September 27, 2019
24 min
The espers of Academy City are classified into six levels, where "Level 0" lacks power while "Level 5" possesses an overwhelming amount. Of the several million espers residing in Academy City, only seven of them have attained Level 5, and ranked highest among them is the one known as Accelerator.
Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator focuses on the strongest Level 5 after he protects the cheerful Last Order at the price of much of his power. Recovering at the hospital, Accelerator has led a relatively quiet life until he ends up saving the life of Estelle Rosenthal, a mysterious girl carrying a photo of Last Order. Unfortunately, Accelerator now finds himself dragged into a new conflict in the form of a sinister organization called Disciplinary Action which plots to use Last Order for a dangerous mission. Now that they have set their plan into motion and are in pursuit of the young girl, it's up to the world's most powerful esper and his newfound companion to protect Last Order and defend Academy City in the process.
(Source: MAL Rewrite)
Nobuhiko Okamoto
Last Order
Rina Hidaka
Esther Rosenthal
Yurika Kubo
Aiho Yomikawa
Yuuko Kaida
Heaven Canceler
Yutaka Nakano
MISAKA 19090
Nozomi Sasaki
MISAKA 10046
Nozomi Sasaki
Kikyou Yoshikawa
Yumi Touma
Rita Iizumi
Akane Fujita
Seike Taroumaru
Yuka Nukui
Itsuki Yakumaru
Nozomi Nishida
Hirumi Hishigata
Ayumi Mano
Naruha Sakuragi
Aoi Koga
Hasami Hitokawa
Sayumi Watabe
Mikihiko Hishigata
Ryouta Oosaka
Minori Kidera
Miyuri Shimabukuro
Youko Tadaka
Ayaka Asai
Hiromi Nakahara
Taito Ban
Ruiko Saten
Kanae Itou
Kazari Uiharu
Aki Toyosaki
90/100Fine, now is a good time to teach you something: even Villains have standards!Continue on AniListA Certain Scientific Accelerator (Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator) is a Japanese manga series, which was written by Kazuma Kamachi (Heavy Object) and illustrated by Arata Yamaji. An anime television series adaptation by J.C.Staff and A.C.G.T aired on July 12, 2019. The final episode aired on September 27, 2019.
Accelerator is considered the most powerful psychic in Academy City and one of a few able to shift to the level 6. He, however, now lives a peaceful life and tries to recover from the past injuries. His rest is interrupted, when a rogue group within Anti-Skill called DA that is obsessed with bringing justice to Academy City so much that it would even opt for kidnapping and experiments on humans, causes pure havoc in the city. While Accelerator does not like to be bothered and hates problems, Disciplinary Action, or DA is enough of a threat for Accelerator to take actions, mainly because of the fact that the rogue group, for some unknown reason, is trying to kidnap The Last Order. Now only Accelerator can save the Academy City and The Last Order from the zealous fanatics, working in DA.
While A Certain Scientific Accelerator is not a direct continuation, or prequel to any of the series, you will need to watch A Certain Scientific Railgun to understand what is going on in the series, otherwise it will be somewhat difficult to interpret the story-line. You might also watch Toaru Majutsu no Index to get a full understanding. With that being said, the main villain of A Certain Magical Index franchise finally gets his own TV series. While many might hate him for the person he is, attentive viewers and readers will understand his motives. It was nice for him to get a personal TV series that will show the viewer more about Accelerator. In addition to this, just like in Toaru Majutsu no Index, Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator unites magic and science and the end result of this is quite of a mystery that is not only breathtaking, but also disturbing sometimes. And when it becomes disturbing, it will make you feel hella uncomfortable. No spoilers, though.
Animation wise, it is, without a doubt, an absolute masterpiece: characters design, backgrounds, action scenes, facial expressions; absolutely beautiful. Sound wise, if there is an English dub one day, I would still highly recommend you to watch it subbed; there is only one Accelerator and it is Okamoto Nobuhiko.
As for the characters, there is only one new protagonist that is worth mentioning, Rosenthal Esther. Let us omit the type of magic she practices and just say that she is a magician that wants to meet Accelerator to inform him about the upcoming events. She is a very easy-going individual, who, in reality, possesses a terrifying power. Anyways, A Certain Scientific Accelerator has a pretty nice character cast, including supporting character, as well as villains.
All in all, A Certain Scientific Accelerator is a great addition to the franchise. As mentioned before, it might be difficult for you to understand the plot of A Certain Scientific Accelerator without watching other TV series, but it will still be enjoyable, so it is up to you to decide.
9 Misakas/10, says Misaka Misaka trying to hide the fact that the whole review is nothing but fangirlism, but actually giving it 9 Misakas, instead of 10, hiding her attitude towards the said series.
30/100A pretty underwhelming show that isn't really worth your time, even for an avid Raildex fan.Continue on AniListA rather big disappointment that I would argue is just as bad as Index III. As far as the story is concerned, if I'm going to be freak, the story here is rather convoluted, as it goes from being a forced internal power conflict revolving around Academy City's dark-side and Antiskill into a really bizarre and boring story about some guy in a necromancer's family who basically wants to use the memories of the Misaka sisters to create a golem. Speaking of necromancers, the new characters introduced for this show are hardly anything to write home about. Most of them have hardly any real characterization and feel rather forced onto the story to help it progress. This is also the fault of the writing, as a lot of times the show kind of has characters standing around to create forced melodrama. The only group of characters I honestly had an interest in was the Scavenger Group, who had some interesting abilities going for them, and Accelerator himself (Funnily enough, this group would later show up in Railgun in a much more significant role than in this show). Speaking of which, Accelerator surprisingly doesn't even get that much screentime in this show, especially as it too focused on Esther and the other side characters that I frankly could have cared less about.
Animation-wise it's pretty underwhelming, as the character animation feels rather clunky and rough around the edges. Often, I genuinely felt like I was looking at moving manga panels drawn onto the screen. It also doesn't help that this show loves to use CGI for all of its robots, and it honestly looks like doodoo butter.
Audio-wise, the music is fine, I suppose. However, it never reaches the heights of the excellent soundtrack quality in either Index or Railgun. However, the sound mixing is kind of bad. There were many instances where some soundwave or explosive sound effect sounded like it was bass-boosted too much or something like that. It also doesn't help that literal punches sound like bricks being hit at a wall.
Ultimately, this show was quite honestly a very underwhelming experience, and I now know why I had put it on hold for months after watching a mere three episodes. The only real excuse as to why this show (or the manga for the matter) even exists is for people who want more Toaru content to consume after finishing the anime adaptations for Index or Railgun. However, I honestly think it fails to even remotely reach the levels of quality and enjoyment that you can find in even Index I (which I don't even think is that good to begin with). If anything else, if you want more Toaru content, then just go read the Index light novels or even the Railgun manga for the matter.
Thank you for reading this! This is actually my first time providing a review on Anilist. I had originally planned on putting this into the notes of my list, but figured that I had written enough to prompt myself to publish this as a review. Anyhow, if you enjoyed this review and want to check out my notes on other shows, then check out my Anilist!
70/100Its a noticeably better adapt than what Index gets, but the weaknesses inherent to the source material ruin it.Continue on AniListPreface: The adaption of the Accelerator anime is a great improvement over the adaption of the Index 3 material, whether it was through improved scheduling or having a manga to base the artwork on, JC Staff has made a notable improvement in its adaption. None the less this adapt suffers from different issues, despite being a good adapt of the source material the series itself cannot be good if the source material itself is weak. This review will expand on why the anime was fairly average, and what fans of the Toaru series can expect from it.
Story: 5
The story for Toaru Kagaku No Accelerator is largely a page by page faithful adapt of the source material with some extra flash backs, an anime only first episode, and skipping a few redundant scenes. This story takes place right after the head shot Accelerator experiences when trying to save Last Order in the original Index anime, in short it takes place fairly early in the timeline of the series during season 1 of index, and slightly after the events of the Sister’s Noise project in Railgun S. Accelerator is in the hospital still recovering and his head wound still bleeds if he moves around to quick, Last Order is taking care of him and he’s still his old edgy self. It is made clear in the first anime original episode that Accelerator is not at full capacity and is still prone to side effects of his headshot which will later on in the story explain why he keeps letting opponents get away or how he manages to get injured despite his ability. The story after the anime original episode is largely focused on several factions getting in Accelerators hair after he rescues a necromancer, Estelle, from pursuers because she may have a link to Last Order. The factions include one delusional siscon scientist and his imouto, a bunch of self-righteous comically stupid anti skill members who joined a cult, and some edgy teen girls who run an assassination squad. Most of the story is focused on him fighting these groups and making fun of them as he crushes them with relative ease.
Some issues are present in the story that make it worse and less enjoyable, the first reason is because Accelerator is far too overpowered for the actual story, he never has a challenge and sort of just pisses on every opponent he comes across in a very edgy way taunting them for how weak they comparatively are and then fucking with them for amusement. There are some stakes and serious moments, but they always involve side characters and the audience knows nothing bad will happen because Accelerator will protect Last Order for sure and that the fact that Index season 2 exists proves nothing bad will happen ahead of time. Now normally this could be done in a way that has entertainment value for example turning it into a comedic show where Accelerator is largely not caring about anything going on and turning the show into slice of life. However, sadly this is not possible because the show takes itself way to seriously despite the fact that the existence of the rest of Toaru in the continuity guarantees that no threat Accelerator faces in this spin off will ever harm him or his favorite loli.
Due to this the story is simply edgy, boring at times, has no real sense of tension for someone who actually follows the Toaru series, and is needlessly convoluted in explaining the final villain’s powers to somebody who has not seen the Toaru series. It is weak in exposition and as a thriller to both index fans and people new to the series alike so overall it cannot be said that this spin off has a good story.
Art: 6
Well the art isn’t bad at all and is significantly better than season 3 of Index in comparison, clearly JC staff actually scheduled things properly this time. The new character designs are amazing, last order and the Misaka clones look so rubbery and shiny and it is absurdly cute. The animation itself is a bit choppy and slow but that’s expected so it did not hurt the show to much as the backgrounds and character design made up for it.
However, there were 2 things that heavily lowered my score for the art this season, the first is fight choreography. This entire show was largely focused on action, so having low quality fights was a huge disappointment. The vast majority of the fights simply had Accelerator tank some attacks to show off and then 1 shot his opponents without any serious effort. The only fights where he had to expend some effort were full of bad, jarring and immersion breaking CGI that kept the viewer from actually focusing on the fight and instead looking in awe at how bad the special effects were. The second thing that hurt the art rating is the fact there were so many absurdly well animated shows this season, after seeing shows like Demon Slayer I cannot possibly even give the art score of Accelerator a 7, the standards for the industry have gone up and meanwhile JC staff is animating the Accelerator anime like its 2009.
The sound: 8
The opening was a hit and is something I will constantly replay as it is in a playlist of openings that are worth listening to, and the soundtrack is pretty intense and even compensated for the awful fight choreography and lack of tension at times. The index series has never had a bad soundtrack or opening, that is one thing that has never let me down.
Characters: 7
Accelerator is Accelerator and if you enjoy watching Accelerator you will enjoy the characters in this show as the show is largely focused on Accelerator. Outside of that, Last Order is as cute as ever, the Academy City students got some screen time with Uiharu and Saten, the side characters like Estelle and her corpse doll were fun to watch and misaka clones are always hilarious.
Some weaknesses however were the villains, all of them were idiots and quite cringey to watch, cant even blame JC Staff on the characterization here, the antagonists were also delusional idiots in the manga as well. Some cops with a completely detached from reality view on justice which was bordering on religious fanaticism, some edgy girls who really hated teachers, and a delusional siscon scientist made up the antagonists. It is clear that the author meant for them to be either throwaway characters or fodder for level 5 espers like the teenage girl assassination squad.
Enjoyment: 7
I actually did enjoy this spin off, and if you enjoy anything Toaru I think you won’t hate it either. There is much to be desired, that this anime lacks, but the additions to the world building and power systems of Toaru in the final 2 episodes, create more than enough reason to watch the anime for any fan of the series. I would not recommend watching this anime stand alone but with context from either the novels or the index anime. Overall I did have fun watching this anime and its worth checking out.
Overall: 7
I give this show a 7, it was fairly average and most of my list consists of 7 ratings as unless something is really bad I will not rate anime lower than this. It is worth a watch if you are a Toaru fan, and if you can overlook the flaws in the show. Despite all the flaws that were pointed out in this review, the show itself is enjoyable and a decent spin off for the Toaru series as a whole.
ANIME ActionToaru Kagaku no Railgun
ANIME ActionHeavy Object
ANIME ActionKekkai Sensen
- (3.5/5)
Ended inSeptember 27, 2019
Main Studio J.C.STAFF
Favorited by 878 Users
Hashtag #アクセラレータ