June 20, 2018
23 min
Hikari Tsutsui has never been popular, his one real friend is an even worse otaku than he is, and the only girls he's known are the two-dimensional women from his manga and video games. Until, that is, he's sent to help clean the pool as punishment and is partnered with the school's resident "bad girl", the very real, very three-dimensional Iroha Igarashi. Brash, beautiful, and known for her promiscuous behavior, Iroha is loathed by other girls but loved by the guys. And yet, inexplicably, she not only seems to be interested in Hikari, but proposes that they enter into a relationship! Unable to resist, Hikari agrees, but there's one big catch - Iroha's moving away in six months, so no matter what happens between them, in half a year Hikari's guaranteed to lose his REAL GIRL!
(Source: Sentai Filmworks)
Iroha Igarashi
Yuu Serizawa
Hikari Tsutsui
Teppei Uenishi
Arisa Ishino
Minami Tsuda
Yuuto Itou
Shouta Aoi
Sumie Ayado
Reina Ueda
Mitsuya Takanashi
Takuma Terashima

Not available on crunchyroll

83/100Real girl (more like real life story)Continue on AniListReal girl is like a real life story for most hitting reality with what life was like for most otaku's during the early years of there life. This show is a bit fast when it comes to the story but I don't feel it was rushed or anything that leads to poor product nor confusion to the viewer making this one of my top anime's for spring 2018.
The animation is very solid and smooth making it enjoyable to watch, its not to out there and is nice as just a weekly episode. you don't feel like your left with a cliff hanger and waiting a whole week before you can see it again its a easy to leave and pick back up again anime which a nice change, the story is solid and probably my most enjoyed part of this anime the characters are a little hollow to be honest but then again im only on the 4th episode.
this anime hits in a real soft spot for most i think, playing on the real life story of a otaku in high school being shunned and disregarded as a human being simply for the person he is and for the things he likes. its real, its accurate and its the blatant truth that makes this such a unique and good anime. i love how this anime shows the true side of most otaku as well. weird, shy and not all out going but they are also good people loving, caring, determined and very kind there just a little awkward to show it.
this anime reminds me of my high school days of being bullied, shunned, mistreated and pushed away from others spent alone but it wasn't all necessary bad making this so realistic i just wish i had a Igarrashi in my high school years aswell.
Animation: 7/10
Story: 8/10
Characters: 7/10
Atmosphere: 8/10
Realism: 9.5/10Final Verdict
49/100"3Decepção Ka[nojo]........"Continue on AniList
Sendo sincero, isso foi uma das maiores decepções de 2018... ele possuía um ótimo Hype, mas N chegou nem perto do que se esperava...
Um Anime pode ter seus defeitos, isso é bastante normal.. mas quando eles são extremos, é só a força de vontade q pode ser capaz de fazer com q o espectador finalize obra..."3D Kanojo: Real Girl" foi um grande desafio para mim, minha politica anti dropp foi posta em prova....
"Orás... como você pode dizer isso?!"
Abiguinho.... primeiramente os personagens estão mortos (expressividade):
Arisa Ishino (da esquerda) está em uma pose de "expressividade amorosa" (apreciando um desenrolar amoroso), convenhamos, esse rosto está muito expressivo, vemos a qualidade de expressão dela (rs)... No caso da Iroha Igarashi (dá direita), essa é quase q sua expressão padrão.. Em geral os personagens são muito desanimados, as expressões faciais são muito fracas.. isso é uma cena qualquer, até msm as cenas q deveriam ter mais entonação, são bem fracas!
A história é boa, temos q concordar, mas ela foi muito mal feita.. Também há aquela visão minimamente preconceituosa contra os "Otakus", achei ela um pouco pesada (tendo até o tema "lolicon" sendo tratado como "pedofilia"), mas N posso criticar, pois isso realmente é algo logicamente aceitável.. A história se inicia, basicamente, com uma sequencias de clichês (chegar atrasado, cair na piscina, bancar o herói) o q, mais tarde, veio a desenrolar um certo relacionamento (adivinha qual -)... Esse desenrolar amoroso foi um pouco rápido de mais, sendo q ele é seguido de um plot-twist q interferi muito no desenvolvimento do relacionamento. Isso tudo em 2 EPs... O resto do anime é o Hikaru Tsutsui (protagonista) dando uma de virjão e fazendo o seu relacionamento se "auto-destruir" e se regenerar.. por causa da sua incapacidade de alto confiança (no final isso muda).
O Final do anime foi ruim, N teve aquele Plot-Twist para dar uma emoção amais, simplesmente eles terminam felizes e... só.. claramente a história terminou aberta, muito aberta, faltando 2 meses dos 6 totais (quem assistiu sabe doq eu estou falando -), foi decepcionante, achei q pelo menos o final ia ser mais trabalhado...
Cuidado com ele, ele pode te decepcionar tanto no lado do "Romance" quanto no de "Comedia"!
- Comedia: Ele tem várias piadas, mas no máximo vc vai dar um sorrisinho, mas é um uma coisa q salva.
- Romance: Achei bem fraco, os picos dele são básicos, como posso dizer... são acontecimentos clichês, então é bem fraco.
- Continuação: Esse anime vai ter uma segunda temporada... (Ele possui uma continuação).
- Live action: Esse anime vai ter uma Live action (possui uma Live action).
Realmente, N recomendo esse anime para ninguém, só assisti para tirar a prova, ele pode até ser bom (mediano), mas realmente é muito irrelevante.. N desperdice seu tempo com ele.. Vlw e Flw...
100/1003D Kanojo: Real Girl and also second seasonContinue on AniListin this anime I cried a lot as it ended. Are 3D girls or 2D girls better? We have heard this question millions of times now. When it happens, punctually, we see the shifting otaku appear which initially thunders over the superiority of the 2D girls, but which then sees the birth and growth of a strictly 3D beautiful harem around it. And at that point the poor man must also ask himself the drama of the choice: the protagonists of the manga or video games are sweeter and more graceful than their real counterparts, but the harem is 100% Kyushu meat, do we want to throw it?
This narrative approach has by now become very widespread, so much so that when I meet it, I no longer consider it as an element of novelty or differentiation, but I make it one of the many possible classic canons of a sentimental anime. This means that this component can no longer be criticized for what it represents, but leaves the viewer the classic choice I like, I look at it / I don't like it, I don't look at it. To be clearer: an anime about the fight cannot be criticized because its characters are violent; if you don't like violence, then you just don't look at it. The same goes for the otaku character discussed above: he may not like it, but even in this case it is not correct to criticize his presence; the only possible choice is not to look at souls in which there are characters of this type.If I let myself go to such a long digression it is because, obviously, "3D Kanojo: Real Girl" is based precisely on this initial situation: Tsutsui is an otaku with big problems in social relations; his only friend is Ito, another otaku who loves to go around with cat ears on his head. Iroha, on the other hand, is a very frivolous girl, who passes from one relationship to another and whose only quality seems to be her physical beauty. When Tsutsui defends Iroha from the violence of a stalker, the boy will inevitably end up attracting the girl's interest; you can imagine the sequel yourself.
"3D Kanojo: Real Girl" is a sentimental anime basic model without too many options: the story, that is, contains many of the classic elements of souls of this type and develops them in the traditional way, without major deviations from other souls already seen in past. The script is certainly not very ambitious and contains some contradiction, but despite this it is pleasant enough and capable of tearing at least one sufficiency.
However, what will make me lean towards a slightly higher rating is the characterization of the characters, which I found pleasantly realistic. All the characters, who for one reason and another, are "losers" who find redemption following the events narrated in the anime; but the way of thinking of those who lived many years as a geek cannot change at the same rate as events, but will change more slowly. And so, for example, we will see that Tsutsui will almost never be able to understand the feelings of those around him, as his way of thinking is not "programmed" to accept the fact that his way of being can be appreciated from someone; this deficiency will prevent him from choosing the "right" behavior in a whole series of situations which he either has no experience of or has experienced in the past but in a "traumatic" way.If my vote had had a surge towards the top thanks to the presence of this psychological component in its characters that, personally, I have evaluated very positively, at the same time there is to report a really too disappointing graphic apparatus, even for a "Not expert" like me. The soundtrack is good: the ending, in particular, is definitely catchy.
Ultimately, "3D Kanojo: Real Girl" is an anime that turns out to be exactly what was expected: an anime without too many pretensions, for better or for worse. A better judgment, however, can only be given with the following seasons, when the anime will finally reveal all its (few) secrets
ANIME DramaSukitte Ii na yo.
ANIME ComedyKareshi Kanojo no Jijou
ANIME ComedyKimi ni Todoke
ANIME ComedyJaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun
MOVIE DramaKoe no Katachi
ANIME ComedyOre Monogatari!!
- (3.25/5)
Ended inJune 20, 2018
Main Studio Hoods Entertainment
Trending Level 4
Favorited by 1,226 Users
Hashtag #3D彼女リアルガール #3D彼女