June 23, 2018
25 min
Asagiri Aya is a young girl who has fallen victim to bullies at her school. Looking for a way to escape her troubles, she looks to the internet for distraction, when a mysterious website called "Magical Girl Site" appears. Simply viewing the page is all it takes to hurtle Aya headlong into the deadly world of the Magical Girl Apocalypse. There, it’s fight or die, against a seemingly endless array of savagely adorable, frilly-skirted killing machines, each armed with magical powers and an unquenchable thirst for blood and chaos.
(Source: Seven Seas Entertainment)
Aya Asagiri
Yuuko Oono
Tsuyuno Yatsumura
Himika Akaneya
Nijimi Anazawa
Yuu Serizawa
Rina Shioi
Aina Suzuki
Sarina Shizukume
Haruka Yamazaki
Kosame Amagai
Yumi Hara
Kiyoharu Suirenji
Eriko Matsui
Kaname Asagiri
Nobuhiko Okamoto
Sayuki Ringa
Mao Ichimichi
Ryuusei Nakao
Asahi Takiguchi
Mikari Izumigamine
Kaede Hondo
Misumi Kiichiro
Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Aoi Yuuki
Senjinrui no Ou
Mamiko Noto
Keisuke Naoto
Yuuya Asato
Ai Kizuna
Momoko Asagiri
Yuki Masuda
Yuki Yamai
Mitsuru Ogata
Yuka Sumikura
Yukari Anzai
Soji Odano
Kentarou Satou
Yuuya Asato
Jirou Asagiri
Hiromichi Kogami
Sakura Sakaki

Not available on crunchyroll

30/100Who knew a combination like magical girls and horror could be this boring?Continue on AniList...Can we just skip this one? No? Are you sure? I'm pretty sure we can skip this one and it'll be fine. Really???
I don't wanna! But fine!
Mahou Shoujo Site is an adaptation of the manga by Kentaro Satou. Which is apparently a spin-off of Magical Girl Apocalypse which I guess is magical girls + zombies? Didn't really ever think we needed a combination of magical girls and horror but here we are, I guess...
I just want to say right out of the gate I don't fucking see what people saw in this at all. And I'm not even talking about the people who liked it. I'm talking about the people who hated it and dropped it out of seemingly vehement disgust.
To me, it wasn't edgy enough. It wasn't gory enough, it wasn't bad enough, and it wasn't funny enough. It might partially be a result of the transition from manga into anime... like maybe there's some edgier stuff that was just toned the fuck down or something.
But yeah, episode one was the closest this series had me going. The over the top tragedy stuff with Asagiri was wonderful. When she was talking about like wanting to die, I kind of couldn't think of a rebuttal. Because of what we're shown of her life, it's basically a living nightmare.
She gets the shit kicked out of her and is tormented at school, then she comes home and gets the shit kicked out of her by her sadist brother, and her parents just completely do not give a single shit. Also, the cat? The fucking cute cuddly looking cat that looks like it doesn't even belong in this series?
"Yeah, there's no way that cat's gonna be found by the bullies and be gruesomely killed in some wa--oh, it already happened."
For a glorious moment, I thought this was gonna be the series. Girls who have suffered horrible and terrible lives who are given magical girl powers and then just go on fuckin' RAMPAGES of viscera everywhere.
Instead no. Instead fucking no. Like that shit is immediately thrown out of the window once episode one is done. The show just immediately becomes finding out more about the site and magical girls entering a conflict between the entities that run the Mahou Shoujo Site. And...
...that was just supremely boring to me the entire way through. I just could not care less about it.
But the Tempest is gonna be an apocalyptic event and... I just did not give a single fuck. Like there's a point in the show where they describe like a way better version of this show, and that's like the idea that there's a contest of like winning your way to be guarantee your survival once the Tempest hits.
But the way to win the contest is you have to be like the magical girl who causes the most pain and suffering. Why couldn't that have been the show. Why couldn't that have been the fucking show.
Yet no, we gotta battle the Mahou Shoujo Site! Which... in addition to not caring much at all about, I'm not sure how I or anyone was expected to ever take seriously. Like I started laughing every single time they showed like the table with all of the site administrators around it. Wow, they look so spooky! I'm so scared!
These idiots are pissed off that the magical girls are using their powers against the site because they learned about the Tempest but how did they learn about the Tempest...? Oh, the way the site's programmed is if you click a certain part of a site administrator's body, that'll take you to another section of the site that is a literal countdown to this mysterious apocalyptic event that the site administrators seem very in favor of happening.
Maybe... maybe you should have... not had that be visible? On your site? That you run? You're the ones running the site so if you didn't want them to find out about that then WHY LET THEM BE ABLE TO ACCESS THAT?
Really, apart from I guess episode one, the closest times I was ever entertained through this show was when Asagiri's brother was on the screen or talking.
That voice actor knew exactly what was he doing and was just being as over the top and insane sounding
and annoyingas he possibly could. When the brother just starts full on fucking with the magical girls in spite of whatever's currently happening with the site, I was honestly very entertained.But good things of course have come to an end, and the show returns to the bland magical battles and talking about the site and I just... ugh.
Completely boring! I guess apart from Asagiri's brother, I kind of liked Asagiri's friend.
Though I've forgotten her name at this point.But that's about all the things I can think of even praising. Like the edgy parts or the parts where some of the magical girls were acting insane were... fun? It's... it's still just not enough.Maybe there'll be another magical girl and full on horror combination in the future that changes my mind (I doubt it), but I just don't think it works honestly. The spooky site administrators are just... they're just funny. I laughed or chuckled almost every single time they were on the screen and especially when they started battling with the magical girls. I would describe basically the entirety of this series as laughable.
When the most entertaining parts of your series is when you're trying to be as dark and "feel bad" as you possibly can, and the rest of your series is just occasional magical battles or just talking about a spooky mascot website that's gonna bring about the apocalypse (which of course sounds fun in concept but isn't in the execution)... eh. Just... eh.
A completely deserved 3 out of 10. I probably wouldn't recommend it. It's not good, and it's not funny enough to be "good bad." I guess when it comes down to it, all I'm saying is I really wish the entire series was about that brother character.
36/100Magical Girl Site es un gore-magical girl que no consigue destacar en ningún aspecto y sufre de muchas carencias.Continue on AniListOpinión general En principio, la combinación suena bien, y es precisamente por eso por lo que en un principio "Magical Girl Site" me llamó la atención. Precisamente el segundo anime que vi, [Madoka Magica](, tenía el gran giro siniestro que lo convirtió en una obra maestra y un clásico que sirvió como referencia a muchas obras venideras. Pero, en este caso, el resultado decepciona bastante. La serie trata de dar a sus personajes unas historias de sufrimiento que justifiquen la trama (y el por qué de convertirse en niñas mágicas), pero se queda corto de lejos y apenas llega para justificar un comportamiento extremadamente *edgy* del grupito. </center><center> Por supuesto, se cae en todos los tropos habidos y por haber. La típica figura protagonista que siempre ve el bien en los demás y al final resulta ser el camino correcto. La chica con atributos femeninos desmesurados. La escenita en la playa e incluso uno de los favoritos del público, el célebre *trap* en forma de personaje andrógino que es acosado por vestir como una chica. Aparece también el menos abusado, pero aun así en cierta manera molesto, personaje que trata de ser *badass* pero que al final no se traduce en una simpatía clara. Y este, en resumen, es el problema, la simpatía que no consiguen generarte los personajes, que son tan genéricos que podrían copiarse y pegarse en un battle royale y ni se enterarían. </center><center> En cuanto a la historia, se genera un desarrollo muy predecible, que prometía violencia, giros dramáticos y el descubrimiento de la verdad, pero que no logra generar interés en la verdadera razón detrás de los eventos de la trama. Y esto es un problema serio, ya que el plot twist que suelen buscar este tipo de animes determina en gran parte que éste merezca la pena (véase, de nuevo, [Madoka Magica]( o el menos conocido [Mahou Shojo Ikusei Keikaku]( </center><center> La animación es decente pero con ciertas carencias, como excesivo uso de cámara fija. El componente estratégico que se le podría haber sacado a las peleas, o una sensación de urgencia y peligro que podría haberse generado en el espectador, apenas se explotan, y hace que sean bastante genéricas y aburridas. </center><center> No hablemos del fanservice, del día de la playa o incluso del báculo mágico que son unas braguitas que hacen que todo el mundo se enchoche del portador. Pero precisamente se puede aprovechar este punto para decir que no todo es malo. El personaje de Kaname, el hermano mayor de Aya, es lo único que salva esta serie. Precisamente sobresale en generar sensaciones (de asco, odio, pero sensaciones al fin y al cabo) y tiene dos momentos que me hicieron genuinamente partirme el culo (aunque no tengo muy claro que la serie pretendiese que el espectador se riese) (entiéndase la elección de palabras). (Cap. 8, minuto 15) </center><center> Terminando con esta nota agridulce, creo que no recomendaría este anime excepto al más acérrimo defensor de los Mahou Shojo con un carácter más oscuro. </center>~~~ ¡Gracias por llegar hasta aquí! Un saludo de SiegmAer, de Catarina.
5/100It is magical how edgy, hilarious and unwatchable this is.Continue on AniListThis review contains spoilers.
This review was originally written on Jun 23, 2018; rewritten on Dec 3, 2022.
**〈 A repulsively worthless joke of a series... 〉**
I have a love-and-hate relationship with edgy anime. Sometimes, in spite of their varying quality, they can be fun. While on other occasions, they are nothing short of abysmal.
While many deem the word "edgy" to be nothing more than a buzzword that is used as a substitute for concrete arguments, it cannot be denied that there are countless examples of shows that could be labelled as such. Sure, the definition and what classifies a series as edgy may differ from person to person. However, it is undeniable that _Mahou Shojo Site_ embodies the "trying way too hard to be cool that it comes off as cringe-worthy" definition in every sense of the word. The show combines the edginess with a complete lack of creativity, care, wit and passion, which qualified it to become a product that is unbelievably disgusting, hilariously cretinous and undeserving of even an ounce of respect.
_Mahou Shojo Site's_ narrative has but one goal in mind: being as over-the-top, shocking, controversial and off-putting as humanly possible. This approach is more than apparent in the very first episode. Through its twenty-something minutes' runtime, we are forced to endure witnessing comically excessive and exaggerated bullying, domestic abuse and even sexual assault inflicted on [Aya Asagiri](, the protagonist, by the people around her. In case you, the viewer, were not already taken aback by the extremeness of its corniness, the show continues displaying such images in a painfully consistent manner. The entire world she inhabits seems to be filled to the brim with moustache-twirling villains who, in their free time, tie damsels in distress to rail tracks for their sick amusement. The school bullies and her abusive, psychotic [brother]( grin with utmost glee when they have the chance to harm the protagonist, both physically and mentally.
However, everything changes when Asagiri discovers the eponymous Magical Girl site. She obtains a magical item, meets and befriends other girls, and the show tries to push its actual plot forward. Yet, any plot point or development does not amount to anything. Characters interact with each other, exchange dialogue between themselves and perform certain actions, but this does not bear any significance. It is comparable to observing paint dry; it does nothing for you. At this point, it is merely pointless. The facade fell off, and the true intentions revealed themselves. The anime never cared about its narrative or characters, as there is no clear direction for most of the anime's duration. What truly matters is the shock factor, the "cute" high school girls acting like psychopaths and trying to make the viewer as uncomfortable as possible.
As for the characters, I am in never-ceasing bewilderment. Putting aside the bullies and Asagiri's brother, we are greeted by a whole horde of cardboard cutouts that are devoid of any personality, goals, creativity and humanity. Despite her absurdly cruel environment, Aya fails to be a character worth rooting for. She is one of the laziest depictions of an abused and depressed person in fiction, and the show does not care about her. She is cannon fodder and a punching bag used to generate shock, nothing more and nothing less. The people she becomes friends with are even worse. They are all psychopaths who abused and even killed someone at one point, yet the show never questions their actions. As long as you are an awful person for someone other than the protagonist, it is all dandy. It is impossible to care about these ridiculously one-note personages who feel like horrid caricatures pulled straight from a fanfiction piece written by an edgy teenager.
I would forgive the show for all of its sins if it managed to be ironically funny. It takes itself so seriously that I was more than willing to sit back and enjoy the absurdity and the shallowness. However, _Mahou Shoujo Site_ fails to do that much. It not even once managed to make me laugh; it is just that monotonous and tiring. Not even a generous amount of alcohol within my blood would make this travesty anything worthwhile.
The production values are merely lifeless and bare-bones. The art style is plainly ugly, as the colours, the backgrounds and the character design are detestable, unpolished and hollow. The fact the art style is hyperfocused on the psycho, crazy faces everyone has to display at least once does not help. The animation is junky, inconsistent and rigid, but at the very least, it is present. None of the insert songs was passable enough for my brain to remember. The same thing applies to the opening as well. The sole highlight of the audiovisuals is the ending, which combines 2D and live-action with sperm flying in the background. I wish I was joking right now.
I could have gone into much greater detail in this write-up, yet I deem it unnecessary. It may not be my bête noire, but MHS does not deserve any investment or attention. In each and every episode, it unquestionably demonstrates how horrendous, vile, tryhard, shallow, shock-factor-fulled and disgraceful it is at the core. It is torture to watch, and that is all there is to it.
**〈 ...that does not deserve your time. 〉**
ANIME HorrorGakkou Gurashi!
ANIME DramaSchool Days (TV)
ANIME DramaJigoku Shoujo
ANIME ActionDarwin's Game
ANIME ActionNo Guns Life
ANIME ActionMirai Nikki
- (3/5)
Ended inJune 23, 2018
Main Studio production doA
Favorited by 771 Users
Hashtag #魔法少女サイト