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"Healing magicians cannot fight alone."
Keare, who was bound by this common knowledge, was exploited again and again by others. But one day, he noticed what lay beyond healing magic, and was convinced that a healing magician was the strongest class. However, by the time he realized that potential, he was deprived of everything. Thus, he used healing magic on the world itself to go back four years, deciding to redo everything. This is a heroic tale of one healing magician who became the strongest by using knowledge from his past life and healing magic.
Note: Includes the prologue.
Flare Arlgrande Jioral
Eve Reese
Kureha Crylet
Norn Clatalissa Jioral
Hoshi no Seirei
Bar no Master
Ledra Goldman
Youhei Leader
100/100Uma das melhores obras atualmente, sem sombra de dúvidas.Continue on AniList[ENG]
Simply divine, a perfect work from start to finish, it deserves a focused and appreciative reading.
Definitely very underestimated, surely there should be more attention from the audience that sums it up only to the word "rape", the protagonist's feelings, his revolt, his revenge, is an indescribable feeling ... indescribable! He certainly has reason to carry out his longed for and expected revenge, which consists of ** without spoilers! lol. The protagonist, whose name is Keyaru, seems to be at first impression a mental patient, but as the work unfolds you sympathize with him in an incredible way, understanding his motives and ambitions. He's a very good character who deserves an award.
The secondary characters in the manga are also very good, like Freia, who is a character who has a strong connection to the protagonist, she is one of the reasons for her revenge. I was AMAZED by what Keyaru does with her, it was unpredictable, surprising and crazy, but it only increased my interest in the work.
I really had a lot of fun reading this masterpiece, which exudes both quality and entertainment, it's a very fun thing to read, and on top of that, it holds you up, gives you that suspense with every cliffhanger done right on time.
Romance is also a point to highlight, with real feelings that give you the feeling that the characters are really involved with each other, it is a very nice thing to read!
This manga definitely deserves a 10. It is extremely beautiful, the author has a beautiful streak, contains great direction in certain scenes, scenes that are magnificent in my view, contains well developed and built characters, who are also charismatic and you certainly cling to them. It has a very good, intriguing story, spectacular nuances, with well-made and unpredictable plot twists, it manages to trap you at extraordinary levels. The action scenes are great but they leave something to be desired in some frames, other than that, they are perfect.
This manga is incredible, splendid, magnificent, fabulous, beautiful, it is stupidly brilliant! It is definitely superior to any work I have ever done and I will consume, nothing will be better or as good. In short, it is a masterpiece, and if I could give it a grade higher than 10, I would certainly give it.
I recommend it to everyone! A very rewarding job.
Just an addendum: a twitter user whose nickname is pesgo recommended this work to me, I owe him a lot! Thank you very much Pêssego!
Simplesmente divino, uma obra perfeita do início ao fim, merece uma leitura focada e apreciativa.
Definitivamente muito subestimado, com certeza deveria ter mais atenção do público que o resume apenas à palavra "estupro", os sentimentos do protagonista, sua revolta, sua vingança, é um sentimento indescritivelmente... indescritível! Ele com certeza tem motivos para efetuar sua tão desejada e esperada vingança, que consiste em ** sem spoilers! rsrs. O protagonista, cujo nome é Keyaru, parece ser em primeira impressão um doente mental, mas conforme a obra se desenrola você simpatiza com ele de uma forma incrível, entendendo seus motivos e ambições. Ele é um personagem muito bom que merece um prêmio.
Os personagens secundários do mangá também são muito bons, como a Freia, que é uma personagem que tem uma forte ligação ao protagonista, ela é um dos motivos para sua vingança. Eu fiquei EMBASBACADO com o que o Keyaru faz com ela, foi uma coisa imprevisível, surpreendente e louca, mas só aumentou meu interesse na obra.
Eu realmente me diverti muito lendo essa obra-prima, que emana tanto qualidade quanto entretenimento, é uma coisa muito divertida de ler, e ainda por cima, te prende, dá aquele suspense com cada cliffhanger feito bem na hora certa.
O romance também é um ponto a destacar, com sentimentos reais que te dão a sensação dos personagens estarem realmente envolvidos uns com os outros, é uma coisa muito gostosinha de ler!
Esse mangá definitivamente merece um 10. Ele é extremamente belo, o autor tem um traço bonito, contém uma ótima direção em certas cenas, cenas essas que são magníficas ao meu ver, contém personagens bem desenvolvidos e construídos, que também são carismáticos e você certamente se apegará a eles. Tem uma história muito boa, intrigante, nuances espetaculares, com plot twists bem feitos e imprevisíveis, ela consegue te prender em níveis extraordinários. As cenas de ação são ótimas porém deixam a desejar em alguns quadros, tirando isso, elas são perfeitas.
Esse mangá é incrível, esplendoroso, magnífico, fabuloso, belo, ele é estupidamente genial! Ele definitivamente é superior a qualquer obra que já e irei consumir, nada irá ser melhor ou tão bom quanto. Em suma, ele é uma obra-prima, e se eu pudesse dar uma nota maior que 10, com toda certeza eu daria.
Recomendo a todos! Uma lida muito recompensadora.
Apenas um adendo: um usuário do twitter cujo apelido é pesgo me recomendou essa obra, devo muito a ele! Muito obrigado Pêssego!presence
0/100This is a shitty revenge fantasy.Continue on AniListA true masterpiece, Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi is the manga to end all manga. It transcends its medium with its immersive setting, complex characters, and masterfully crafted narrative.
At first, you might think that the setting of this manga is just your typical RPG fantasy world. But that is actually wrong. Instead of adding uncreative, boring aspects to the world, the author simply decided to not add anything at all, and only add details when it is convenient. For example, potions become an aspect of this world to make healers more looked down on. Aside from this, they are pretty much never used or mentioned again. Truly, there is beauty in this minimalistic style. Instead of having to endure boring panels of the author setting mood or tone, here you can delve right into the absolute degeneracy that is the story.Additionally, the author pulls off an incredible plot twist with the title. You might think this is a story about a healer. This is incorrect. This is actually a story about a god amongst men. The protagonist has extremely busted powers, like time traveling, except he adds "heal" to the end of most of them so it becomes a healing power, like "corruption heal" to kill enemies or "upgrade heal" to buff himself. It's clear that we are dealing with the work of a mastermind—a modern-day philosopher, if you will.
Every character in this manga is extremely forgettable. Each member of the harem has, at most, one or two quirks to distinguish them from each other; everyone else in the story is just a sadistic asshole or a weak, irrelevant underling. You might think that this is lazy writing, but it's actually a genius portrayal of how the main character views the people around him. Such masterful characterization could only be achieved by a true modern man.The main character himself is a vengeful ball of teen angst. His only defining traits are saying badass lines like "Humans are such cruel and barbarous organisms" and his insatiable desire for revenge. I know what you're thinking. He's obviously just a self-insert for degenerate virgins drooling over a rape fantasy. But you're wrong. He's actually just an upgraded version of the wussy protagonist in The Rising of the Shield Hero. While the wimpy little shield hero got his revenge on his bully by renaming her "Bitch," our healer hero gets revenge by torturing her, wiping her memory, and making her the first member of the harem. What a chad. A true sigma male, if you will.
In chapter 16, one of the girls asks the main character what he will do when he has no one to take his revenge on. He doesn't really answer the question, because the answer is that the manga would end. This story is just a series of events through which a new bad guy is revealed and the protagonist kills them brutally.Based on this, you might think that this is a simple revenge story, but once again, you would be wrong. The world that this manga is set in seems to be exclusively filled with terrible human beings. At every corner, insanity lurks. People with power abuse it, and everyone only thinks for themselves. This is a perfect representation of society's flawed nature, and expresses the need for someone who is just as flawed to correct it. This is also obviously a reference to the Bible where Jesus descends from heaven to die for our sins. But our protagonist is no saint. He does as he pleases, and nothing can stand in his way.
As Lelouch from Code Geass once said, "To defeat evil, I must become a greater evil." The main character embodies this statement as he exacts retribution by using tactics that his enemies might have used themselves, to make them feel the pain they have subjected others to. After several chapters of excruciatingly long buildup showing how super duper evil the bad guy actually is, the story demands that you feel empathy for our poor protagonist, and the relief he feels as he finally delivers justice with his superpowered harem and generic one-liners. Personally, the only positive emotion that this manga ever made me feel was pure relief that an entire volume of edgy brooding and cringy monologue was finally over. But perhaps that's also part of the author's genius, one that I don't yet understand.
There's an abundance of softcore porn scenes, presumably justified by the bumbling mess of a plot that is a "revenge story." This manga is, deep down at its core, just another hentai that fetishizes rape and abuse. And to be honest with you, that's pretty fucked up.
This manga is magnificent, wonderful, marvelous, spectacular, remarkable, and every other word that shows up when you google "incredible synonyms." It will go down in history as a testament to the manga medium, and I haven't even talked about the pathetic fight scenes. 10/10, would recommend to everyone.Tensadaddy
1/100Dawg what the actual fuck was I subjected to?????Continue on AniList[Uh trigger warnings or sumn I feel like I gotta shove this]
Dude I have never read such a mid ass manga I've ever read my entire life. Like let's leave out the rape and graphic torture (I read this shit like a few months ago and I'm still malding about it lowkey). I don't even feel like formatting this dawg like I don't want to structure my thoughts lowkey but ngl I'm gonna do it anyways because fuck this bootyhole garbage - and yes I'm biased dawg biased as fuck.
--- Shitty Worldbuilding ---
Ok imagine if the writers at Gearbox made Borderlands 4, yknow how they fucked up massively with 3's story (horrible bullshit dawg I wantes to die highkey) and make it like way lamer because there's no aliens and is just the already smelly, musty, and stinky trope of "demons and animals bad, humans gigabased" used by like every single isekai ever and even some games n shit dawg like uhhh Skul the Hero Slayer yknow. Hella bad worldbuilding only came in when it was convienent to give the MC a power boost like cmon dude do better.--- Shitty Power System ---
Who actually likes it when some chud sits down and says "I'll make the power system like a video game! That's such a greay idea" like dude you just made me stop suspending my disbelief there you coconut headed donkey now I care about nothing because to me this entire plot is just a bunch of unwashed neckbeards playing Erotic DnD now. And honestly it's so lazy because you can track the "progress" characters make through some irrelevant number that can mean anything, a "level" like genuine chuddery frfr--- Shitty Characters ---
I've had schizophrenic rants to walls, those walls have had far more and much more entertaining dialogue than the writer of this story can ever produce. If you take an apple, right? And talked to it, it's unmoving unchanging expression and it will still be akin to Noah's flood when compares to the paper-mache piñatas that are Redo of Healer's characters--- Shitty Villains ---
Dawg I was reading this and the author tried so fucking hard to make me feel mad. He substituted any form of effort while writing the villains for the story, with them all following the same thread of "I rape people" like ????? broski I get it you have a fetish dawg. And the crazy thing too is that these villains get VIOLENTLY RAPED often to death bro like that happened twice, the villain got raped... to death. (After they rape several other people too like dawg wtf).--- Shitty Protag ---
Bro is ass. An overpowered self-insert made for incels who are 35 and still play Smash Brothers and play League of Legends. Homie's supposed to be a healer or whatever but it just turns out he's some dude with the deific ability to... steal people's abilities? by healing them? So he has the ability to repeatedly upgrade himself? Like what? How paper thin must this dude be to just not struggle? Who thinks this guy is actually good dawg ???Oh yeah bro brainwashes the chick who tortured him all his life (has sex with this brainwashed individual, yknow like rape), sexually extorts a minority, brainwashes the little sister (a child) of the first chick, and finally sexually extorts another minority.
Before the "but he's an anti-hero ??? he's supposed to do bad things ???????" ok? and? ??? Bro can jump random people for cash not rape children dawg it's not that hard.
MANGA DramaJuujika no Rokunin
- (2.8/5)
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