January 1, 1934
8 min
When a samurai witnesses a dancing maiden being kidnapped by ruffians, he rescues the poor damsel and takes her to the spring flower dance.
(Source: AniDB)
40/100I gave Sankichi and Osayo: A Genroku Romance a 4/10 for no audio but fun to watch with FNaF AmbienceContinue on AniListSankichi and Osayo: A Genroku Romance Sankichi and Osayo: A Genroku Romance from 1934 is a strange oddity. As when I found the film, there was no audio to be found. No music. No sound effects. No voice acting. However it is not hard to believe that there is no voice acting, seeing as this film released in late June of 1934. It even has the old film technique of having the characters say their lines then a panel appears with text of the line they just said. That isn't necessarily the strange part of the film to me. To me, the strange part was the no music and sound effects. It was almost... creepy. It made me shiver how there was nothing to be heard. Nothing at all. So instead I searched up Five Nights at Freddy's Ambiance on YouTube and found a ten minutes video of pure Five Nights at Freddy's ambient noises. A perfect length seeing as the film is eight minutes long.
Here is the YouTube link for the film. I also recommend looking up the Five Nights at Freddy's ambient noises as an addon because it makes the whole experience a lot more fun. Although the YouTube video doesn't have subtitles so you may have to find another way to watch it if you are dedicated to the story.
Another thing with this film is the fact that their are these ninja guys who are bad guys and they use guns. Like why are ninja's using guns. I don't under stand it. Also when the main Samurai character is chasing after the kidnapped woman, this random car just shows up. This car character was not established earlier on in the story and I think because of that, the car character feels empty and I have no connection too it. What's its backstory? How did it find the samurai? Why is it helping the samurai? It's all a bunch of holes in the story that were left out and it stands out. Without it, the story feels unfinished.
However, the samurai character is bad ass. Near the end of the film when the ninja bad guys are attacking him, the samurai pulls out a record player and starts jamming out to music while he defeats the ninja bad guys. I like to imagine him listening to the Devil May Cry 5 soundtrack but that probably wasn't what the director intended. But during the fight, the samurai splits a dude in half even though the alleged rating is G. Badass samurai like I said.
Something that the film didn't do well though is how the boss bad guy was defeated. Spoilers by the way if I didn't say that already. The main character, the samurai, didn't even defeat the boss bad guy. It was these random birds that defeated him. In fact, the samurai guy didn't even touch the boss bad guy. It would have been good for the samurai's character arc to finish off the boss bad guy. But no the birds with very small relevance was the ones that defeated the boss bad guy.
In conclusion, despite all the flawed characters and the poor story telling, and despite the inaccuracy of ninjas and literal no sound, I recommend Sankichi and Osayo: A Genroku Romance. It is charming for it's time and is funny to watch with the Five Nights at Freddy's ambience noises. In all honesty it is fun to watch the old animation on its own because of how different it is from today. 4/10 for no audio but fun to watch with FNaF Ambience.
SPECIAL ActionDororo (Pilot)
- (2/5)
Ended inJanuary 1, 1934