the series being "Life is like..." compares mundane day-to-day things with life, In retrospect, this may sound silly but none the less were words that added flavor to the story. A personal favorite of mine- "Life is like pudding, life might have some bitter moments but... It's also filled with sweet and happy moments. People live to have a taste of those moments." With that being said, I would like to conclude my review and thank you for taking your time to read my needless jabber. Have a good day and be sure to give the manga a chance if you ever feel like reading something mellow and contentful. ____ I sincerely apologize for any grammatical mistakes that may have appeared or resulted in y'all having a hard time reading Thank you
70/100I didn't share the same dream with the writer, again.Continue on AniList‘What is happiness?’
The introduction at the first page brought the readers a question consisting of three simple words, but somehow it was quite difficult to find a satisfying response. The respective answer would depend on social, religious, philosophical and educational variants, takes different shapes from person to person, and in conclusion, there is for sure no definitive model. Nevertheless, it is safe to say that for kids, it’s family and friends, young adults, relationships, and for the pillar of society, grown-ups, to have what essential and necessary, which could all be summed up in a short word, yet still hard to interpret, 'love'. That is to say, I had expected more. There was a girl who has three different mysterious friends, and among them was a rift of age. She sought for what aforementioned at the starting point, and with a little help from her friends, she managed to do it. What wrong there is just that the time stood still. It did wonder with the first book, when she found what is needed for a child. However, in the following cases, something felt unnatural to me, and I figured out the reason. It was rushed in a short span of time, and certainly it was too much, even for a child that clever. The course of actions could have taken better places with her maturing, both outwards and inwards. In such hypothetic scenario, time would flow, the protagonist would expand her world, meet new people, and so on, the perception of her needs would change, for the greater good, instead of the easy-going manner the work was in. For example, the nine-year-old child would have a respective encounter with the seventeen teenager, the high schooler with the graduate, and as a part of my imagination for the end, the senior would give her wish to the then matured women. Still, there is no country for ‘When I’m Sixty Four’. XD
The following paragraph would be my pondering of the visualisation, which was a minor pleasure from the spent time. This manga was character-driven, therefore character-centric was a given. As a result, the framework very often was just a small part of the surrounding, and though the shifts in point of view among panels didn’t leave me stand in awe as with Aria, the background was finely wrought in detailed portrayal, which spoke a lot of how carefully the illustrator approached her creation.
Reaching to the last pieces in my wall of text, although there were more left to be desire, at the very least I had got a comfortable read. The concept was just exciting, and if someone said they had found 'gold', then I wouldn't exactly disagree. Due to the shortness, I would still recommend people to give it a shot. Maybe they would find what they are searching for, or realise that there are more (to bring into discussion) than those that met the eyes, but nevertheless have a chance of getting thought-provoked.
80/100A spoiler-free review of Mata, Onaji Yume wo Miteita. Life is like lunch time.Continue on AniList════ ⋆★⋆ ════ Considerations ════ ⋆★⋆ ════ ● __This is a spoiler-free review.__ ● __80+ in my rating means very good media.__ ● I've got to read this work on a friend's recommendation. I didn't look too much into the synopsis and just started reading. ════ ⋆★⋆ ════ The Story ════ ⋆★⋆ ════ The story is centered on Nanoka Koyanagi, a grade school student who has a class assignment: __to discover what happiness means__. Being a smart kid, she started looking for an answer that would deviate from common cliches and surprise everyone. She seeks help from three different people: Minami, a high school student who self-harms, Abazure, an adult woman who lives alone, and Granny, a wise old woman who bakes candies and plays with her. Even though I found the ending a bit weak, overall, the story of this manga is pretty good. I think the main point is being educational. There's a lot of philosophy in this manga. Nanoka's search for the meaning of happiness starts to take different forms and presents you with different meanings and also different lessons. Nanoka uses her catch phrase, "Life is like..." a lot to start or analyze the meaning of life or happiness. This review title has that catch phrase, and if you're curious to feel that philosophy style of this manga, here is a preview: __" Life is like lunch time, you have limited time. You have to make the most of it. "__ (That's not a spoiler) ════ ⋆★⋆ ════ The Art Style ════ ⋆★⋆ ════ The art style is good. I recognized the style at first glance because it was made by Izumi Kirihara. If you don't know her, she also draws Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai/I Want to Eat Your Pancreas. I personally find her art pretty good when it comes to lightning and shadows, and they're especially well drawn when you have a panel that should deliver an emotional blow. Backgrounds and everything are okay. The only small complaint that I could raise is that I feel like the characters are a bit similar in the art-style, but that's not the end of the world. ════ ⋆★⋆ ════ The Characters ════ ⋆★⋆ ════ There are a moderate number of characters in this work; the main character and her family, her friends, her teacher, and her classmates. I think that the character development of the main character, teacher, and friends is good. But when it comes to background characters, they're just there to help support the main drama. ════ ⋆★⋆ ════ Conclusion ════ ⋆★⋆ ════ If you're like me, you skip everything and read only the conclusion because you don't want to get spoiled with other themes. So I will try to be brief on this point: __Read it.__ Mata, Onaji Yume wo Miteita despite being short, it has a lot of philosophical moments and may lead you to think more about what happiness and being happy mean to you.
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- (4.15/5)
Ended inAugust 20, 2018
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