March 28, 2019
24 min
In the novels' story, mysterious flying creatures known as Zai suddenly appear, and in order to fight the creatures, mankind creates fighter aircraft called "Daughters," as well as the automatic fighting mechanism "Anima," which are shaped like human girls. The story centers on a young man named Kei Narutani, who yearns to fly in the sky, and an Anima considered to be humanity's trump card, a girl name Gripen.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Yuuka Morishima
Kei Narutani
Ryouta Oosaka
Hitomi Oowada
Shiori Izawa
Minghua Song
Ryouko Shiraishi
Haruka Yashirodoori
Kenji Nomura
William Shankle
Kenjirou Tsuda

17/100An anime with so much but has nothing but wasted effort.Continue on AniList___Story & Characters___ I love me some anime that involves anything military related like
Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There, Kantai Collection and Arpeggio of Blue Steel Unfortunately, Girly Air Force is nothing like these series. In fact, if you suck the life out of these series given you a bland story and even more bland (and sometimes annoying characters), this is what you get. The story is nothing new (which isn't a bad thing if executed properly). Guy meets girl, girl is "something special", guy and girl form a bond, characters live happily ever after. That's this anime in a nutshell just add the weakest element of Air Force. It's just a story about a guy helping basically a human AI fight against aliens. Everytime I watched the next episode, I kept thinking to myself, "Am I watching Neon Genesis Evangelion, except with just bland and annoying characters?" Think about it everybody. The premise is very similar to Neon Genesis Evangelion that it could've been mistaken as a clone. The story is very lacking, the comedy is stale, the drama is ineffective, and the action scenes were monotonous.
Then there's the characters:
Kei Narutani This guy is just like Shinji Ikari just take away the nagging and whining. He has aspirations to be a pilot, and it's shown through his sympathetic backstory, but that's it. You don't see him grow as a character or as a pilot. He's just there to add fuel to the flame between the girls. If not for his backstory, he could've been easily the worst character in the series. He's just a stereotypical, bland, and airheaded harem lead with little to no character development.
Gripen This girl is what happens if best girl Rei Ayanami from Neon Genesis Evangelion cloned herself and tried desperately to form a relationship with Shinji's lifeless body and tried to learn every little detail of becoming a normal girl. There's not a damn thing to like about her character. Despite being the main girl, she's practically a side character with a shit ton of screentime, but has no character development. Then there's her "relationship" with Kei if you can even call it that. You have a guy with the personality of a potato fresh out of the ground and a girl who's desperately trying to be Rei Ayanami. To put it in a nutshell:
__THIS IS THE WORST RELATIONSHIP I'VE SEEN IN ANIME!!!__ Song Minghua I'm gonna be frank about this girl and not go into any detail because there's not much to say about this childhood friend tsundere.
__THIS BITCH IS MORE ANNOYING THAN NAVI FROM OCARINA OF TIME!!__ Phantom __GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE YOU TWO-FACED VINDICTIVE ASSHOLE!!__ Eagle __WHY THE HELL ARE YOU ALWAYS SMILING YOU HAPPY-GO-LUCKY FATHERCON!!!__ Yoshiodori Haruka Basically is like Gendo Ikari from Neon Genesis Evangelion except a much better father figure to the characters, and he chain smokes. He's pretty much the only likable character in this anime. That's about it.
All in all, the story is lacking and wasted potential, and the characters are trash.
___Animation & Sound___ The art and animation by studio Satelight whom you all should know from their works including:
Log Horizon (Season 1) The Macross Franchise Shugo Chara! and the Aquarion Franchise Was just below average at best. It doesn't surprise me that Safelight worked on this series since they've done similar works. In all honesty, they do better on works that are more grounded to reality like Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens, but some of their Sci-fi works were well done with the best being Aquarion EVOL. Unfortunately, Girly Air Force does not reach the cut of decent animation. Some of the actions were well made seeing that they put some time and thought into it, but when not dealing with the action, everything else is just bland. Each of the characters designs look like they were ripped straight from its light novel counterpart. There was no distinction between any of the characters besides Yoshiodori which I find ironic due to him the only likable character in the anime.
The soundtrack was a snore-fest. Not one song stood out making the anime all the more boring than it already was, and the OP and ED themes were the worst of the bunch. The OP theme had potential especially from how it starts up, but it falls flat on its face as it progresses. The ED theme was just boring. The voice acting barely had any soul in it. It was just serviceable at best, but neither of the voice actors put up any effort.
All in all, the animation & sound were poorly executed, and that's such a disappointment for a beloved studio like Satelight.
___Final Verdict___ What else is there to say about Girly Air Force that hasn't already been said. This anime was just bad. There was nothing to redeem it with the story being boring, the characters being annoying and one-dimensional to the point that if they stood to the side they'd disappear, and the animation & sound being poorly executed. This is an anime that's just bad and not the so bad that it's good.
In the end, I can say that with Girly Air Force...
___IT'S SHIT!!!___
ANIME ActionSenyoku no Sigrdrifa
ANIME ActionStrike Witches
MOVIE ActionHigh School Fleet Movie
ANIME ActionDarling in the Franxx
- (2.85/5)
Ended inMarch 28, 2019
Main Studio Satelight
Trending Level 1
Favorited by 175 Users
Hashtag #ガーリー・エアフォース