September 21, 2019
24 min
Tohru Honda thought her life was headed for misfortune when a family tragedy left her living in a tent. When her small home is discovered by the mysterious Soma clan, she suddenly finds herself living with Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure Soma. But she quickly learns their family has a bizarre secret of their own: when hugged by the opposite sex, they turn into the animals of the Zodiac!
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Kyou Souma
Yuuma Uchida
Tooru Honda
Manaka Iwami
Yuki Souma
Nobunaga Shimazaki
Shigure Souma
Yuuichi Nakamura
Hatsuharu Souma
Makoto Furukawa
Momiji Souma
Megumi Han
Saki Hanajima
Satomi Satou
Hatori Souma
Kazuyuki Okitsu
Isuzu Souma
Aki Toyosaki
Ayame Souma
Takahiro Sakurai
Arisa Uotani
Atsumi Tanezaki
Akito Souma
Maaya Sakamoto
Kyouko Honda
Miyuki Sawashiro
Kisa Souma
Reina Ueda
Kazuma Souma
Toshiyuki Morikawa
Hiro Souma
You Taichi
Kagura Souma
Rie Kugimiya
Ritsu Souma
Kengo Kawanishi
Megumi Hanajima
Yukiyo Fujii
Mayuko Shiraki
Hitomi Nabatame
Momo Souma
Saya Tanaka
Motoko Minagawa
Mao Ichimichi
Chinatsu Akasaki
Kana Souma
Minami Tsuda
Rika Aida
Chika Anzai
90/100(EN/PT) Fruits basket presents an awesome blend of comedy and drama.Continue on AniListReview em português logo abaixo.
English Review:
Hey everybody, my name is Blaze9 and Welcome to my review of フルーツバスケット or “Fruits Basket (2019)”. I will try to make this review the most spoiler-free as possible. It will probably have minor spoilers, though.
Fruits Basket 2019 is a comedy/drama/shoujo modern remake of the classic Fruits Basket anime released in 2001, but both the original anime and this new remake are based on the story from Natsuki Tayaka, who also drew the 23-volume FB manga. Released between April 6th, 2019 and Sep 20th, 2019, this anime is probably the biggest shoujo anime of the year, and was produced by the TMS studio.
To make it fast, Fruits Basket story starts when a girl called Thoru Honda, who lost her mother not long ago, and is currently living in a tent due to repairs on her uncle’s house, gets to know a guy called Shigure Sohma, and later, at school, a boy called Yuki Sohma (or Souma). She later finds out the area where she armed her tent belongs to the Sohma family, so she speaks with Shigure and Yuki about staying there until she can return to her uncle’s house. However, a landslide happens while she was talking to them. Burying the tent and a photo of her mother, which is very important to her. After a little talk, they accept Thoru in Shigure’s house.
After a little while though, Thoru discovers that the Sohma family carries a kind of curse, where some people of the family transform into chinese zodiac animals (which is also used for Japanese horoscope) whenever they are hugged by a person of the opposite sex (does not work if it’s someone of the Sohma family though.). This transformation does not grant any kind of special power though. After a while, she gets to know Kyo, and so the story continues.
After these first events, more characters are presented, and the story begins to highlight the human relationships and problems between Thoru and the Sohma family, her friends, and how the characters are going to deal with her own personal problems, and personality differences.
Despite doing its job right, Fruits Basket, as it is now, is incomplete. It’s meant to receive a second season though.I will now give my notes with extra commentary for this anime.
Story: 9/10 – It’s great and well written, but I prefer my shoujo in a different, faster pace. Also, if you’re gonna do a 25 episode anime, you can probably work some romance on it. That’s my problem with this anime. There’s lots of space for romance, but almost none happens. Although that’s probably expectable from a 23-volume-manga-adapted story.
Opening and Ending: 8/10 – Great dynamics, beautiful songs and well animated. The 2 endings are very artistic and overall a delight.
Soundtrack: 9/10 – The sound guy did his job right.
Artstyle: 10/10 – Dude, that art alone makes it worth watching.
Animation: 9/10 – Magnificent scenarios, and both comedy and drama scenes are awesome.
Voice Acting: 10/10 – All characters are incredibly interpreted. But Thoru, Yuki and Kyo, are on a different level.
What I would change: I liked most of the anime, but if I could change something, I would put more romance on it. As I said before, there is too little romance for my tastes. Just look at Thoru and Yuki, they hate this subtext. They wanna be together so make them together, aaaa. Well, it’s probably gonna receive a second season next year, so yeah, I still have hope.
Conclusion: Well, I probably already said everything I wanted to say about this anime at this point. To conclude the review, I wanted to say that even with the things I didn’t like about it, in the overall aspect, I loved Fruits Basket. There was some nice time I didn’t watch this level of writing in a drama anime, and also, before this, I couldn’t think about blending comedy and drama so well. It’s not much to say that this anime opened my eyes for things I could not see before.
Thank you very much for reading my review.
Review em Português:
Olá. Eu sou o Blaze9 e bem vindos ao meu review de フルーツバスケット ou “Fruits Basket (2019)” (“Cesto de Frutas”, em português). Tentarei fazer esse review o mais livre de spoilers possível, mas talvez ainda contenha alguns spoilers pequenos.
Visão Geral:
Fruits Basket 2019 é um remake moderno do clássico anime de comédia/romance/drama/shoujo lançado em 2001, mas tanto o anime original quanto este novo remake são baseados na história de Natsuki Tayaka, que também desenhou o mangá original de 23 volumes do FB. Lançado entre 6 de Abril de 2019 e 20 de Setembro de 2019, este provavelmente é o anime shoujo mais importante do ano, e foi produzido pelo estúdio TMS.
Resumindo, a história de Fruits Basket começa quando uma garota chamada Thoru Honda, que perdeu a mãe à pouco tempo, e atualmente vive numa tenda devido a reformas na casa do tio, conhece um cara chamado Shigure Sohma (ou Souma), e depois, na escola, um garoto chamado Yuki Sohma. Depois ela descobre que o terreno onde ela armou sua tenda pertence à família Sohma, então ela conversa com Shigure e Yuki sobre ficar lá até que ela possa voltar pra casa do tio. Porém, ocorre um deslizamento enquanto ela falava com eles, enterrando tanto a tenda, como uma foto da mãe de Thoru, foto essa que tem um valor muito grande para ela. Depois de conversarem um pouco, eles aceitam Thoru na casa de Shigure.
Contudo, depois de um tempo, Thoru descobre que a família Sohma carrega uma espécie de maldição, onde algumas pessoas da família se transformam em animais do zodíaco chinês (que também é usado no horóscopo japonês) toda vez que são abraçadas por alguém do sexo oposto (não funcional se for uma pessoa da família Sohma). Apesar disso, essa transformação não dá nenhum poder especial para a pessoa nem nada assim. Depois de um tempo, ela conhece Kyo, e a história continua.
Depois desses primeiros eventos, mais personagens são introduzidos à história, que passa a focar nos relacionamentos humanos e nos problemas entre Thoru e a família Sohma, assim como suas amigas, e também como os personagens lidarão com seus problemas pessoais e diferenças de personalidade.
Apesar de fazer seu trabalho muito bem, Fruits Basket, nesse momento, está incompleto. Porém, no final do ultimo episódio, é anunciado que receberá a segunda temporada em 2020.
Agora darei minhas notas com alguns comentários extras para este anime.
História: 9/10 – É boa e bem escrita, mas eu prefiro animes shoujo com acontecimentos mais velozes. Além disso, se você vai fazer um anime de 25 episódios, acho que dá pra trabalhar melhor a questão do romance. Esse é meu problema com esse anime, tem muito espaço pra romance, mas quase não tem nenhum. Se bem que isso é previsível de uma história adaptado de um mangá de 23 volumes.
Abertura e Encerramento: 8/10 – Dinâmicas bem legais, bem animadas e com canções lindas. Os 2 encerramentos são bem artísticos e gostosos de assistir.
Trilha Sonora: 9/10 – O cara do som acertou em cheio.Estilo Artístico: 10/10 – Cara, essa arte sozinha já faz valer a pena assistir o anime todo.
Animação: 9/10 – Cenários magníficos, e tanto as cenas de cômicas quanto as dramáticas são incríveis.Atuação de Voz: 10/10 – Todos os personagens são muito bem interpretados. Mas a Thoru, o Yuki e o Kyo, estão num nível completamente diferente.
O que eu mudaria: Eu gostei do anime como um todo, mas se eu pudesse mudar algo, eu colocaria mais romance nele. Como eu disse antes, tem muito pouco romance pro meu gusto. É só olhar pra Thoru e pro Yuki, eles odeiam esse subtexto maldito. Eles querem ficar juntos entao ponham eles juntos. Mas eu ainda tenho esperança já que ano que vem terá a segunda temp.
Conclusão: Bem, provavelmente eu já disse tudo que eu queria sobre esse anime, mas pra concluir, queria dizer que mesmo com as coisas que eu não gostei sobre ele, no aspect geral, eu amei Fruits Basket. Fazia um bom tempo que eu não asssitia algo tão bem escrito num anime de drama, assim como antes dele, eu também não conseguia pensar em mesclar drama e comédia tão bem. Não é exagero dizer que este anime abriu meus olhos pra muitas coisas.
Muito obrigado por ler meu review.
90/100The magic of developing flawed characters is what Fruits Basket does the bestContinue on AniListFruits Basket is a special anime, it not only exceeded my expectations but it turned to be one of the best shoujo I've watched in ages. Fun Fact, I actually expected a reverse harem romance anime, but I end up getting something way different instead, Something that would make me grin like an idiot for 24 minutes straight, something that would suddenly change my emotions several times in the spawn of only 24 minutes. Not many anime is able to do that with me, and here is why.
The story of this anime is most of the time Episodic as it slowly introduces each member of the Sohma Family as they hint us their personalities while doing some slice of life comedy and heartwarming moments. Earlier episodes focuses on Honda Tohru as she finds herself with the Soma Family while she struggles to live since she doesn't have a place to call home. It isn't until a certain character lets Tohru live on his house that she finally has a place to call home after getting back from high school and work despite the many circumstances where she's driven apart of the things she love. Later episodes focuses on each member of the Sohma family and Tohru's best friends as they shows us their backstory, how they struggled through very difficult moments and, in some cases, how they managed to move on from it and live on.
Each story is carefully developed with great pacing while the animation and the soundtrack gets the job done portraying the themes it handles greatly. Wisdom, Knowledge, Happiness, sadness, any kind of theme is handled greatly and even if these stories ranges through 1 or 2 episodes, is more than enough to make the viewer engage with the amount of feelings shown in screen, making each situation these characters go through easy to understand and easy to sympathize with. It does help a lot that each story delivers a powerful impact thanks to the great voice actin, great animation and soundtrack that these stories ends up being really meaningful.
Best part of this anime is Honda Tohru, at first, she may look like your typical airhead who is extremely kind because why not. But in reality, she is a bridge, a bridge that links with each person she meets and how she is able to make them open their eyes and realize all the things they were setting apart, be it a love tragedy, being listened at, being loved, to be understood, being friends with each other no matter their differences and what not, after all, the magic of developing flawed characters is what Fruits Basket does the best. Honda Tohru is just so adorable and pure, its all thanks to the relationship with her deceased mother that everything fell in place perfectly. Honda Tohru is the kind of friend we all need but don't deserve... God Damn it, where is my Tohru? ;_;
Last but not least, Animation is pretty much really consistent. Beautiful scenery is often the key to the masterful execution of each scene, even to comedy gags. The color palette is amazing as it shifts depending on the tone of the scene; a Dark tone for those really sad moments, a cheerful bright tone for those heartwarming moments and the goofy over the top silly faces and over exaggerated physics for the comedy gags. The Soundtrack is amazing and really fits the ambiance and KNOWS when to be silent (I'm looking at you Violet Evergarden), Each OP and ED are beautiful, I'm not a personal fan of the first ones, but the second OP "Chime" by Ai Otsuka is really beautiful and has a very melancholic feeling to it, and the second Ending "One Step Closer" by INTERSECTION is one of the most beautiful endings I've seen this year and probably since forever, its so damn beautiful and boy I can't count the amount of tears I shed each time an episode ended.
I can't recommend this anime enough, If you liked the older version of this anime then you'll probably love this anime twice as much and even if you are unfamiliar with the source or the old anime, if you like slice of life anime with romance, comedy and really heartwarming stories, then this anime is for you.
100/100There is a reason that Fruits Basket pioneered shoujo anime.Continue on AniListThis is my first time ever reviewing an anime. I might end up spoiling some plot points, so if you don't want to be spoiled, you may want to stop here.
I didn't watch the original, nor have I read the manga. I was told that I should watch it, but I didn't really dig the art style of the original, so I always just set it on the back burner for when I had some extra time. I can honestly say that at this point, I'm glad that I did it that way.
Being able to watch this story unfold, without prejudice or knowledge of where it's going, has been such an amazing experience. It's pretty safe to say that I am always going to be a fan of this show.
The things that they've set up in this season, and the things that they've delivered to us already are extremely well written. The execution is also really well done for me as the anime is beautifully drawn and edited. The music choices have all been poignant, and well thought out. I think I've listened to "One Step Closer" over 50 times on Spotify.
The characters in this anime are so full of depth. Even when a character has only minutes of screen time, you can get a really good feel of the type of person they are. Tohru and Kyou are easily my favorites out of them all, with Hatsuharu rounding out my top 3. I know people say that Tohru is too perfect, but I think the last episodes of the season prove that she is not perfect. Kyou is probably the best tsundere that I've watched since Aisaka Taiga. Hatsuharu is such a gentle soul, and I really appreciate his duality.
Arisa and Saki's side stories punched me in the gut so hard, along with Momiji's. There are so many characters in this anime, but the fact that they spent multiple episodes on these two really helped flesh out more of Tohru's character arc as well. They also allowed us to see more of Tohru's mom, and the kind of person she was. Momiji's story, and his mom having her memories taken so that she forgot about him just broke me into 1000 pieces.
I don't think I've cried so much for an anime series before. Out of 25 episodes, I cried for 20 of them. I'm a bit of a soft touch, but there is just something about this anime that just speaks to me on a personal level. I'm middle-aged, and have lost both of my parents. So Tohru's determination just strikes me as so profound, because I've gone through the things she has, and I did not remain as strong as she has.
Overall, this anime is something truly special, and I cannot recommend it enough for anyone that likes the genre.
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- (4.1/5)
Ended inSeptember 21, 2019
Main Studio TMS Entertainment
Trending Level 3
Favorited by 11,170 Users
Hashtag #フルーツバスケット #フルバ #FRUBA #FURUBA