December 27, 2017
25 min
In this modern society, a new kind of “illness” is striking young boys and girls; Loneliness, disbelief and outrage push this generation to get more or more attached to Internet and technologies. The experts called those symptom “Net Addiction”. To prevent that, a certain Rehabilitation Facility has been set up to “Lead the young man back to the right path”. Enrolled to treat is addiction, Xiang Li had no idea that this Rehabilition Facility is nothing more than a prison. In this place where it's not permitted to escape, how will Xiang Li challenge despair in this hell?
Jin Meng
Kouki Uchiyama
Xiang Li
Shinichirou Ueda
Zhi Luo
Chika Anzai
Shi Xian
Yasuhiro Mamiya
Daxi Chen
Yui Ishikawa
Kozue Harashima
Xiaobei Chen
Ren Katou

69/100To summarize, the budget is low but the anime is still enjoyable.Continue on AniListThis review contains no spoilers. It has also been a while since I saw this anime so please keep that in mind while reading this review.
First off, the reason I am writing this is because of the low score this anime has, even though it's actually very enjoyable.
Something you will notice while watching EVIL OR LIVE is that the budget is obviously low, which can be seen by the real life images used for props and world, yet I find the anime itself very enjoyable. Character's movement is sometimes noticeably unnatural at times which makes some character movements awkward and on top of that; the effects aren't all that great. But regardless of all this I find this anime very watchable. I also find that the obviously low budget is excusable for the simple reason that the anime is still very enjoyable despite all of this
The story is quite good and it makes you want to know more, although the ending felt a little rushed (probably due to bad planning and/or low budget) and I wanted to know a little bit more before it ended. But that doesn't mean it's not worth watching.
I'd say give this anime a try, despite the low score it has, I found it very entertaining and that is what it is all about after all, not the animation quality.
1/100Most likely the worst series I will ever review.Continue on AniListThis review is a FULL SPOILERS review. So right away I'll just say that I would not recommend this series in any scenario other than if you want to watch something really, really, really bad. Like astoundingly and pathetically bad.
...The more I think about it, maybe the right solution is just better parenting.
Evil or Live is a mistake brought to us by the studio Haoliners Animation League. I don't know who at their studio looked at this and decided it deserved to be animated, but they probably should be let go. Nonetheless, there's now no undoing their grievous mistake. Now and forever, Evil or Live has been added to the continuing sorrowful joke that is the horror genre.
Whereas I could probably argue that there is value to its fellow Fall 2017 brethren Ousama Game, there is no redeeming qualities or value to Evil or Live. It is hands down probably one of the most pathetic pieces of shit I have ever watched.
It was almost so bad that it's worth watching just to behold the masterful writing. Like I cannot even wrap my head around it. It's not even like it's entertaining in a bad way it's just... it's just so fucking terrible that I had to see how it could possibly get worse. There are SOME funny bad moments, but I'd probably say the majority of the show is insufferably awful and misery inducing.
Which I guess you could argue was what they were going for. Since the entire show is teenagers getting their faces bashed in after getting launched into a fucking prison environment for using the computer.
...And might I add, the fact that apparently INTERNET ADDICTION is a real thing and there are real life facilities for it, almost makes this series even more laughable. Was the point of the series to actually inform people about internet addiction? Was the point of the series to be about these facilities that were fucked up and corrupt? Or was the point about the story of this instructor and his relationship to his dominatrix or this power conflict between this purple hair guy and his fucking drug smuggling brother???
It's... it's just so fucking bad. I watched the first couple of episodes and just stopped for months. I thought it couldn't possibly get any worse and that it was just gonna be a show about buff muscular instructors making teenagers want to kill themselves or just outright beating them to death themselves.
I mean if it was just stopped at that, it'd still be pretty fucking terrible but then there's all the other shit. As a matter of fact for this one, I don't think this is gonna be a very organized review. I have a lot of ground to cover.
Hibiki, the fucking Worst Protagonist
This fucking guy. I don't even have a list for absolute worst or most unlikable protagonists but if I DID, HIBIKI WOULD ABSOLUTELY BE IN THE TOP TEN. Like it's not just the fact that the shit writing present through the entire series doesn't know when he should be pathetic or the evil COOL guy but he's just...
He's just unlikable no matter what personality he's rolling with. When he's just like the new guy who's getting his shit kicked in or getting misled, he's laughable. When he's supposed to have snapped or hit his low point to force him to take action, he's completely fucking pathetic and irritating.
There is actually an episode in this series where Hibiki's class has a fight off with one of the girl classes, and it's only Hibiki who can actually manage to stand up against the girl class. How does he best the strongest girl???
Certainly the most enjoyable parts of this series is when Hibiki gets physically assaulted or called trash.
He immediately grabs one of her breasts to send her into a rage so she would use up all of his stamina and he could beat her. And then when one of the other guy classes come to challenge Hibiki's class right after?
Hibiki: "Yo, this motherfucker who has all this fighting experience? It's unfair to make me fight him. Let's have a STAND OFF INSTEAD."
And then they just see who can stand longer for like three hours straight. No, really. This is actually what happens. This is actually a real thing that happens in this real series.
What was the ultimate purpose of it since it resulted in a goddamned draw? Well, Hibiki, being the genius he is, knew that the other guy would be pissed and come to try and force physical violence upon him. He sends his lackey off to bring him two buckets of water which he uses to cleverly disable the already exhausted thug, and then proceeds to send him to the fucking hospital by assaulting him but only when he literally is unable to fight back.
...It's fine, you CAN do a character like this. He's weak, he doesn't have the brawn so he has to rely on trickery and fighting like a scumbag, but... this is probably one of the most pathetic attempts to do "that" character I've ever seen. There are clear moments in the show where the show itself is trying to present him as this cool character but it's's just fucking pathetic.
Before I end this review, I'm gonna count how many times I end up using the word "pathetic" in total.The show keeps forcing Hibiki and Shiori (the main female character) to interact with each other and like eventually Shiori not only calls him worthless but outright tells him to never come near her ever again and just one or two episodes after this, bam, they're in the same room again. Every single scene with them together was like nails on a fucking chalkboard.
Hibiki started off as a worthless pathetic whiny sack of shit. Then he hit a low point and started roaming around the school beating up others with a jacket full of bricks, but the show then decided that low point wasn't low enough so it smacked him back down to his pathetic state. But then, THEN, when he has to be in solitary confinement for two weeks, that's when he emerges and is the COOLEST MOTHERFUCKER WHO EVER LIVED.
Punching and kicking other guy's genitals, fighting against girls, and sending people who can't even fight back to the hospital. Literally beating himself up when he's cornered and then dousing himself in FUCKING KETCHUP to frame the other students... Hibiki's the coolest protagonist I've ever see--
The Female Characters
Oh jesus christ. There are four female characters that matter. Five if you count cell phone girl who gets disposed of or let out near the end of the series...? It was honestly kind of unclear and she doesn't matter so who cares. The ones that DO matter though are the trio girl students and the headmistress of the school.
The head mistress is... deeply intertwined with the deepest character of this show, so let's save her until we get there. So really let's just talk about the trio.
Or rather, just Shiori because the other two are basically joke characters.You have Shiori who is the girl that Hibiki knew from before they were sent to this hellhole. Shiori has an intense disgust for males due to the fact that oh just her uncle sexually abusing her and trying to blackmail her into being fine with it with the knowledge that he'll stop paying for her brother's hospital bills. Shiori is basically the punching bag of this series...?
The series itself forces her and Hibiki to interact repeatedly, Hibiki outright causes her to endure having the rest of her class slap her one after the other, and the series ends with Shiori having been savagely beaten by the goon character (AND POSSIBLY WORSE BUT THANK CHRIST IT'S ONLY IMPLIED). And Hibiki's final interaction with her that the show presents to us is Hibiki mocking and laughing at her. Sure he's pretending to do so and does ultimately help her escape but... ugh.
The series just outright ends with her in the hospital. We do not get to see her actually finally make it to her brother. Hell, maybe her brother is just fucking dead. Why would her uncle continue to pay his hospital bills after sending Shiori to the internet addiction school INDEFINITELY.
...Shiori's in the hospital fucked up, her brother's probably dead, but no we gotta see HIBIKI REUNITE WITH THE PURPLE HAIR GUY. BEST FRIENDS FOREVE--
Shin, the... Disappointment?
God damn this motherfucker was almost just about as worthless as Hibiki. If you're gonna make a show about like internet addiction and these messed up facilities for it, why do you have to tack on this fucking halfhearted idiotic plot about...
Like purple hair guy willingly entered this school to... get revenge on his brother who had his mother killed for some reason??? And Shin's brother was using this internet addiction school to... smuggle drugs for some reason??? And Shin's entire purpose in this series is he's gonna get this school shut down by having all the fucked up shit and the drug smuggling exposed to the public???
This plot felt so fucking tacked on and half heartedly done it kills me. He literally disappears almost entirely for the last couple of episodes until he sets part of the school on fire... and like the OP of the show shows him and Hibiki fist bumping like they're BEST FUCKING FRIENDS.
But the entire series is Shin shitting on Hibiki and manipulating him and trying to force him to be his dog, trying to force him into sleeping with Shiori as well as taking naked pictures... and then when Hibiki refuses he just fucking immediately turns on him and Hibiki apparently after that wants revenge on Shin and that fucking goes nowhere. It literally goes nowhere because Hibiki apparently decides to run through flames so he can be with his friend Shin in his moment of triumph! Oh yeah by the way woah Shin was sick and/or dying the ENTIRE FUCKING SHOW what a surprise even though we're repeatedly shown him coughing.
Shin: "Fuck off if you're not going to be my dog and take naked pictures of the girl you like."
Hibiki: "I'm going to get revenge on you, YOU ABSOLUTE PIECE OF SHIT."THEY'RE SUCH GOOD FRIENDS.
...How can anyone describe this series as anything but miserable? So like what Hibiki and Shin just stood on the roof as the school burned down? I mean at least end the show with them fucking doing the fist bump in the OP if you're gonna insist on the fact that they're friends even though Hibiki clearly wanted reve--
The Head Instructor
Well definitely, the hardest I laughed out of the entire series was when we were shown the Head Instructor's deeply tragic past before he joined the school's teaching staff. That's where the writing transcended bad and became godlike.
He's an ex-cop who betrayed his partner by cowardly allowing him to get shot to death in the middle of a narcotics bust while he was hiding away in a hole, then following his partner's death, he decides to try and meet up with his partner's family. His partner's wife is hospitalized and hates the Head Instructor for being the only person to survive. So he moves on to his partner's son, who now spends all his time in an internet parlor. The son blows up on him and calls his cop father a waste and failure of a father and then immediately dies from INTERNET OVERDOSE and the Head Instructor witnesses it.
Everybody else in the building is too focused in their own INTERNET ACTIVITIES to even call for an ambulance. The INTERNET has claimed yet another life this day. On a downward emotional spiral, the Head Instructor quits being a cop and goes to find his dead partner's lost daughter, only to find that she is acting as a DOMINATRIX, and he barges in on a session between her and her overweight partner.
She too calls her cop father a FAILURE and then proceeds to throw her overweight husband's heart medicine out of the room as he begins to have a heart attack due to the Head Instructor barging in. The Head Instructor fumbles and tries to get the heart medicine to him, but it is too late. He breaks down after witnessing yet another death, and begs the dominatrix daughter to punish him, and then the daughter proceeds to mention that the only thing the overweight man who just died who turned out to be married to her left her is the property of a failing schoo--
Why. Why is this in the show. We didn't need to see or know how the school got founded. We did not need to see this pathetic guy and his dominatrix's backstory to... we didn't need this. And it just comes out of fucking nowhere and it ends like it's just yet "another thing" that happened.
What the FUCK was the POIN--
The School/Facility
Yeah. Yeah let's talk about this now.
This school, this facility... it may as well as just be a fucking prison/military camp. But yet it is continually called a school. The students only ever do military training. I feel like a number of this series' problems would almost immediately disappear if you just did away with the internet addiction stuff and just outright called it and treated it as a prison rather than a school.
Or rather an academy, I guess. It's basically a fucking prison.Very early on, the show basically presents the instructors as super harsh and super controlling. And true, many teenagers had their faces needlessly bashed and smashed in. Like sure go ahead, I give you permission to smash my son's face against like a concrete wall as long as you promise that when he comes home he won't overuse the internet.
But 90% of the time the instructors are almost nowhere to be seen as the various classes of students essentially go at war with each other. Hibiki is just running around at night smacking people with a jacket full of bricks at one point. Like all of the parents in this series are the fucking worst. Because an instructor or someone at one point just outright says something along the lines of:
"yeah sure students have died before, who CARES"
...And from the moment that line was spoken, I immediately just could not stop thinking about that gigantic plothole. Like the instructors say that the parents don't give two shits about what the instructors do to get the students to be rehabilitated from their internet using ways but...
I feel like if the students die, that's not gonna... be the case. I mean were they just gonna tell them that their child disappeared or ran away? Uh yeah, we kind of just lost them, sorry. I guess you're never gonna see them again
BECAUSE WE DISSOLVED THEIR CORPSE IN A TUB OF ACID.And like there is that moment very close to the end that the outside public actually are informed of the school and all the shit that's happening there and it feels like the big "YEAH THESE FUCKED UP PLACES ARE REAL AND THEY'RE BAD AND THIS SERIES IS ABOUT THEM" but after everything else that has happened it's just laughable and pathetic.
Like no fucking school or even a military school I'd bet would have a full on solitary confinement priso--
Oh god. I'm about to black out. I need to drink some water, I am SITTING in an ocean of vomit.
What else even is there to fucking say about this series? I guess I didn't mention how it so strongly felt like the end was rushed? There was a bunch of stuff they showed like flashes of or didn't even include at all. Like when the students that escaped were shown on the outside in a hospital, I was just like...
"Oh... I guess they escaped through the sewer system they talked about...? Weird they... didn't show any of that. Thought escaping would have been a bigger deal but whatever..."
Then there was also all the stuff that we didn't get satisfactory closure on.
- Shiori's brother.
Beyond the possible implication that he's just straight up fucking dead, I guess. - Hibiki's desire to get revenge on Shin.
- The relationship between Hibiki and Shiori was fucking stupid, pointless, and not thought out well at all. Shiori probably appreciated Hibiki laughing at her sitting in a prison cell after possibly having been beaten and/or raped...? What even fucking happened there? I would pay money for someone to satisfactorily explain what happened between the scene where she's talking to Jun and her ending up in the prison cell and it NOT including possible rape by Jun's boyfriend/Shin's brother's goon. To fucking cry and reach out for Hibiki OF ALL PEOPLE, something fucking horrible must have happened to her.
But the more I think about it, I think the implication actually must be that her brother is just fucking dead.Either way, just... how absolutely and completely shitty. Shiori actually is the literal punching bag of this entire series. - Even though he apparently mattered, Shin's brother never appeared a single time outside of flashbacks, but we're supposed to care about Shin getting revenge on him...?
- Don't get to see the school actually get shut the fuck down.
- Did Hibiki and Shin really just stay on the goddamned roof as the school burned down? Why would you end the series with them there, that's so fucking stupid.
- What was with the fucking drug smuggling stuff, why would they ever also use this school to smuggle drugs in??? Shin's brother is an absolute idiot, apparently. Like no, this corrupt internet rehabilitation school is definitely the perfect way to smuggle drugs somehow…?
It is just so fucking poorly thought out, terribly written, awful, miserable, pathetic, stupid, abhorrent. It should not exist in this world and yet it does and now we all have to deal with this fact (and I have to deal with the fact that I willingly ingested it) and...
I would have genuine problems trying to name a worse series. There's ones that have been more disappointing, ones that have made me angrier, but this one was just... something to behold. And unfortunately, it's another piece of trash that has been attached to the horror genre, on top of EVERYTHING ELSE.
I give it a glorious 1 out of a 100. Don't watch this unless you're purposely looking for something to injure yourself mentally. There are actually hundreds and hundreds of other shows out there. The only reason anyone should ever actually considering watching this show for is masochi—
- Shiori's brother.
1/100It's like Alzheimer's and what ever that tree person has combinedContinue on AniListDisclaimer Sorry if this review mixes up some of the plot-related facts from episode 8-12. I was having some real trouble making it through these final episodes so I decided to spice it up a bit by playing a drinking game with myself. Every time I was disappointed, I drank. Needless to say I ran out of alcohol in 8 seconds so everything is a bit of a blur. Here’s a poem I guess.
I hate my parents, they just don’t understand me They sent me to this school, locked the door, threw away the key I tried to tell her you can’t pause Fortnite but she bared her fangs I have to survive this cruel nightmare by joining a gang We trade cellphones like they trade cigarettes in prison Got bullied, tried to find help, but not even the teachers would listen I was framed and was given solitary In two weeks, I became a god, ex-bullies be wary I stand so hard jojo shakin in his boots Sweat drippin’ like Niagara, with Satan I’m in Cahoots Purple-haired bully’s plan came to realization He lit a match, to burn this nation I look at him, he looks at me We cry a lot together, wheeeee Let’s review the plot in nice bullet points (spoilers!) • Hibiki is an ex-athlete NEET sent to prison school and thinks he’s been teleported inside a videogame. Sike, he isn’t
• Hibiki tries to kill himself because its not a videogame and spending 5 seconds inside this school makes him want to kill himself
• He’s talked down from the ledge by purple hair who runs the school and wants to make hibiki his pawn as is part of his unknown master plan (and is also death flagged because he coughed once)
• Hibiki does what purple hair wants and out smarts some of the school’s student leaders because I guess hibiki isn’t a useless idiot after all even though we are made to believe that he is
• Background characters are introduced and have super hacker abilities. They don’t use these abilities until the end in order to drag the story out
• Purple hair tries to get Hibiki to rape his elementary school friend, but instead of this being a red flag, Hibiki goes along with it at first, until said elementary school crush vomits into his mouth. He then proceeds to jack off in the corner unsuccessfully.
• He takes over half the school by himself in about 3 days and a bunch of completely irrelevant plot points happen for a long time, including a 3-hour standing competition
• Purple hair wants hibiki to forcibly take nude pictures of his elementary school friend, but tricks him and they escape, but then they end up getting framed for having a cellphone and Hibiki is sent to jail. Hibiki gets absolutely shredded and transforms in two weeks of solitary, becoming a literal gamer god by doing prison sit ups
• We learn that ex-student council president girl/Hibiki’s failed rape attempt is in here because her parents died and were replaced by a rapist who rapes her and she stabs him, so he sends her to prison school
• Hibiki gets out of jail but Purple hair is gone for some reason, who also turns out to be the illegitimate child of some big shot mafia family
• New bad guy is introduced who is I guess part of the mob or something and they actually run the school because they sell all the confiscated cell phones they find????????????????????????
• Hibiki is made new student council president by bad guy who likes Hibiki because he’s a total badass now
• Hackers leak confidential info about school beating all the kids up
• Purple hair comes back to complete his master plan, the thing he’s been working towards this entire show since episode one, and that is…………………………………
• Lighting a match and burning the school down
• School burns down, hibiki goes up to roof where death flagged purple hair-chan is waiting to be burned alive and he cries
• The end__Now on to the categories everyone knows and Loves__
• Animation – 1/10
o It isn’t a zero because it isn’t shitcom. It was shot in wide screen however, which was one of the most bizarre choices I’ve seen to date.
• Sound and voice acting – 0/10
o I cried laughing at how bad the sound effects and voice acting were. Every single fight had little to no sound effects for people punching each other, walking sounds were dreadful, everything sounded stock and amateurly mixed, it couldn’t be worse. If it were worse, it wouldn’t have been aired and I’d never get the privilege to make this review
• Music – 2/10
o The opening theme is uninteresting but wasn’t the worst thing I’ve ever heard (Moribito I’m looking at you). There really isn’t much music in this at all, but at the very least, the sound track itself wasn’t bad enough to be noticeable like in Tokyo ghoul: RE season 2’s case, but to give it anything above a 2 just wouldn’t be funny enough.
• Plot/Characters – 0/10
Here’s where we delve into the details a bit more. I’m going to try my best to be concise and as entertaining as possible since people tend to skim these reviews anyways.
No plot points that are set up in the early episodes are capitalized on at all. Zero. Every single character and their backstories, their motivations, and their overall impact on the plot play zero role in the outcome of this anime. The only plot point to ever be capitalized on is the fact that they introduced a genius hacker girl early on who could have ended this anime the moment she arrived at the school, but they withheld this in order to have 12 episodes and that is it.The cruel backstory behind the head guard, the man shown to be a masochist with a heavy burden on his shoulders from letting his aniki die, the man he looked up to the most. Nothing. Doesn’t matter. The Sadistic head mistress who’s father was the head guard’s aniki is shown to be a loose cannon. She gains control of the school in order to enact some sort of hatred upon them due to the trauma she’s faced. She’s also shown to be unrelenting and cleaver. Doesn’t matter. The innocent freckle-faced character who is bullied and has no self esteem is built up to be an important character no wait just kidding, doesn’t matter. The student council president, the girl who was raped and sentenced to this school by her ill begotten foster parent, wait.
Doesn’t matter Not even Hibiki who transforms half way through the plot plays even the most remote of roles in the plot’s outcome.
Here is the true order of events that had any impact on the plot. Hacker girl can hack things. She hacks. News reaches outside world, causing police and reporters to come to school oh wait none of that matters actually because the TRUE thing that had any outcome on the plot is….
Purple hair lights a match on the top floor, setting alight his suite and soon the rest of the school. That is the end and it is only that very moment that had any impact on anything that happened in this horrid show. What happened to Hibiki and why was he sent here? What is the deal with Purple Hair and his mob family? Purple hair was set up as a character who liked having power over others and his true goal seemed to be one of gaining power over the students, so why did he disappear and then come back only to burn the school down? Also, where did he even go? He disappeared for several episodes without explanation!The whole anime’s focus was on the main character Hibiki and even though everything that happened from beginning to end was a whole spectrum of retardation, even that had no point by the end. I mean, for most of the plot, Hibiki was out-smarting other students in order to gain control of the school and to transform himself into some sort of badass somehow. He even challenged the strongest fighter in the school! To a… uhhh…. Standing contest….
__Please__ __This is really happening isn't it__ INTERESTING __Ok, you really don't need to show any more, I get it__ __YOU TELL ME__ __Way..........way too much....__
CONCLUSION This Chinese cartoon is like when Steve Harvey messed up on miss America, but instead of it being Steve Harvey messing up on miss America, it’s Steve Harvey accidentally setting off the nuclear launch codes. This Sham-ime Is like having an iodine deficiency and growing a goiter in your throat. This load of piss is like laying down on a bed of needles laced with enough cocaine to kill a man which sounds fun until you learn that it also has hepatitis and 3 different types of MRSA and you still have to pay for all that cocaine you injected one day before your rent is due.
ANIME ActionDeadman Wonderland
ANIME ActionMirai Nikki
ANIME ActionDeatte 5-byou de Battle
- (2.5/5)
Ended inDecember 27, 2017
Main Studio Haoliners Animation
Favorited by 95 Users