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A story about a poor boy swept away by a kind library mage and the (literal) magic of reading, Magus of the Library is a beautifully-drawn, spirited fantasy adventure, like a Fullmetal Alchemist for all ages!
In the small village of Amun lives a poor boy named Theo. Theo adores books, but because of his pointed ears and impoverished life, he isn’t allowed to use the village library. As he endures the prejudice and hatred of the village, he dreams of going where such things don’t exist: Aftzaak, City of Books. But one day, Theo chances to meet a Kafna—a librarian who works for the great library of Aftzaak—and his life changes forever…
(Source: Kodansha USA)
Theo Fumis
Sedona Bleu
Aya Guunjou
Dianasys di'Ohgga
Cynthea Tei
Sakiya Menes
Puputo Raputabbis
Kana Midoreen
Sala Sohn
Kiraha Kyamman
Tifa Fumis
Natica Quapan
Mihona Qoahau
Pipiri Pilberry
Medina Hahal'k
Rei Edan
Xtoh Seros
Alv Tlaloque
Komako Kaulikk
Sumomo Kavishmaf
Mahuia Teteo
Tutull Xiu
Taksha Cupul
Ossei Menes
100/100An amazing and personal love letter to literature and overcoming obstacles to achieve passionate ambitions.Continue on AniList__"Magus of the Library" __is a fantasy manga written and drawn by Mitsu Izumi that focuses on a young mixed-blood boy called Theo Fumis who is an avid fan of literature, but because of his pointed ears and impoverished life, he isn't allowed to use the village library and on top of that, ostracized and mistreated by most folks in the village, particularly from his classmates in school. As he endures the prejudice and hatred of the village, he aspires of traveling to a place where such things don't exist; the City of Books, also known as, Aftzaak. But one day due to 'fate', Theo encounters a Kafna, a librarian who works for the great library of Aftzaak, and this encounter would change his life forever. Now that I've gotten the synopsis out of the way, let me explain my short, brief thoughts on why this manga with just reading 4 volumes, is one of my all-time favorite manga and a manga that everyone should give a shot at some point. __#1. The passion behind literature __ The key aspect to what Mitsu Izumi brought out to this series which I admired so much, was portray how valuable books are with various applications that really showcase so many different sides behind them. Whether it has to do with entertainment, or knowledge regarding cultures and traditions, or grimories, or knowledge regarding educational subjects, or autobiographies and preserving works from many, many years back and making sure the community, rich or poor, could experience such wealth of knowledge with freedom, the story manages to portray why books can be such a special, special thing to experience, with a lot of practicality that could even relate to real life, although we also have the Internet to thank for all of this information. Because of books, characters can be inspired to have dreams like Theo, can be more culturally aware and diversive, and communicate a lot easier with others without worrying about offending other races, can be a lot more knowledgable in various areas that could benefit in the future, and much, much more. And the writing also not only goes into why books are useful, but also shows the amount of work put into actually maintaining so many books, translating and making sure different cultures benefit from this, and so much more. Books hold so much value there and getting to know the behind-the-scenes antics behind them through the eyes of what the kafna do, and being aware of how valuable they are to society there despite being presented as a luxury only in the past, is just fascinating. The writing really benefits from amazing, natural pacing to organically present books in this sort of light without making it feel like forced propaganda. __#2. Theo Fumis and Sedona Bleu__ Theo Fumis is such a wonderful character since he is so lovable, endearing and honest, and you could feel his desire to become a kafna and help with the future of books to be inspiring of sorts. Even with a background that makes many people wary of him and being shunned a lot, he still aspires to one day travel to the City of Books and join the library where he would feel the happiest in his life, a place where many different races could be seen and he can blend in without being ostracized, as well as being surrounded by tons and tons of books of all kinds. His character is not only lovable, but his journey to becoming a kafna is also quite challenging since there is a ton of competition to successfully become one, so the actual path to see him succeed feels intense and exciting too. Sedona Bleu is also a really great and compelling character, and I loved her advice to Theo, basically telling him that she loves his appearance despite what everyone else thinks of him, since he has to be the hero of his own story, and having a unique appearance sounds fitting and cool. In so many shounen manga, wacky appearances like that seem like the norm but for this case, his appearance and her advice to give him the boost of confidence to push forward is amazing to watch. And on top of that, loads of mystery is surrounding her too so she's lovable and interesting in various ways. Furthermore just for other characters than these two, they're all really charismatic, lovable to read and fun too. Also display tons of passion that makes reading this series feel more heartwarming. __#3. The artwork and world building__ The setting, the details put into the world, and even just the little details with how books were handled and maintained. All done to beautiful levels, with amazing character designs too. I also love how multicultural the series is, and seeing so many characters be presented with different attire that befits their races makes the world feel more like an actual 'world' than a lot of other anime/manga I've come across. Due to how well written the whole element of books and uniting everyone is, the world building really shines. And to further elaborate on how good the art is, I love how at times, they depict Theo's state of mind as he's focused or inspired with books with detailed imagery of him for example, intensely writing while having papers representing his entire journey surround him as he pours all his heart and soul into utilizing his whole journey of ups and downs and turn that into success for his ambitions. I could go into more detail but for now, that's enough to just showcase a glimpse of why this series in 4 volumes is already incredible and why there's so much potential for this series to be even greater than what it already is right now. The journey is slow, and updates will take time, but the actual adventure would be guaranteed greatness in my opinion. A true emotional rollercoaster at its finest. ____"If you but learn to unlock the secrets of books, you can carry yourself to any place you wish to go." ____
100/100"To Protect a Book is to Protect the World"Continue on AniListThis review will be spoiler free
This is my second review after the release of volume 7
Magus of the Library reread: 10/10 (still)
1st yearly release I've had the pleasure of waiting for and I can confidently say it was worth the wait; volume 7 definitely knocked it out of the park. Despite feeling shorter than the other volumes, the events that took place within the book pushed the story forward far more than the previous ones have and this year long wait will be devastating... I can feel it. But moving on to my actual thoughts on the series after a year
I believe that without a doubt this is one of the pieces of media that has had a stronger influence on me than others. This series, especially in recent volumes, has tackled more 'political'(not sure what word to use here) topics like censorship, racism, sexism, and SES discrimination in mature ways that feel realistic in their handling. The characters in this story come from many different backgrounds(more on this later), pushing the previously mentioned topics to the forefront of the story where they are addressed with care.
While on the topic of characters, the cast of this story is quite large, making for some forgetful faces, but the ones at the forefront are unforgettable. Each is a reflection of the various and extremely detailed religions, cultures and histories present within the story, with some making strides to overcome differences and others being less accepting of the others. Even without their backgrounds, the characters all have personalities which stand on their own, reinforced by the other characters they surround themselves with, which make for really fun dynamics.
The worldbuilding of the story cannot be overlooked either, and is one of my favorite parts of this series. Mitsu Izumi took an extreme amount of care when creating the landmarks, religions, races, and history of the world, drawing from middle eastern cultures in the case of the primary setting of the story, but also some east Asian inspirations in the form of the Rakta. While the world is built through the story naturally, Izumi takes the effort to go the extra mile and add small one pagers detailing different aspects of the world, whether it be landmarks, important texts, or cultures. It really is something to behold, and the words I write here do not reflect the feeling that you get from seeing it for yourself.
My only critique of the story can be summed up to excessive fan service of one character. I can somewhat overlook it because it doesnt interfere with the story directly and is pretty one off for the most part, but it is still present.
To wrap this up I'll let the art speak for itself...but thats all
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