June 25, 2020
23 min
Every human inhabiting the world of Alcia is branded by a “Count” or a number written on their body. Depending on how each person lives their life, this Count either goes up or down. For Hina’s mother, her total drops to 0 and she’s pulled into the Abyss, never to be seen again. But her mother’s last words send Hina on a quest to find a legendary hero from the Waste War—the fabled Ace!
(Source: Funimation)
Licht Bach
Yoshiki Nakajima
Rina Honizumi
Jail Murdoch
Yuuichirou Umehara
Lyne Mei
Ari Ozawa
Pele Poporo
Aoi Ichikawa
Nana Bassler
Shizuka Itou
Mizuka Sonohara
Aoi Yuuki
Hiroki Touchi
Schmelman Bach
Toshihiko Seki
Sakai Tokikaze
Kaito Ishikawa
Saki Ichinose
Miyu Kubota
Kotono Mitsuishi
Aya Endou
Douan Taketora
Satoshi Hino
Kyouka Narumiya
Tamaki Orie
Asumi Sumitami
Yukimi Hayase
Tsukina Farrow
Yuuko Minaguchi
Kouji Yusa
Avsette Vremya
Haruhi Nanao
Genji Akui
Youhei Azakami
Kyouhei Suda
Tomohito Takatsuka
Kazuyuki Okitsu
45/100Its Trash That's All There Is To It...Continue on AniListIntroduction:
WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS SHOW ITS ABSOLUTE S**T. This show is actually bad i dont understand how anyone can actually like this its boring the animation is bad the characters are shit just how the FUCK did this get an anime adaptation. It has NOTHING going for it - maybe that’s why it got a no-name studio with subpar animation. It’s not a surprise that this show has a 5/10 score on Ani List. This is a long intro let's get into the other sections.
The Pros:
Did you read the intro? THERE IS NONE !!
Ok maybe one
The Cons:
Not much to say here its shit - how the fuck am i going to get this review over the characters count… shit. Well the studio that animated this season is called “Geek Toys” - what type of sex brand is this - and they have animated such INSTANT CLASSICS such as “Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka?” or “Hensuki: Are you willing to fall in love with a pervert, as long as she’s a cutie?”. Do I even need to say anything? Really
However, it does have one good-ish scene
The pacing is ok. Like everything else in this anime, its completely mediocre or worse. Flashback arc was ok on pacing. However, everything past this arc felt very rushed and un satisfying literally nothing to say here it gets a 5/10 on the pacing score. COMPLETELY average
Oh, my this is going to be fun because I HATE all of these characters. They are so unlikeable its almost funny - only characters I like is Nana (the dark-skinned girl with the Pseudo Brother Complex.. and a BIG personality)
His whole characters is that he was a pervert and had a MASSIVE transformation in to an edgy pervert. This anime tries so hard to make Licht a badass but he’s just a generic edgy character with not much to him. He is unlikable and the flash back arc doesn’t make him any more likeable either. AND ESPECIALLY HIM HAVING A SEXUAL RELTIONSHIP WITH HIS FUCKING NIESE. WHAT THE FUCK JAPAN?!?!?!??!?!?!?Hina:
She has no likeable straits she’s the MC, she’s a little pretty and she tried to rape Licht. You read that right it happened but we just gone gloss other that I guess .I don’t even want to talk about this bitch no more. Thinking about her is bringing flashbacks of her shouting
“LICHT-SAN” and making me want to commit not alive.Jail Murdoch:
He’s a sort off edgy virgin whose the silent type and lawful… I think.. He doesn’t really have much of a characters BUT he did have the one funny bath house scene and that’s his whole character. He also has MAD daddy issues.Lynne:
She is just fanservice , that’s all she always in lewd situations and she can’t fight so you already know she only got one purpose in the story… that’s… P L O T
Somethings rising and it’s not the shield hero
This is not funny next character
She’s dark skin and hot. Done with the characters now the musicMusic:
Music is subjective but I think that this soundtrack is average the opening and ending I don't like it VERY mediocre
2nd Review lol
60/100Good? Bad? No clue.. was enjoyable, but was all over the place.Continue on AniListPlunderer 5/6/7/6/6
Note: I'll use my MAL reviewing format until I tweak it for AL. link Here is how my "review" system works. W.I.P
Wish i could write shorter reviews on AL ... Anyhow.. story story... I have no bloody clue. The storytelling on this Anime felt all over the place. Lot of things were trying to fit in at the same time... it just generally felt all over the place. The pacing, timing, genres, drama, romance, scenes, action, reveals ... felt rather chaos. There were plenty of things I were intrigued or interested about, but all of them were somewhat plundered in that attempt of a storytelling. There were plenty of times where I were thinking that "why...?" or "I don't even care anymore.." Such a wasted potential in an Anime that could have been straightforward fun. A lot of things felt in storytelling rather half-baked. Somehow of a "hmm.. I got an Idea, but I'm not sure how to express it , but lets toss it in nevertheless". MY POINT being that it isn't exactly what I would say "bad" or "good" it just feels not thoroughly thought about how to express the whole scenario in this Anime.To add something then the whole world & principle and how stuff got revealed there was rather interesting and cool.. was rather dark, had interesting concept and on top of that rather gruesome. But once again, how they decided to run with the story.. it just felt rather obnoxiously dumb I guess?
Comedic value was also odd, hate or love it. Wasn't my cup of tea, but had few chuckles.
Well, first things first. Licht harem gud harem. Main guy personality feels like those usually ecchi harem protagonists that get their power out of their perversion. Like certain vampire Anime, BUT a half baked version of it. Once again.... MC feels all over the place where at some point lost interest in his backstory or personality. But eh.. yet he has such a loving harem...Hina & Lynn are my choice of waifus.
Other than that there are once again a bit more interesting stereotypes of characters than I'm used to and some side-characters that offer some intrigue / mystery to the.
In the end though.. very chaotic cast of characters and their story & progression was also really odd.
I did love some aspects, like how romance actually went somewhere. But I have a bit of a mixed feelings how it was conveyed... not sure exactly why though. Fanservice was pleasant in most cases... felt odd at times.
✦Art & Sound✦
Honestly I'm not even sure if there was music of any sorts.But I did like the art & animation.
✦Enjoyment & Overall✦
Lot of chaos, but found enjoyment in it. A bit random finale... Honestly I have more stuff to tell, but I don't like doing analysis type of reviews. My reviews are just general thoughts & feelings I had regarding Anime, in a sense "self logging" for Anime. Now is the part of self-entertainment where I have to hit character cap to actually save this "review".ara ara Licht-kun
✦✦Final score✦✦:
65/100Plunderer. Turns out boobs and booze aren't always enough.Continue on AniListPlunderer was an anime with potential that unfortunately trips over its own feet trying to reach it. The pacing and story are kind of all over the place, and a big reveal leaves less of an impact because of it. Spoilers Ahead
Plot (5/10):
So from the beginning I had a hard time understanding what the actual point of the story was. The first few episodes introduce the main character, Licht as the (obvious) Ace Hina was looking for, however he is currently moonlighting as a giant pervert. For the first 1/3rd of the show (until the episode aptly titled "Plunderer"), you are not only drip fed information about the rather non-existent plot, but also subjected to a non-zero amount of filler. After episode 9, the story begins to take off, with what seems to be the main arc of the show, a huge "flashback". Honestly, I don't have too many big complaints about the pacing here, but it's after the flashback arc ends that I think Plunderer starts to struggle again. Episodes 18 (the end of the Flashback arc) and 19 have such a gigantic tone shift that it's legitimately jarring. They take all this time to develop the plot, drop such serious developments and information just to lead into an entire "filler" episode only about boobs and booze. This is something I'll discuss more later, but the show was filled with weird tone shifts like this. It felt like it was trying to mix ecchi and action/thriller, but the switches between the two don't work out.In general I also felt like there were a lot of plot holes that aren't really explained at any point. Here's a couple I felt were left unanswered:
Why is Schmerman the only one shown with native ballot powers? They mention some humans are on the same wavelength and were granted these powers, but what happened to the rest of them?
Why were they able to vote to create a floating continent, but not change the barren nature of the earth? They specifically refer to it as bending the laws of nature, but I guess there are limits?
Why do Aces not age? They went out of their way to explain Licht went into a coma and after, stopped aging, but what about the rest of them? Why do some of them age to a certain point, then stop?
Towards the end, not only does Licht "die" fighting Doan, but for some reason even though the SSU was commanded to capture Licht and bring him back, they see Hina and crew digging for his body, and ONLY capture them but not Licht's "dead" body? Then as Lynn is about to draw her last breath, the townsfolk show up out of thin air? Then Licht breaks out of the black hole Doan sucked him into?
Honestly, the plot here was just a bit too flimsy and had a bit too many holes.
World/Setting (8/10):
I would say this score is entirely dependent on making it to episode 18. Before this, the world is just a semi-generic fantasy land, even if you don't see all that much of it due to the flashback arc. Alcia being revealed as || a floating continent utopia, where the "Abyss" is earth from which they steal resources from|| was something I didn't expect, and pretty well executed. It even explains why the helicopter in episode 8-9 shows up.Characters (7/10):
I felt like the characters in this show were alright. I think Licht's transformation from Rihito to Licht also made sense, given the atrocities he dealt with in the war. I will say, I did not like the almost 180 in Hina's personality after they come back to the present, where suddenly she's this sexual being trying to have Licht's babies. I also think Jail was a tad bit too inflexible, in the way that his convictions were ALWAYS brought up. I think that was a writing issue, because it didn't need to be stated literally when his actions speak for themselves. The "reveal" of Pele's true nature was interesting, but didn't go anywhere since it happened at the end of the series.Visuals (7/10):
Nothing to write home about here, generally ok, and didn't do anything too crazy. Art style has been done before, and It felt like the chibi, cutesy, visualization of characters in some episodes was a way to save on animation costs, but who knows.Audio (7/10):
Soundtrack fit the show and was generally consistent throughout, but didn't fill me with any strong emotions. OP and ED were serviceable but not memorable.Enjoyment (5/10):
Ecchi. I have never had a problem with his genre. Whether that be a straight up ecchi comedy like Prison School, something a bit more serious in tone like Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World, or something integral to the plot like Chained Soldier (not enough ecchi imo) or High School of the Dead. But my god. The constant sexual harassment in the show was undeniably the most off putting thing I've seen in a long time. From the beginning, Licht is billed as a pervert. This is not a problem within itself, but the almost immediate and constant joke of "spread your legs" and forcing Hina's legs open was too much. It took me away from the story and just made me enjoy the show less and less. As I mentioned earlier, the switch between episodes 18 and 19 felt like a visualization of everything that was wrong with this show throughout. At one point, Pele is having a heart-to-heart with Lynn, the girl he clearly likes, and in the middle of it says "stop acting like that, you're making me horny". ????? Was this supposed to be funny?? I even at the end, when Pele is "checking Lynn's wounds" the forced leg spreading and innuendos don't stop, and it just feels extremely forced. And again, with Hina's new desire to make babies, it makes me think back on her first interactions with Licht who by his own admission, is essentially her uncle. Sure we can excuse the 300 year age gap since he's still "technically" a young adult, but that is his adoptive brothers daughter who's legs he's trying to spread... Oreimo was one thing, and this is another. This is yet another example of the forced ecchi dynamic as well as the age issue that isn't explained, because how exactly did Hina's mother live for ~300 years before having Hina, when Tokikaze was clearly killed ~300 or so years ago?? Stuff like this really detracted from my ability to maintain my suspension of disbelief and ruined a lot of this show for me.
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- (3.1/5)
Ended inJune 25, 2020
Main Studio GEEKTOYS
Trending Level 2
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Hashtag #プランダラ #PLDR